Journal History

Santhet Journal: Journal of history, education and humanities is inspired to accommodate the results of scientific papers in the form of articles formed by the study program of history, PGRI Banyuwangi University. In an effort to provide a forum for the publication of scientific papers, especially our teachers and lecturers as santhet journal managers, intend to publish scientific journals called Santhet journals. The santhet journal was established on 30 September 2016, published by the History Education study program, Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi.

Santhet Journal: Journal of history, education and humanities published 2 (two) times a year. Chief Editor is Agus Mursidi, M.Pd. Santehet Journal was first published in Volume 1 No. April 1, 2017 with ISSN 2541-6103 (Online) and ISSN 2541-2523 (printed). At that time, the journal stood without standard rules because of our lack of understanding as an editorial board. Logo, purpose and scope, layout and article management process is still not done well. Starting Volume 3 No. edition 2 October 2019, Santhet Journal: Journal of history, education and humanities has implemented peer reviews with bebestari expert partners in their fields and has had national and international scientific work since the last 3 years. In addition, the layout or template of the journal also changes according to Ristekdikti's scientific accreditation guidelines. In 2017 the management of Santhet journal article editing is still semi electronic. This is because the process of sending the manuscript is still sent via email.
The Santhet Journal has been indexed by the International Copernicus Index,, Web of Science Publon (WOS), Microsoft Academic,, BASE, ROAD, GARUDA, google scholar, statcounter and Currently, Editor in Chief is trying to apply an electronic journal, where submission author and editing management is done online on the OJS dashboard menu. Since publication volume 3 number 2 October 2019 Shanthet Journal: Journal of history, education and humanities has changed in the journal logo.