Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, conclusion
Gubang is a traditional art of the Malay community on Jemaja Island. In the past, Gubang was a game played by the spirits of the Bunian people. The art of Gubang was later made into a film titled "Gubang The Movie" by Sarman Galang. This film was produced in 2015 by Tuah Production with a drama genre with a duration of 95 minutes. The film titled "Gubang The Movie" by Sarman Galang as a medium in conveying messages through story plots conveyed by the screenwriter to the audience. Film has a function to be able to convey messages in the form of information, education, and entertainment. This paper discusses the moral messages and values in the film titled "Gubang The Movie" by Sarman Galang. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, namely describing the data by analyzing the data according to the reality as it is about the moral values contained in a film titled "Gubang The Movie" by Sarman Galang. Based on the film "Gubang The Movie" there is a moral message that contains a symbol of identity consisting of the value of patience, the value of persistence, the value of courage, and the value of kindness.
Keywords: Gubang, message, value, moral, symbol, identity
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