Pengenalan PLTS Kepada Pelajar Untuk Menumbuhkan Minat Terhadap Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan
Technological developments and increasing population have created various problems, one of which is the
energy sector. Indonesia has considerable potential to develop and exploit the potential of sunlight which can be
converted into electrical energy. However, these efforts cannot run well if human resources (HR) do not understand
the working system of solar power plants (PLTS). Therefore, efforts are needed to introduce and explore the potential
of existing human resources. The target object of community service activities is carried out to junior high school
students. PLTS is an interesting technology to convey to teenagers. Besides being able to arouse curiosity about
PLTS, teenagers can also provide innovations in PLTS technology. Participants were enthusiastic when participating
in the event and understood various types of renewable energy and renewable energy sources and understood the
working system of solar panels.
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