Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) 2024-04-17T16:20:42+00:00 Agus Mursidi Open Journal Systems <p>Santhet Journal (e-ISSN: 2541-6130 Print ISSN 2541-2523) published by the Historical Education Study Program of the Teaching and Education Faculty of PGRI Banyuwangi University, published twice in April and October. The Santan Journal covers all fields and periods in historical education, Indonesian history and Humanities, which discuss all aspects of history including economic, social, cultural, and political. All who discuss history are also invited.</p> <p>This journal accepts a variety of formats including articles from scientific forums, review essays, and special issues. The editor also receives book reviews for publication in a special section of the publication. These articles can be written for submission in Indonesian and English</p> LINGUAL FORM OF GARDEN NAMES AT RANOYAPO 2024-02-05T14:47:18+00:00 Vivi Nansy Tumuju Vany Kamu Donald R. Lotulung James Edward Lalira <p>This research aims to find out the lingual forms and cultural meanings that appear in place naming and is studied based on the formation process, use, characteristics, and also the history of the Tontemboan language form, the local language spoken in Ranoyapo sub-district which is used as the research location. Place naming refers to the study of anthropological linguistics, which studies language and history. This research is qualitative and uses a descriptive approach. In the field of linguistics, this method is used by researchers to find out about many things related to society through language and its terminology. In collecting the data, the researcher used the method of simak and cakap from Mahsun (2007), with the aim of collecting data in the form of lingual forms and the phenomenon of naming places that appear in an utterance. Meanwhile, the commensurate and distributional methods were used to analyse the lingual form data to its smallest level. Based on the results of the research, root words dominate place naming besides being caused by affixation, reduplication, and composition. For example: Danda' [dandaɂ] 'name of the creek', Sukuyon [sukuyon] 'name of the creek', Kayong [kayoŋ] 'name of the creek', Sasano [sasano] 'name of the creek', Gawayas [gawayas] 'guava tree', Pahlawan [hero] 'hero', pa'boseng [paɂboseŋ] 'name of the creek', Ma'tenem [maɂtenəm] 'drying'. Land names with the lingual forms above are location identities in which there are aspects of domination such as water, plants, people, land, objects, stones, and animals.</p> 2023-10-17T15:35:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Local Maritime Kingdoms in the Nusantara Archipelago (Study of High School Social Studies History Textbook) 2023-11-06T18:23:10+00:00 Nur Syafarudin Agus Mursidi <p>The maritime kingdoms in the Nusantara region hold significance in being preserved for future generations through history textbooks as sources and learning media. The challenge lies in how the local maritime kingdoms in Nusantara are presented in the high school history textbooks for Social Studies subjects. The research method employed is qualitative and descriptive, utilizing documents from the 1994, 2006, and 2013 editions of the IPS History textbooks as the data source. Data analysis is conducted by applying Teun A. van Dijk's three dimensions of text, social cognition, and social context theory.The findings reveal that several local maritime kingdoms emphasized in the high school History textbooks are the Kingdoms of Srivijaya, Majapahit, Demak, Samudra Pasai, and Makassar. These kingdoms held strategic positions in maritime regions, with ports serving as trade hubs and transit centers, alongside active community participation in maritime trade activities. A key characteristic of these kingdoms was their strong naval fleets, crucial for maintaining security and order in the sea waters.</p> 2023-10-17T15:49:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Posmodernisme Sastra dalam Novel Kita Pergi Hari Ini Karya Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie 2023-11-29T02:19:58+00:00 Nopita Legi Elfitra Ahada Wahyusari <p>The study discusses literary postmodernism contained in the literary work of in the novel We GO Today by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie. The aim of this research is to describe the criticism of literary postmodernism in. in the novel We GO Today by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data in this study are in the form or words or sentences contained in the novel We Go Today by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie. The data collection techniques used to obtain research data are note-taking and observing technique. The data analysis technique used is content analysis bt reading, analyzing, describing, and concluding the contents of the data found in the novel We GO Today by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie. Theses data are found in quotations taken from narratives or dialogues between characters. The result of this study are that the are criticisms of literary postmodernism in the form oq 1) capitalism with various characteristics such as spontaneousness, fact, and gesture, 2) Parody with satire and irony, 3) reification with findings on the nature of social reality and cultural phnenomena.</p> 2023-10-17T15:52:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Implementation of Project Instruments to Measure Creativity in History Learning Using Canva Platform for Grade X and XI at SMAN 4 Yogyakarta 2023-11-28T14:11:45+00:00 Lia Januarsih Dhorika Hasna Yohanes Elfanius Fahruddin <p class="06Kata-kataKunci" style="margin-left: 0in; text-indent: 0in;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Arial Narrow',sans-serif;">The aim of this research is to determine the extent of students' creativity in history learning, specifically in the subject of History (Specialization), at SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, through the utilization of technology such as Canva. This research adopts a Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach. The analysis of project-based creativity assessment that will be examined includes the validity test, reliability test, and expert judgment, using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 22.0 as supporting tools. The research findings indicate that the project-based creativity assessment was conducted with 72 data from a total of 144 students in grade 10 and 11. The students assessed each other, and then the teachers evaluated the students. The validity level (exceeding the critical value) of the assessment of creativity, as evaluated among students, was deemed valid in terms of planning, implementation, and reporting aspects. However, in the evaluation conducted by the teachers, the planning aspect was considered invalid, while the implementation and reporting aspects were valid. The inter-rater reliability of the data among students was 0.693, and among teachers was 0.584, indicating reliability. The expert judgment test, conducted through a questionnaire answered by experts regarding the statements, indicated that the instrument was deemed suitable for use. The analysis of the project assessment results, in measuring creativity through the utilization of technology with Canva, is highly recommended as it can enhance creativity in history.</span></p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) The PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PETI ILMU PERSUASI PADA MATERI TEKS PERSUASI SISWA KELAS VIII SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI 7 TANJUNGPINANG TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023 2023-11-28T14:24:06+00:00 wanda monika putri wanda Legi Elfitra Siti Habiba <p>This research has the aim of developing a media for teaching the science of persuasion in persuasive text material for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 7 Tanjungpinang for the academic year 2022/2023. This study uses the 4D development model up to the development stage. The product developed in this study is a visual-based learning media with the basic ingredients of plywood and brown in color. This learning media has been assessed based on the assessment of two experts, namely media experts and material experts. The number of students in this media trial was 6 students for small groups and 36 students for large groups. Data collection techniques in this study, namely interviews, media validation questionnaires by media experts and material experts, as well as media practicality questionnaires by students. Data analysis techniques in this study were carried out using two techniques, namely descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. The results of this study obtained an average of 93% with the criteria of "very valid" for the media, an average of 95% with the criteria of "very valid" for the material. In addition, this research was tested on students who obtained an average of 84% with the criteria of "very practical" by small groups and an average of 90% with the criteria of "very practical" by small groups.</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes Through the Make a Match Method In Learning History in Class XI SMA Negeri 3 Bangko Pusako 2023-11-28T14:54:39+00:00 Cici Rahma Arbain Bedriati Ibrahim Suroyo <p><em>This study aims to find out by using the make a match method in learning history in class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 3 Bangko Pusako with Youth Pledge material can improve student learning outcomes. This research was conducted in class XI IPS 2 which consisted of 30 students, namely 17 female students and 13 male students. This research is Classroom Action Research or PTK. This research consisted of 2 cycles namely cycle I and cycle II. Each cycle consists of 4 phases which are planning, action implementation, observation and finally reflection. Method of data collection in this study used teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets and test questions. