Noodles is one of the Indonesian favorite foods. The number of noodle consumption is increasing to make Indonesia on a second rank highest in the world after China with the rate of consumption of noodles as much as 38,970 billion servings. Wheat flour is a staple ingredient used to make wet noodles, which is obtained by means of import. An alternative that can be taken to decrease the import of wheat flour is by way of utilizing the raw materials of local food non wheat flour as an ingredient for making wet noodles. Bran flour (rice bran) is one of the results of the agricultural products obtained from rice milling process. This study is to determine the formulation of wet noodles and effect of bran flour substitution on physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of wet noodles. The design
used in this research is complete random design (RAL) with 2 factors, namely the flour mixture with the formulation of wheat flour (250 g, 225 g, 212,5 g, 200 g and 175 g) and bran flour formulations (0 g, 25 g, 37,5 g, 50 g and 75 g). The Data obtained were analyzed with ANOVA and followed by a test DMRT. The results of the analysis showed that the treatment of wet noodles obtained on the best wet noodles with the formulation (wheat flour 175 g : bran flour 75 g). The addition of bran flour produced a wet noodle with higher fiber and vitamin E content and also more preferred by consumers.
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