Sejarah Revolusi Industri

  • Dito Fernando Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
  • Fahruddin Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Keywords: renaissance, britain, industrial revolution


The purpose of writing this book review article: (1) to explain the Condition of British Society Before the Industrial Revolution. (2) describes the Industrial Revolution. (3) explaining the impact of the industrial revolution. The results of this study found that (1) the condition of English society before experiencing the industrial revolution first experienced the dark ages where the church controlled many aspects of life. (2) the industrial revolution is a change in the replacement of human power by machine power. (3) the impact of the industrial revolution affected the social, economic, and political fields.


Fajariah, M., & Suryo, D. (2020). Sejarah Revolusi Industri di Inggris Pada Tahun 1760-1830. HISTORIA : Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, 8(1), 77.
Kusnandar, A. (n.d.). REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 1.0 HINGGA 4.0. 1–8.
How to Cite
Fernando, D., & Fahruddin. (2023). Sejarah Revolusi Industri. Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora), 7(1), 94-98.