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, in cycle I the results were obtained: 12 students who completed or 40% and 18 students who did not complete or 60%. Then in cycle II there was an increase, namely 27 students who completed or 90% and 3 students who did not complete or 10%. So it can be concluded that student learning outcomes per cycle that match the KKM criteria have increased by 50%.</em></p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR HAND OUT DENGAN PENDEKATAN KOMUNIKATIF PADA TEKS PROSEDUR SISWA KELAS VII SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI 7 KOTA TANJUNGPINANG 2023-11-28T15:32:20+00:00 Norahsikin Isnaini Leo Shanty Tety Kurmalasari <p>This study aims to describe the development of Hand Out Teaching Materials <br>with a Communicative Approach to the Text Procedure of Class VII Students of <br>Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 7 Tanjungpinang City by conducting validity <br>and practicality tests. This research is a research and development using a 4D model <br>with stages of defining, design, and development. Data collection at Sekolah <br>Menengah Pertama Negeri 7 Tanjungpinang City on a population of 498 students <br>and sampled as much as 10% of each class then obtained a sample of 52 students. <br>The results of the study: 1) produced hand out teaching materials with a <br>communicative approach. 2) Hand out teaching materials with a communicative <br>approach meet very good criteria with the results of material validation by material <br>experts obtained a percentage of 82.5% and the results of teaching material <br>validation by teaching material experts obtained a percentage of 81.5%, so that <br>hand out teaching materials with a communicative approach are feasible to be <br>implemented to students. 3) The practicality of hand-out teaching materials with a <br>communicative approach by students obtained a percentage of 81.8% with very <br>practical criteria</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Analysis Of Language Errors At The Morphological Level In Anecdote Text Writing Of Class X Students MP (Marketing Management) Of SMK Negeri 3 Balikpapan Academic Year 2023/2024 2023-11-28T16:25:17+00:00 Kiftian Hady Prasetya Kasrini Pujining Utami Prita Indriawati Munirah <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the location of language errors in writing students' anecdotal texts, especially at the morphological level. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique used in this study was by giving assignments in the form of written text to class X MP (Marketing Management) students. The analysis in this study is by utilizing tables so that the analysis is more systematic and neat. The results showed that there are some students who still make mistakes in language, especially at the morphological level, which focuses on the removal of affixes, sounds that should not be melted, melting sounds that should not be melted, morpheme replacement, improper use of basic words, and improper repetition of words.</p> 2023-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Collection Based Storyline Developer in Pekanbaru's Sang Nila Utama Museum 2023-11-28T16:54:39+00:00 Sri Supitri Romdania Isjoni Suroyo <p>This research aims to develop a media display in the form of a video storyline about historical collections at the Sang Nila Utama Pekanbaru Museum. Storyline is a storyline that is usually made in the form of written work, animation or it can also be in the form of a movie/video that tells a clear and directed story. This type of research is Research and Development. The results showed that the development of istoric-based Storyline in the Museum was 88% or with a very good category while for the material was 95% or very good category. the results of this study indicate that this Storyline can be applied to the Sang Nila Utama Museum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Perception of History Teachers of Independent Learning Curriculum at Man 2 Pekanbaru 2023-11-28T17:18:32+00:00 Bunga Berliana Sari <p><em>The purpose of this research is to find out the perception of History teachers towards the independent learning curriculum at MAN 2 Pekanbaru, to find out what obstacles history teachers face in implementing the independent learning curriculum at MAN 2 Pekanbaru, and to find out what efforts are made by history teachers against obstacles that occur in implementing the independent learning curriculum at MAN 2 Pekanbaru. This research uses qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in this study were 3 history teachers. The results in this study indicate that History teachers at MAN 2 Pekanbaru have a fairly good perception of the independent learning curriculum. The obstacles faced by History teachers are the lack of government socialization before the implementation of the independent learning curriculum and the lack of preparation from teachers. The efforts made by History teachers to overcome the obstacles that occur are by attending training held by madrasah and by studying the independent learning curriculum on the internet.</em></p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Changes in the Livelihood System of the Kerang Dayo Village Community from Loggers to Oil Palm Farmers (2010-2020) 2023-12-03T09:07:21+00:00 Rochgiyanti Yunarti Sulistia Fathurrahman Daud Yahya Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri <p>This research aims to uncover and analyze changes in the livelihoods of the Kerang Dayo Village community in the period 2010-2020, focus on the transition from livelihoods as loggers to farmers palm oil. This research uses a historical methodology approach to understand the factors that influence this transformation. Primary data was obtained through interviews with residents of Kerang Dayo Village who work as palm oil farmers, while secondary data was obtained from the village fund budget, the village government agency, and the local government. statistical center, and related historical sources. The research results show that there are several factors that make the community in Kerang Dayo Village switched professions from loggers to palm oil farmers. In the past, wood was the source of main source of livelihood, but over time the supply of timber commodities in the forest has increased. restricted forest area. As a result of this, it encouraged logging workers looking for alternative jobs by becoming palm oil farmers. Interest people of Kerang Dayo Village become palm oil farmers because of the benefits that obtained is greater than being a woodchopper.</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Development Of Teaching Modules Based On Local Wisdom In Learning Literature Writing For Students In Elementary School Teacher Education Program 2023-12-03T09:32:19+00:00 Hety Diana Septika Mohammad Ilyas Kiftian Hady Prasetya <p>This research focuses departs from local wisdom arising from the diversity of tribes, ethnicities and religions that are different for each region in Indonesia, thus making Indonesia have a multicultural society according to the attributes of each region, specifically in this study in East Kalimantan. The introduction of local wisdom for prospective teachers at the basic education level is very important as a basis for introducing elements of regional culture and customs in the educator environment. The urgency of this research focuses on the important role of educators in implementing the learning process with local wisdom content in terms of planning modules based on local wisdom. Teaching modules based on local wisdom are intended to introduce East Kalimantan regional culture to prospective educators, especially elementary school teachers. The task of the educator has an important role in implementing the learning process based on local wisdom by using teaching modules. This study aims to determine the steps for preparing local wisdom-based learning modules and to determine the effectiveness of the modules. The research method used is the ADDIE modeling R&amp;D (Research and Development). The results of the research and development were found as follows: (1) The content and local wisdom context of the people of East Kalimantan which are relevant to the material for studying literary writing in teaching literature in elementary schools, (2) the results of validation by media experts on modules based on local wisdom in learning to write literature in learning literature in SD in the very appropriate category, (3) the results of the validation of material experts on modules based on local wisdom learning to write literature in learning literature in SD in the very feasible category, (4) student responses to modules based on local wisdom learning to write literature in learning literature in SD with a decent category.</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Ancient Chinese Marriage Culture 2023-12-03T09:31:05+00:00 Yohan Yusuf Arifin <p>Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. Every existing cultural heritage has its own characteristics and uniqueness. This cultural heritage develops from time to time so it is worth studying to open our insights into related cultures. This study aims to discuss one of the cultural heritages of China, namely the culture of marriage that occurred in ancient Chinese society. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using literature related to the topics to be discussed in this study as reference material. It is hoped that through this research, it can provide benefits to those who study Chinese culture, especially the marriage culture of ancient Chinese society.</p> 2023-12-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Corporate Responsibility to the Community: A Study of CSR Implementation of PT. AMM in Kutai Kartanegara 2023-12-03T09:47:33+00:00 Muhamad Alisalman Mustangin Mustangin Abdillah Gymnastiar Gaza Tito Amellya Pasha <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of CSR Programs at PT. AMM in empowering the poor to get out of poverty through solving unemployment problems. This research uses a qualitative research approach because it is in accordance with the purpose of the study, which is to examine more deeply the implementation of PT. AMM. Data collection in this study by interview, observation and document study methods. Data analysis in this study is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Data validity checking techniques use source triangulation and triangulation techniques. The results showed that PT. AMM has a CSR program in empowering the people of Jempayan Village. In its implementation, the community is given catering and laundry business opportunities. This shows that PT. AMM has a role in providing job opportunities to the people of Jempayan Village in Kutai Kartanegara. So that people have their own income, which was previously an unemployed society.</p> 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) THE MEANING OF METAPHOR IN SONG LYRICS PAK NGAH SUHARDI S 2024-03-19T04:46:01+00:00 Norizan Ahada Wahyusari Tety Kurmalasari <p>This study aims to describe the style of metaphor found in ten songs by Pak Ngah Suhardi S on YouTube entitled Mother, Rinduku, Rindu Ayah Bunda, Syafa'at, Kampung Halaman, Senja Dikuala Daik, Bunda Tanah Melayu, Uphold Culture, Let Love Bersemi and Pak Ngah Balek. the method used by the researcher is descriptive because the researcher wants to describe the types of metaphorical language styles found in the songs by Pak Ngah Suhardi S, the research technique that the researcher uses is a qualitative technique because the data produced is in the form of written words in the form of song lyrics by Pak Ngah Suhardi S, classifies and analyzes song lyrics. The results of this study describe the style of metaphorical language that exists in ten songs by Pak Ngah Suhardi S. The results obtained are based on the data that has been obtained, the researcher obtains seventy-nine data obtained in ten song lyrics by Pak Ngah Suhardi S. The data is divided into anthropomorphic metaphors. as many as twenty four data, then on the synesthetic metaphor there are two data and on the abstracting metaphor there are fifty three data obtained.</p> 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Auction Of The Executed Collateral Object Under Fiduciary Guarantee 2023-12-03T10:09:07+00:00 Dewi Kurniawati Moh Saleh <p>This research endeavors to analyze two crucial aspects within the legal framework of Indonesia, primarily in response to Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019. First, it delves into the coercive power of debtors regarding the surrender of fiduciary guarantee objects and examines the implications of the Constitutional Court's ruling, which allows debtors the choice not to voluntarily relinquish collateral objects, thus introducing ambiguity regarding the obligations outlined in Article 30 of the Fiduciary Guarantee Law. Consequently, this decision extends the execution process, increases costs, dampens the business climate, and diminishes potential Non-Tax State Revenue. Furthermore, creditors are challenged in executing defaults, now necessitating court orders and rendering the once-efficient process laborious. Second, the research navigates the intricacies of conducting auctions for executed fiduciary guarantee objects, elucidating the legal framework governing auctions in Indonesia, where transparency, competition, certainty, accountability, and efficiency are paramount. The study unveils the procedure for initiating auctions, the criteria for prospective participants, and the guiding principles of these auctions. In conclusion, this research calls for comprehensive studies by policymakers prior to any revisions in the Fiduciary Security Law, given the growing diversity of collateral objects and the complexities stemming from Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019. It underscores the need to modernize movable property security laws to adapt to evolving societal dynamics, consolidate fiduciary security regulations, and streamline the procedures for auctioning executed fiduciary collateral objects</p> 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) ANALYZING THE HISTORY AND SOCIAL VALUES OF THE KELAYAN MUHAMMADIYAH MOSQUE 2023-12-03T10:26:19+00:00 Muhammad Rico Herry Porda Nugroho Putro Syaharuddin <p>Banjarmasin is a city where the majority of the population is Muslim, this is proven by the many mosques that are hundreds of years old. One of the mosques which stands on Jalan Kelayan B Banjarmasin is not only a place of worship but also a social center with the existence of BPK MMK which aims to help residents, especially the South Banjarmasin sub-district. This mosque is a historic mosque beloging to the Muhammadiyah organization in the city of Banjarmasin. It has a special style for the city of Banjarmasin because the front faces the bank of the kelayan river. The Kelayan Muhammadiyah Mosques was founded 85 years ago, when there were Muhammadiyah activities in Banjarmasin, this mosque was always visited considering the history of the mosque’s founding which at that time was still during the Dutch occupation era, but the enthusiasm for building a mosque was quite high among residents around the South Banjarmasin sub-district. The research uses qualitative methods wihich are described descriptively. Data was collected from observation and in-depth interviews. Sample determination was carried out using the snowball sampling technique. The benefit of this writing is to provide information to the public that the kelayan Muhammadiyah Mosque is full of history and social values and needs to be maintained as one of the icons of the city of Banjarmasin.</p> 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) The TROWULAN'S EXISTENCE IN THE ARCHIPELAGO: MAJAPAHIT DURING THE RAJASANAGARA GOVERNMENT 2023-12-03T10:37:58+00:00 Iqrapandu wijaya <p>Majapahit was a maritime empire which in its heyday controlled most of the archipelago. Majapahit's global political and commercial influence extended to all corners of the archipelago, so that Majapahit was known as a large empire with a magnificent fleet. The glory of Majapahit was obtained during the reign of Rajasanagara who succeeded in introducing Majapahit outside Java and recognized the sovereignty of his kingdom by regions outside Java or the Archipelago. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using historical methods with heuristic stages, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. This research produces a description of the Majapahit kingdom which reached its peak of glory and power when it was led by Rajasanagara with the center of its kingdom being in Trowulan. This is evidenced by relic sites and findings from the Majapahit era found at the Trowulan site. The progress of the Majapahit civilization can be seen from the buildings erected, the art of statues and the famous law and literature books.</p> 2023-11-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Remains of the Bumi Ayu Site as Evidence of Religious Tolerance During the Sriwijaya Independence Period 2023-12-03T10:46:15+00:00 Dhanty Rahmallah Agustina Dhanty LR. Retno Susanti <p>“Remains of the Bumi Ayu Site as Evidence of Religious Tolerance During the Sriwijaya Independence Period” according to the study. The problem in this study is how the form of the remains of the Bumi Ayu site during the Sriwijaya Independence period, what are the religious values on the remains of the Bumi Ayu temple site and what are the forms of religious tolerance in the Bumi Ayu community during the Sriwijaya Independence era. The goal of the study is to learn more about the issues mentioned above. The research approach employed is the historical method, which includes heuristics, source critique, interpretation, historiography, and interviews, as well as literature study. While theology, archaeological, and pluralism techniques are employed. This study looks at the Bumi Ayu bathing Site, Buddhist remains at the Bumi Ayu Bathing site, which consists of Temples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, as well as statues in the temple above. Religious values in the heritage of the Bumi Ayu site and forms of religious tolerance in the Bumi Ayu people during the Sriwijaya period. The findings revealed that at the Bumi Ayu Bathing site there were three different religious sects namely Siwais Hinduism, Tantrayana Hinduism, and Buddhism. The three religious are proven by the discovery of statues from each religious relic. So that in the Bumi Ayu Bathing complex it is believed that there has been religious tolerance among the people around the Bumi Ayu Bathing site.</p> 2023-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Dampak Perubahan Transportasi Air Ke Darat Pada Masyarakat Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selatan Tahun 1990-2008 2023-12-03T17:53:28+00:00 Muhammad Sofian Syauri Mansyur Mohamad Zaenal Arifin Anis <p>The main problem studied in this research concerns the impact of changing water transportation to land transportation in the South Banjarmasin sub-district 1990-2008. There is negative impact, namely land transportation pollution. general, the definition of air pollution is the difference in actual air composition with normal air conditions where the actual air composition does not support human life. Air pollution materials or substances themselves can be in the form of gases and particles. Then there was conflict over land acquisition in the context of road construction. The amount of land compensation demanded by community because their land was affected by a road construction project was not in accordance with the budget owned the Banjarmasin City Government. Apart from that, individuals usually play for their own interests in order to gain profits. The positive impact on the people of South Banjarmasin District resulting from land transportation&nbsp;general overcoming distance and communication gap in transportation, in this case it necessary to overcome the distance and communication gap between the place of origin and the destination. Furthermore, speeding up the traffic of people and goods. The method used in this research uses the historical method through the Heuristic stage (data collection), internal and external criticism of the data obtained, interpretation and historiography of historical writing based on the data that has been obtained according the researcher's objectives. The novelty of this research that no previous research has specifically discussed the impact of changes in water transportation, especially in the South Banjarmasin sub-district area.</p> 2023-11-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAM BY MALIM SALAWET IN MANDAILING NATAL IN 1810-1870 A.D 2023-12-30T16:30:24+00:00 fadhillah ani Hasibuan Achiriah Solihah Titin Sumanti <p>The aim of this research is to describe the history and development of the Islamic religion in Mandailing Natal. The research method used is historical research methods. Research subjects were grouped into two groups, namely primary and secondary data sources. Primary data sources include handwritten Al-Quran, books written by his descendants and visits to Malim Salawet and several of his descendants, while secondary data sources were obtained from several libraries. Data collection techniques: observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the first Muslims who entered and developed in Mandailing Natal Regency were from Pasaman, Minang Kabau, West Sumatra, and they came from Natal which was the original Islamic settlement in Mandailing&nbsp;Natal.</p> 2023-11-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Aspek – Aspek Psikologis dalam Tradisi “Nyumbang” Masyarakat Suku Jawa 2023-12-16T14:36:02+00:00 Yosinta Ayuwandani Marselius Sampe Tondok <p><em>In the context of Indonesia's multicultural society, in the Javanese community, there exists the tradition of "Nyumbang," which is an integral part of Javanese life with rich cultural values. In the context of a collectivist society, the "Nyumbang" tradition encompasses psychological aspects that have not been explored in previous research. Therefore, this study aims to explore and elucidate the psychological aspects of the "Nyumbang" tradition in the Javanese community. This research employed a literature review method by conducting a search and analysis of relevant articles related to the "Nyambung" tradition. The researchers utilized pertinent theories in social psychology to unveil the psychological aspects contained within this tradition. This research found there are there main psychological aspects in the "Nyumbang” namely prosocial behavior, reciprocity, and collectivism. Events such as celebrations or weddings held by local people certainly require large costs. Based on this, there is a tradition of donating which aims to provide assistance to people who have needs. In this case, the material given in the tradition of donating can be in the form of money or in the form of materials. The conclusion obtained is that the psychological concept contained in the “Nyumbang” tradition is collectivism.</em></p> 2023-12-16T14:35:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Contribution of Swamp Buffalo Farms and Coconut PlantationsPalm Oil on the Income Structure of Farmer Households in Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency 2023-12-16T14:43:31+00:00 Melisa Prawitasari Sriwati Rochgiyanti Muhammad Rizki Pratama Nadia Oktaviani Ni Made Febrianti Eka Putri <p>Work as a buffalo breeder has been developed for generations in Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Swamp buffalo farming has become the main source of livelihood for livestock farmers and provides large profits. Since the existence of nucleus and plasma oil palm plantations, the living space for swamp buffalo has been reduced. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the contribution of swamp buffalo farming and oil palm plantations to the structure of household income in Kuripan District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province. The research was conducted using qualitative methods. For data collection purposes, data sources were determined purposefully and snowball. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is carried out continuously while in the field. The process of data collection and presentation is carried out based on the stages of data reduction, data display and data verification. The research results show that swamp buffalo farming as the main livelihood has contributed to the household income structure of the breeders.</p> 2023-12-16T14:43:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Aspects Distribution in Actor Focus of Talaud Language 2023-12-16T15:03:34+00:00 James Edward Lalira Yopie A.T. Pangemanan Jane E. Scipio Vivi N. Tumuju <p>This study aims to describe the form of actor aspect in the focus of Talaud language. Focus refers to a person (more than one) or all living beings, both animals and plants, who can do something and have an impact. In other words, actor focus refers to the speaker's attention to the syntactic-semantic relationship between predicates and nouns to explain who or what is the actor behind. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The population used is native speakers over 30 years old with qualified speaking skills and good mastery of the target language. Mahsun's (2005) Simak method was used to collect data, while Subroto's (2007) Distributional method was used to analyse language data that showed indications of aspectual use in the focus of the actor. This study centres on the morphemic process in predicates. Predicates in Talaud language are usually filled by verbs and the results of word-forming tools such as affixes and re-forms. For the purpose of analysis, the researcher describes the types of verbs (which function as predicates in sentences) in order to see the morphemic process that results in the substitution of nouns to certain parts of the sentence. After passing the analysis stage, six types of aspects that affect the formation of the actor aspect were found, namely inceptive, progressive, perfective, affirmative inceptive, affirmative progressive and sesative. This research shows the disclosure of focus grammatically. Every syntactic function such as noun and adverb can be substituted due to the morphemic process in the predicate.</p> 2023-12-16T15:03:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora THE ASSESMENT OF HISTORY LEARNING IN IMPLEMENTATION OF KURIKULUM MERDEKA 2023-12-16T15:39:09+00:00 Laely Armiyati Leo Agung <p>History learning includes three activities, namely planning, implementation and assessment. However, history teachers tend to be more concerned with planning and implementation, while the assessment aspect is considered less important. In the Kurikulum Merdeka, assessment is an activity that is as important as learning, even the official guidelines are entitled "Learning and Assessment Guidelines". This article aims to analyze how history learning is assessed in the implementation of the independent curriculum. The method used is literature study, namely analyzing books, articles, guidelines and regulations related to assessment and the Kurikulum Merdeka. Assessment in the Kurikulum Merdeka uses formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are carried out at the beginning and middle of learning, while summative assessments are carried out at the end of learning. The purpose of formative assessment is to improve the quality of learning, while summative determines the student's final grade. History learning in the Kurikulum Merdeka has several strands or skills which are also elements of learning outcomes. In preparing a history learning assessment, the teacher first determines the skills/strands and learning objectives, then decides on the form and technique of the relevant instruments. Determination of assessments needs to look at student characteristics so that student-centered learning can truly be implemented. Forms of instruments that can be used other than multiple choice are open questions, essay writing, and projects or investigations. The instrument technique can use checklist guidelines, point systems, and assessment rubrics</p> 2023-12-16T15:11:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora The Effect of Teacher Competence and Students Motivation in Adventist Junior Hight School Olobaru, Parigi Mautong Regency 2023-12-19T17:09:18+00:00 Julita Inggrinne Nelwan Cornelia Timpal James Edward Lalira <p>In addition to a well-organised system or management, learning also requires qualified teachers, namely teachers who are able to display student learning motivation in carrying out their duties and obligations professionally. As a form of scientific accountability, this research seeks to reveal the effect of teacher competence on student learning motivation, a spirit that must exist between the two parties to improve the quality of education. Armed with the use of quantitative research methods as a work reference, the researchers selected teachers and students at Adventist Junior High School Olobaru, Parigi Moutong Regency as population and samples. Observations, interviews and questionnaires were prepared as tools to collect data, while Sugiono's (2014) simple linear regression form served as the data analysis technique. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that teacher competence has a positive and significant influence on student learning motivation. This proves that improving teacher competence will also improve the quality of education nationally.</p> 2023-12-19T17:09:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora The Role Of The Community And Village Empowerment Office Of West Sumatra Province In Increasing The Capacity Of BUMnag Management 2023-12-19T17:18:58+00:00 Bonavidiawati Zebua Rizki Syafril <p>This research aims to determine role West Sumatra Province Community and Village Empowerment Service in increasing the capacity administrators of village/Nagari-owned enterprises. This research was conducted using qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results research concluded role Department of Empowerment and Community and Villages West Sumatra Province was to provide guidance and guidance to BUM Desa/Nagari. The activities carried out by PMD Service include carrying out coaching, technical guidance, socialization, data collection, supervision and monitoring in terms coaching for Village/Nagari BUMs as well as means of collaboration with third parties in supporting the development of Village/Nagari BUMs. Collaboration with 3rd parties The PMD Department collaborates with universities, for Village/Nagari BUM administrators who wish to continue their educational studies, campus will provide a 30% discount on tuition fees at Taman Siswa University and 25% at Darma Andalas University. There internship/KKN activities in cooperative studies at the Village/Nagari BUM office. In collaboration with Bank Nagari, there will be outreach to the directors of BUM Desa/Nagari regarding the provision of BUM Desa/Nagari business capital credit loans by Bank Nagari. Apart from that, the PMD Service also carries out assessments and appreciation in form of prizes for the best Village/Nagari BUMs every year as encouragement and motivation for Village/Nagari BUMs in West Sumatra. In increasing the capacity of Village/Nagari BUM administrators, there several obstacles or barriers to the PMD Service, including: lack of budget, so that the PMD Service limited in providing guidance and monitoring for Village/Nagari BUMs.</p> 2023-12-19T17:18:53+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora “Mari kitorang bapesta”: Budaya Pesta Dalam Masyarakat Minahasa Dilihat Dari Kacamata Hirarki Kebutuhan Maslow Dan Collective Self-Esteem 2023-12-26T06:18:33+00:00 Helen Subekti Listyo Yuwanto <p>Minahasan people of North of Sulawesi, Indonesia have a unique culture surrounding the feast. This culture can be traced as far as centuries old and was referring to the act of prayers and gratitude toward Gods and the ancestors for the overflowing harvest. As the time goes by, gratitude is no longer the sole reason for why this feast is being held. The feast has become a statement of social identity among the Minahasan. This also caused social problems such as debt-culture; taking debts from friends, family and/or neighbors for those who cannot afford to hold the feast then another problem arises when they cannot afford to pay their debts back. It has happened way too often that it caused plenty of conflicts between families, friends and/or neighbors. Through this paper, it has been found that multiple needs such as physiological, love and sense of belonging and esteem are fulfilled thoroughly. The esteem needs that are fulfilled can also relate to the collective self-esteem that can be seen through the solidarity of each member of the society supporting the feast to be held.</p> 2023-12-26T06:18:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora PEMENUHAN HAK UNTUK MENDAPATKAN PENDIDIKAN BAGI ANAK PENYANDANG DISABILITAS 2023-12-26T06:40:11+00:00 HANIF RAHARDJO <p><em>Disability means that the individual has sensory, mental, intellectual and physical limitations. People with disabilities have disadvantages in the social sector, based on this, local communities must protect people with disabilities through a social approach. The local community's view of people with disabilities is that they are mentally ill, so they are unable to do various kinds of work that are generally done by local people. The aim is to analyze the fulfillment of the right to education for children with disabilities. The research method uses qualitative research with a literature review approach. The results obtained are that children with disabilities generally have limitations in terms of sensory, mental, intellectual and physical aspects. For people with disabilities, of course they have difficulties or obstacles in fulfilling interactions with the environment. The conclusion drawn is that children with disabilities receive legal protection and fulfill their rights related to the education system in Indonesia. This legal basis is stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 31. The education obtained by individuals is of course to prepare themselves to obtain decent work in the future, as well as children with disabilities who have the right to obtain work. This is stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Article 27.</em></p> 2023-12-26T06:40:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Psychology and Culture: The Construct of Psychological Capital of Collective Culture H.E.R.O (Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism) in The Kebo- Keboan Tradition of Using Tribe, Banyuwangi 2024-01-09T15:35:42+00:00 Ivy Novenatha Karolina Tambun Marselius Sampe Tondok <p>The Using Tribe in Banyuwangi has many distinctive cultures that can attract tourists from foreign countries, because their rituals are known to have magical nuances. One of the traditions is the Kebo-Keboan/Keboan ceremony which is especially preserved by the residents of Alasmalang and Aliyan Village. This study aims to explore the social psychological values ​​contained in the Kebo-Keboan/Keboan tradition of the Using Tribe. Based on this conceptual exploratory study, the results show that the origins, the series of ceremonial processions and efforts to preserve this tradition contain aspects of psychological capital in the context of collective society, known as H.E.R.O (Hope, group- Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism). The findings of this psychology and cultural study can contribute to ideas to enrich insights in the field of cultural psychology in the context of an agrarian-collective society, and can also increase appreciation of cultural diversity to strengthen social cohesiveness in a pluralistic Indonesian society.</p> 2024-01-06T18:04:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora The Adaptive Strategies of Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Community in Response to the Late 20th Century Decline in Batik Industry 2024-01-09T15:50:46+00:00 Ilham Cahyo Widodo Hafizh Maulana Syah Putra <p>The decline of Laweyan batik industry in the late 20th century can be attributed to factors such as the advent of printing technology in the 1970s, economic crises, and a lack of generational continuity. The affordability and rapid production of printed batik led to a shift in consumer preference, causing traditional batik to lose its market share. The 1998 monetary crisis further exacerbated the industry's challenges. A crucial aspect was the reluctance of the younger generation to continue the batik tradition, contributing to the decline. The impact reverberated socially and economically, with bankruptcies forcing the sale of iconic Laweyan batik houses. However, the establishment of the Laweyan Batik Village Development Forum (FPKBL) in 2004 marked a strategic effort to revive the industry and promote batik tourism. The community adapted through diversification and tourism initiatives, turning Kampoeng Batik Laweyan into a cultural destination. Local collaboration and harmonious relationships among businesses in Kampoeng Batik Laweyan have played a pivotal role in sustaining both the industry and tourism. This initiative demonstrates that the sustainability of a tourism destination is not solely determined by external factors but also by internal community involvement and cooperation.</p> 2024-01-09T15:50:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Dutch Strategy in West Aceh (Aceh War, 1873-1906) 2024-01-09T15:59:37+00:00 Rahmatul Aulia <p>The western region of the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom began to be opened and developed in the 16th century on the initiative of the Sultan of Aceh, then continued by Sultan Iskandar Muda by bringing in the Aceh Rayeuk and Pidie people. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 caused international traffic between East and West to become increasingly busy. This influenced international competition in winning trade and fighting over colonial lands in Asia. After the Aceh Besar region was conquered, the geography of West Aceh, which was very politically and economically strategic, also had to be conquered, in order to maintain this very strategic trade route. On the other hand, the appointment of Teuku Umar as Commander of the Aceh War, whose territory was in western Aceh, meant that the Dutch were obliged to conquer this region in order to be able to run their&nbsp;government.</p> 2024-01-09T15:59:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Keadilan Dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana Secara Adat Di Desa Papring Kalipuro Banyuwangi 2024-01-11T17:29:50+00:00 Arie Ramadhani Desi Yunita Putri Roudhotul Jannah <p>This research aims to compile a codification of customary law in the village of Papring where in the future it will also be composed of changes from time to time so that it remains sustainable and becomes a reference for resolving criminal cases that fulfills a sense of justice for the Papring residents themselves. This research approach uses a normative approach and an empirical approach. This normative approach is carried out within the framework of understanding the material law of customary criminal law which is spread across various research results, models for resolving customary criminal cases in Papring village, doctrine and comparisons of other customary criminal laws in Indonesia. Meanwhile, an empirical approach was used to find out the extent of the use of customary criminal law in Papring village and the existence of new rules that have developed and apply both materially and formally. The results of this research are: Criminal cases of entering someone else's house without permission and fraud cases will be subject to fines and compensation from the victim to the perpetrator. This settlement contains the principle of a win-win solution and achieves the highest justice and justice is carried out quickly, simply and at low cost.</p> 2024-01-11T17:29:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Wastra Batik As A Fashion Interest Among Generation Z In The Community Of Remaja Nusantara (2023) 2024-01-11T17:43:45+00:00 Syifa Mahala Adjani <p>This research investigates the interest of Generation Z in batik textiles as a fashion element within the Nusantara Youth Community in Jakarta. Batik textiles are perceived not only as a fashion statement but also as a medium for expressing cultural identity. Generation Z, growing up in the digital era, integrates batik textiles with contemporary fashion trends. Each batik fabric possesses unique features and symbolism reflecting Indonesian culture. The Nusantara Youth Community, established in 2020, strives to preserve batik textiles through various activities and campaigns. The study employs an ethnographic approach, focusing on interactions within the community, revealing that Generation Z in Jakarta has a strong inclination towards batik textiles. The research aims to identify the aesthetic values driving their interest and to understand the effectiveness of the community's preservation campaigns. Findings indicate that Generation Z incorporates batik textiles into their fashion choices, influenced by both aesthetic appeal and cultural resonance. While the Nusantara Youth Community plays a role in this trend, a cultural understanding gap was identified that requires addressing. Overall, the research provides insights into the cultural fashion interests of Generation Z and the aspirations of the new generation towards cultural heritage.</p> 2024-01-11T17:43:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora LOCAL CONTENT OF PRIMARY SCHOOL ENGLISH AS A MEANS OF PRESERVING AND DEVELOPING REGIONAL ADVANTAGES AND WISDOM OF THE BANYUWANGI REGION 2024-01-23T10:58:01+00:00 Yuli Sugianto Supono Ach Zayul Mustain <p>This research is a study of students’ workbook in 41 elementary School in Banyuwangi City. The study was limited in used topic in each chapter, from the 1<sup>st</sup> grade to the 6<sup>th</sup> grade of elementary school. The decree of ministry of education and culture number 79, 2014 used as parameter of this study. The result indicated that from 6 different levels of workbook that is used by the students from 41 elementary schools, none of them took local uniqueness as their topic in workbooks. It also found that from 41 English teachers in 41 schools, researcher chose 20 teachers as data sampling to be observed. Found that most teachers never develop the topic in the workbooks, they used workbooks as what they are. Multicultural in Banyuwangi do not make teachers aware to promote it to their students.</p> 2023-12-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora THE ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF FOUNDATION BENEFIT OWNERS ARE REVIEWED FROM REGULATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 13 OF 2018 2024-02-11T20:51:35+00:00 Victor Marsangap Nainggolan Habib Adjie <p>To achieve a guarantee, certainty and legal order, the beneficial owners of the foundation must play a role and be responsible in the form of openness and accountability to the State by carrying out ownership reports. This is a form of implementation Presidential Decree No 13/2018. In addition, to create transparency in the context of preventing and eradicating criminal acts of money laundering and terrorist financing This type of research in legal writing is normative legal research (normative legal research) or doctrinal legal research. The approach method used is a conceptual approach (conceptual approach), namely the study departs from the views and doctrines that have developed in legal science. The role and responsibilities of beneficial owners in foundation legal entities, both when first established and already in operation, are required to comply with the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 13/2018, namely conducting an ownership report. This ownership report needs to be disclosed because there is potential for abuse of power within the foundation. Principles and accountability in foundation management are very necessary to ensure that foundation organs carry out their duties solely to achieve the foundation's social goals and not for other purposes in order to realize good governance within the foundation</p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora LEGAL CERTAINTY IN ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURING OF MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES 2024-02-11T20:50:56+00:00 Aisyah Juliviani I Moh. Saleh <p><em>The debt guarantee that will be given by the prospective debtor will be associated with a right to guarantee according to the type of guarantee submitted. In Indonesia itself, it has just implemented services through electronic means, services by carrying out a new interaction mechanism between the government and the community and for the benefit of other people who are interested, involving the use of technology and information (especially the internet) aimed at improving quality. in community service. According to the author, the Electronic Mortgage Service does not yet have legal protection for creditors so that the author uses normative legal research methods so that the author can use the basic analysis of the laws and regulations or some other legal document. The author's purpose in this study aims to identify and analyze forms of legal protection for creditors in making Electronic Mortgage certificates. </em></p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Makna Tari Kabasaran Mengandung Nilai Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Minahasa 2024-02-23T11:35:13+00:00 Donald Ringgo Lotulung Tatiana Stary Claudia Maxi Kojong <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research is an effort to explaining, keeping and preserving Kabasaran traditional dance from extinction in Minahasa North Sulawesi. This research entitles Meaning of Kabasaran Dance Contains Local Wisdom Value of Minahasa.People . The objective of this research namely to identify and describe meaning and value in Kabasaran dance and to describe the supporting parties that can make Kabasaran dance still exist in digital era as well as be bequeathed to the next generation. The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from informants by interviewing and recording. Based on the result of research, Kabasaran dance has been exist in Minahasa since colonial era. This dance was born from brave people in Minahasa called Waraney. Kabasaran dance is a war dance, showing the tradition of war from the Waraney in Minahasa. It has three stages, those are Sumakalele, the dancers make movements like preparing for war; Kumayak, tells if they win in the war, then they will cut and stab the head of enemy to be brought home. And third Lalayaan, movements for expressing their thankful and happiness of Waraney in winning the war such as claping hands, holding hands and making circle. In Kabasaran dance, it is reflected or contained the local wisdom values of Minahasa people that can be seen from the movement, the words sung, the dress and its color, accessories that put on and the war equipments. For keeping and preserving the Kabasaran dance, cooperated spirit of many parties in North Sulawesi in particular Minahasa, are needed such as government giving aid to make dance small house, making competition and tourism package for tourist; school and university, putting Kabasaran dance as an extracurricular activitiy, and making dance small house; cultural practitioner, inviting young generation to join Kabasaran dance practice both in their school or surrounding, and cultural lover, making dance small house, asking young persons to practice and even making competition of Kabasaran dance annually. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-23T11:35:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Legal Comparison of Standard Clause Regulations in Indonesian and New Zealand Consumer Protection Laws 2024-03-02T15:50:36+00:00 Farah Fauza <p>This study aims to identify and analyze the comparison of Standard Clauses regulations in Indonesian and New Zealand consumer protection laws. This research is normative legal research, in which this research obtains data from primary legal materials, including legal principles and legal norms contained in laws and regulations within the consumer protection sector in Indonesia and New Zealand, supported by secondary legal materials in the form of books, journals, articles, papers, previous research related to research problems. The results of this study indicate that there are notable differences between the regulations for the use of Standard Clauses in Indonesian and New Zealand consumer protection laws. These differences are observed in several aspects, such as the terminology used, the determination process for prohibited Standard Clauses, the legal implication of the use of Standard Clauses, and the legal accountability for business actors who include Standard Clauses prohibited by the law. Indonesia uses the term "Standard Clauses", while New Zealand uses the term "Unfair Contract Terms”. In Indonesia, it is illegal for business actors to include Standard Clauses that fulfill the provisions mentioned in Article 18, Paragraph (1), and Paragraph (2) of the UUPK. If such clauses are included, they are declared null and void by law. On the other hand, in New Zealand, if a business includes an Unfair Contract Term in a consumer contract, the court can cancel it upon request by the Commerce Commission or the affected consumer.</p> 2024-03-02T15:50:31+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Tourism Marketing: Banyuwangi Regency Government Partnership with Local Mass Media in Banyuwangi 2024-03-19T06:45:33+00:00 Niko Pahlevi Hentika Erna Agustina <p>Banyuwangi Regency is one of the districts that is currently aggressively developing tourism potential. This development has been carried out since Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas. This is because the natural and cultural potential that Banyuwangi has is very good for tourism. One way to develop this is through partnerships in various fields. One of the most important areas in tourism development is partnerships in the field of tourism marketing. The partnership carried out so far is between the Banyuwangi Regency government and local mass media.</p> <p>Because of the above phenomenon, this qualitative-descriptive research is deemed necessary. The main aim of this research is to describe, analyze and interpret the partnership between the Banyuwangi Regency Government and local mass media in tourism marketing governance in Banyuwangi. Data collection methods were carried out by interviews, documentation and observation.</p> <p>The research results show that the two partnering parties, namely the Banyuwangi Regency Government and the local mass media play a mutual role. In addition, the model partnership between governments &nbsp;Banyuwangi and local mass madia is <em>mutualism partnership</em></p> 2024-03-14T15:25:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora The Development of the Urung Senembah Kingdom and Its Legacy in Patumbak, 1620-2023 2024-03-14T15:38:26+00:00 Muhammad Akbar Maulana Jufri Naldo <p><em>This research aims to study the history of the development of the Urung Senembah kingdom in Patumbak from 1620 to 2023, with a focus on the development of the kingdom, history and Islam. This research uses historical research methods in four steps: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Data was collected from relevant archives, books, articles and reports. This research focuses on the Urung Senembah kingdom, which was founded by the Barus family and had authority over the Deli and Serdang Sultanates. The territory of this kingdom stretches from the Seruai River to thelumai River. This research uses primary and secondary sources, including history books, government reports, and contemporary documents. This study aims to complete research on the Urung Senembah kingdom and its significance in the history of Patumbak.</em></p> 2024-03-14T15:38:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora Dynamics of the History of the Seventh Two Kuta Kuta Hamparan Perak in Medan City, 1823-1946 2024-03-14T16:04:53+00:00 Muhammad Iqbal Roihan Yusra Dewi Siregar <p>This research uses historical research methods with four steps, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Data is collected from archives, books, articles and reports that are relevant to the research topic. The North Sumatra Province documentation includes various references on the history, culture and society of the region, including an introduction to historical science, historical research methods, and studies of the sultanate and local culture. Some of the authors mentioned include Abdillah, Anderson, Daliman, Faruqi, Giddens, Lubis, Simanjuntak, and others. aims to explore the historical dynamics of the Kedatukan Satu Dua Kuta Hamparan Perak in Medan City from 1823-1946. The arrival of Guru Patimpus to the lowlands apparently had quite a big influence. This influence occurred in the Malay community and also the Karo community. Generally, people who want to settle in the Malay region must be converted to Islam first. The arrival of the Karo people in the lowlands was welcomed by the Malays. During the Aru Kingdom, many Karo people had settled and become residents who had converted to Islam, they married with Malay people. Marriage between Karo people who have converted to Islam or what is usually called Jawi is a common thing, not infrequently they also marry the children of Malay kings.</p> 2024-03-14T16:04:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet : Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora The Multidimensional Paradigm of Indonesian Historiography and Its Teaching Efforts in the Context of History Learning in Indonesia 2024-03-28T17:12:18+00:00 Bayu Ananto Wibowo Djono <p>The multidimensional paradigm of Indonesian historiography is an approach in the preparation of Indonesian history considering various dimensions involving cultural, social, political, economic and environmental aspects. This paradigm has great relevance in the context of history learning in Indonesia as it helps learners understand their rich and diverse history. This approach helps overcome biases in history. Indonesia's history over the centuries has been influenced by various ethnic, religious and cultural groups. By considering the multidimensional dimension, learning history can avoid narrow views that only reflect the viewpoint of one particular group or interest. Learners are thus encouraged to become critical thinkers and can also develop a deeper understanding of their own history. Especially in History, this paradigm supports historiography with an Indonesian-centric style.</p> 2024-03-28T17:12:12+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Analysis of Land Rights Cancellation Process Due to Administrative Non-Compliance with Applicable Law in Indonesia 2024-03-28T17:32:43+00:00 Rendra Adi Wibowo Bambang Eko Turisno <p>Cancellation of land rights due to administrative discrepancies is a significant process in agrarian law in Indonesia. This study investigates the process of cancelling land rights based on applicable regulations, including the Basic Agrarian Law and relevant governmental regulations. Through an empirical legal approach, data were obtained from the analysis of legal documents. The results reveal the complexity of the cancellation process, the importance of legal certainty in land rights registration, and the necessity of transparency and fairness in handling land-related cases. This study contributes to understanding the implementation of agrarian law in practice and supports the improvement of regulations and the enhancement of land administration systems to increase the protection of community rights.</p> 2024-03-28T17:32:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) ANALISIS PERILAKU WISATAWAN DALAM MEMBUANG SAMPAH DI KAWASAN BENTENG SOMBA OPU MAKASSAR 2024-04-08T09:07:25+00:00 Akhmad Saifi Heri Susanto Fitri Mardiani <table width="536"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="369"> <p>The behavior of tourists in throwing rubbish in the Sombs Opu fort area is the cause of the decline in the aesthetic value of the environment. This research aims to analyze tourist behavior in throwing away rubbish in the Somba Opu fort area with the hope that tourists can better understand the problem of environmental pollution. This research uses a description method carried out through a survey with a data collection method using a questionnaire. The research location is the Somba Opu fort area with the research sample being tourists from the Somba Opu fort, Barombong District, Gowa Regency, Makassar City, totaling 30 people. Then the research data was analyzed to determine the behavior of tourists throwing rubbish in the Somba Opu fort area with the research results from highest to lowest being an attitude indicator of 87%, a knowledge indicator of 80%, and an infrastructure indicator of 63%. Research results show that this is due to tourists' lack of awareness of the risks posed by waste that is disposed of inappropriately. The high level of tourist knowledge cannot be a benchmark for awareness of maintaining the beauty of the Somba Opu fort area.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-04-03T16:34:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Tepisari Village Government Strategies in Increasing Communitiy Participation in Development Programs 2024-04-08T09:07:59+00:00 Putri Larasati Kiyato Danang Purwanto Atik Catur Budiati <p>As the development of villages becomes more complex, community participation is considered an important factor for the success of rural development programs. However, the lack of community participation is an obstacle in village development. A strategy from the village government is needed to increase community participation in development. This study aims to determine the Tepisari Village government's strategy in increasing community participation in development programs. The research method used in this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study in Tepisari Village. The data analysis technique in this research uses three stages&nbsp; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This research was analyzed using Geoff Mulgan's theory of government strategy. The results obtained from this study indicate that the Tepisari Village government's strategy in increasing community participation in village development programs has been running as planned. Some of the strategies used include openness, closeness between the village government and the community, improving human resources, and involving community aspirations in planning, implementing, and evaluating the village development process. However, there are several obstacles, namely related to the budget and the limited participation of people who work overseas.</p> 2024-04-03T17:16:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Pola Ketergantungan Pariwisata di Taman Nasional Komodo 2024-04-08T09:09:54+00:00 Dhika Kurniawan Agung <p>The designation of Komodo National Park as a super priority destination, the zoning policy and the discourse of closing the area have limited the access of people living in the National Park area. The community's main livelihood as fishermen is limited to certain zones. This qualitative research uses qualitative data collection techniques, namely (1) Participant observation (2) In-depth interviews; (3) Document study. This research uses the snowball sampling method in determining informants. The results show that changes in environmental management are not only limited to changing the environment, but also forming new subjects in the community. The main livelihood of the community as fishermen is limited to certain zones, slowly fishermen's livelihoods are uncertain results, making people switch livelihoods to the tourism sector. The high standard of tourism sometimes makes some local tourism actors unable to keep up, resulting in dependence on capital and human resources from developed country investors. The low bargaining position of the community occurs due to the monopoly of the tourism business from investors.</p> 2024-04-03T17:40:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Biography of Willem Iskandar and his role in education In North Sumatra 2024-04-08T09:10:39+00:00 Syarifah Desinora Natalia Hutauruk Diancrisy Situmeang Maria Innest Siti Nurhidayah Al-Anshari <p>The purpose of this study is to know the biography of educational figure willem iskandar, and the role of willem iskandar in education in north sumatra.The method used in this study is library research..Data collection techniques carried out in this study are to analyze and explore several journals, books as well as sources of data or information that are considered relevant to research.From the results of research conducted that an educational figure before ki hajar dewantara founded the school in 1922, willem iskandar has founded a teacher school in tano bato mandailing natal north sumatra in 1862 while also being a teacher in the school.Other than being a teacher, willem iskandar is also a translator and author whose works inspire the community especially in mandailing.Various challenges faced willem iskandar in establishing teacher school, with his hard&nbsp;work&nbsp;in&nbsp;the with hard work in teach and educate teachers can produce some students who perform as a teacher, author and there are as a teacher&nbsp;and&nbsp;author.</p> 2024-04-04T15:58:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Strategi Mempertahankan Kearifan Lokal Seni Kriya Wayang Pada Pengrajin Wayang Kulit di Desa Sonorejo 2024-04-08T09:08:58+00:00 Darin Alya Husniyah Bagas Narenda Parahita Danang Purwanto <p>Local wisdom is an identity inherent in Indonesian society. This research aims to determine the obstacles and strategies for maintaining the local wisdom of craft arts among shadow puppet craftsmen. The approach in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The research location was carried out in Sonorejo Village, Sukoharjo Regency. The results of the research show that the existence of obstacles encourages craftsmen to strive for strategies to preserve local wisdom in the form of wayang kulit. These obstacles come in the form of economic factors and the declining interest of the younger generation. Then, craftsmen carry out strategies to overcome these obstacles by introducing shadow puppetry as early as possible, joining organizations and communities, establishing puppet studios, and finding out trends in interest. The rational choice theory perspective proposed by James Coleman contains two micro elements, namely actors and resources. Thus, the dynamics of the regeneration decisions of shadow puppet craftsmen in Sonorejo Village are influenced by various factors so that shadow puppet craftsmen strive to maintain regeneration by adjusting the economic situation.</p> 2024-04-04T16:12:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Analysis of the Derivation and Inflection Process in Javanese Language 2024-04-08T09:39:47+00:00 Letizya Cordelia Meyfiany Yohanes Octovianus L. Awololon Valencia Friska Suarliem <p>The objective of this study was to conveyed the word classes in Javanese language that undergo derivational and inflectional process. Specifically, this study focused on derivational and inflectional morpheme, which are very closely applied to the linguistic context of the language. The research was conducted using a qualitative methodological approach, employing a methodological rigor employed in data collection, coupled with a meticulous application of morpheme theory and the insights derived from interviews. The data was taken with interview technique. The qualitative approach, with its emphasis on participant perspectives and the exploration of underlying themes, provided an opportunity for in-depth interviews. The data of the research were the derivations and inflections of words in Javanese language. This in-depth exploration contributed valuable knowledge about the interaction between affixation and its impact on word structure and meaning. This study illustrated the presence of various affix forms in Javanese language, and affixes played a crucial role in modifying and shaping words, allowing for a diverse range of expressions in linguistic communication. This study revealed that not all categories within derivational and inflectional morphemes are represented in the data set under study. The results of this study indicated the presence of affixation processes in the Javanese language, including prefixes, suffixes, infixes, and circumfixes. Additionally, there are only noun and verb as word classes identified in Javanese undergo affixation processes to form new word classes and meanings through derivation processes. However, the inflectional process does not introduce new meanings or word classes to the respective words, including noun, verb, and adjective</p> 2024-04-08T09:39:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Meras Gandrung Tradition as a Cultural Strategy for the Regeneration of Gandrung Dancers in Banyuwangi 2024-04-08T10:06:31+00:00 Mahfud Mutiara Cahya Ayuning Tyas I Kadek Yudiana <p>Gandrung is one of the works of art that became a means to express the inner state of Banyuwangi people during the Dutch era, Gandrung became an important icon. This is why the regeneration of Gandrung dancers is very important, requiring a strategy to attract the sympathy of the younger generation regarding the Meras Gandrung tradition. The purpose of this research is to be an important contribution to the development of effective cultural strategies, bridging the gap between tradition and the times, and ensuring the continuity of a cultural heritage that is very valuable to the people of Banyuwangi. The form of this research is descriptive qualitative. The theory used is the theory of cultural inheritance by Edward T. Hall. Data collection techniques using interviews, observations, and document studies. The results of the research show that the existing strategy is an important movement so that students or even the general public know that to become a Gandrung must go through the Meras Gandrung Tradition, the infrastructure created by the government is an important forum for Gandrung maestros and fairies to convey the meaning of Gandrung, besides that the Meras Gandrung Performance is an important strategy because it involves young Banyuwangi dancer students to know the process and meaning of Gandrung. This can be studied using the theory of cultural inheritance according to Edward T. Hall, in his theory of cultural inheritance, emphasizes the importance of the cultural level dimension. He understands that the values, norms and communication patterns of a culture can be passed on and maintained through generations. His concept of cultural level dimensions includes differences in such things as perceptions of time, interpersonal space, and ways of communicating, all of which contribute to how culture is passed on and continues in a society.</p> 2024-04-08T10:06:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARIES IN 3RD GRADE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PENGANJURAN 4 USING COCOMELON YOUTUBE CHANNEL 2024-04-08T10:50:49+00:00 Dinda Widya Castrena Dharma Putri Moch. Ardi Setyawan Rizki Nurfida Pambayun <p><em>Many schools and courses offer English lessons. The four skills of English are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Vocabulary is a tool to help with all four of these talents. To become proficient in the four areas of English language acquisition—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—fear is an essential component.. Vocabulary is fundamental to the acquisition of all English skills. Vocabularies are sets of letters, words formed by a community of users.</em><em>&nbsp;The objectives of the background is to prove that visual media using Cocomelon YouTube Channel could applied in learning vocabulary to increase ability of students and to get information how much increase vocabulary students using YouTube videos Cocomelon This research using quantitative methods The results of this research resulted in significant improvements and increased students' interest in learning English using Cocomelon.</em>&nbsp;<em>This research using quantitative methods The results of this research resulted in significant improvements and increased students' interest in learning English using Cocomelon</em></p> 2024-04-08T10:50:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora) Implementation of K.H Ahmad Dahlan's Characteristic Values in History Learning at MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru City 2024-04-17T16:20:42+00:00 Fera Andini Isjoni Asyrul Fikri <p>The purpose of this research is to find out the views of students at MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru City regarding the figure K.H Ahmad Dahlan, to find out how to implement K.H Ahmad Dahlan's character values ​​in history learning at MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru City, and to find out the obstacles to implementing K.H's character values Ahmad Dahlan in history learning. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative type. The results of this research show that students' views on the character and also the values ​​of K.H Ahmad Dahlan have a good view, namely having a religious and nationalistic nature. This shows that MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru students also know the values ​​of the figure K.H Ahmad Dahlan and apply them in everyday life. And there are 5 character values ​​of K.H Ahmad Dahlan as stated in Strengthening Character Education (PPK), namely religious values, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation and integrity. The instilling of K.H Ahmad Dahlan's character values ​​has been carried out well in history learning at the MA Muhammadiyah school in Pekanbaru City. At the MA Muhammadiyah school in Pekanbaru City, apart from studying history, there are Muhammadiyah subjects which also play an important role in implementing the values ​​of the figure of K.H Ahmad Dahlan to students. And there are several obstacles in implementing K.H Ahmad Dahlan's character values ​​in history learning, namely incomplete facilities in the classroom such as the absence of a projector (infocus) in the classroom. This results in the lesson hours being cut so that the time allocated for the learning process becomes less. Apart from that, the obstacle experienced by history teachers at MA Muhammadiyah Pekanbaru is the teacher's lack of pedagogical competence so that teachers have difficulty dealing with the many differences in student character.</p> 2024-04-17T16:20:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Santhet (Jurnal Sejarah Pendidikan Dan Humaniora)