JURNAL TEKNOLOGI PANGAN DAN ILMU PERTANIAN (JIPANG) https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang <p><a href="https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/about">JIPANG adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan penelitian dan ulasan terkait bioteknologi pertanian, penanganan pasca panen, sistem produksi dan rekayasa proses pengolahan hasil pertanian(peternakan, perikanan, dan hasil perkebunan), ilmu pangan dan gizi. sumber artikel berasal dari penelitian mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi, akademisi, praktisi dan stakeholder yang berkecimpung dalam teknologi hasil pertanian .</a></p> Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi en-US JURNAL TEKNOLOGI PANGAN DAN ILMU PERTANIAN (JIPANG) 2686-004X KARAKTERISTIK MINUMAN KOMBUCHA TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) HASIL FERMENTASI PADA BERBAGAI KONSENTRASI EKSTRAK DAN LAMA INKUBASI https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/article/view/3617 <p><em>In the modern era, the utilization of curcuma has not utilized optimally, &nbsp;which is normally processed into&nbsp;jamu&nbsp;(traditional beverage).&nbsp;Curcuma practically can be processed into a fermented drink which is called kombucha.&nbsp;The research purpose was to discover the effect of curcuma extract concentration and fermentation period the characteristic of curcuma kombucha. The research applied two-factor Randomized Block Design (RBD) are the curcuma extract concentration (5%, 10%, and 15%) of the total used water and the fermentation period (6, 9, 12, and 15 days). The best treatment for making curcuma extract kombucha was the sample 10% curcuma extract and 9-day fermentation, resulting in curcuma extract kombucha characterized by the total dissolved solids of 11.22 Brix; viscosity 0.97 cP; brightness (*L) 57.24; pH 3.32; total acid 0.73%; antioxidant activity 74.82%; favorite organoleptic color 5.77 (like); fragrance preference 3.57 (neutral); taste preference 5.10 (slightly like) and overall 5.50 (like).</em></p> Mukhammad Fauzi Soni Sisbudi Harsono Yanis Nurana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-24 2023-10-24 5 2 1 10 PEMANFAATAN KULIT BUAH NAGA MERAH (Hylocereus polyrhizus) UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI KANDUNGAN FORMALIN PADA CILOK DI KECAMATAN ROGOJAMPI https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/article/view/3618 <p><em>The use of formalin as a food preservative is still common today. One type of food that is mixed with formaldehyde preservatives is cilok. There is a simple way without using chemicals to detect the formaldehyde content in cilok, namely using red dragon fruit skin. Red dragon fruit skin is waste that is not utilized and has the potential to provide natural coloring to food. Anthocyanin is a type of compound that reacts easily when mixed with acid or base compounds. The anthocyanin content in dragon fruit skin can identify the presence of formalin compounds in food. Anthocyanin has the same strong acid properties as formalin so when anthocyanin meets formalin, the formalin content can be easily observed organoleptically. This study aims to determine the formalin content in cilok taken in Rogojampi District in as many as 19 samples using a cross-sectional study method. The test results showed that the samples tested were negative or did not contain formalin. </em></p> Abdur Rohman Bagus Setyawan Arfiati Ulfa Utami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-24 2023-10-24 5 2 11 18 PEMBUATAN KERUPUK DENGAN PENAMBAHAN PUREE IKAN TONGKOL (Euthynnus affinis) DENGAN METODE PENGERINGAN CABINET DRIYING https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/article/view/3956 <p><em>Crackers are a food that is widely consumed by the public, known as a food with a crunchy texture and usually used as a complementary food. Crackers can also be made with the addition of fish, produced from a mixture of fish meat or puree and the remaining water from cooking the fish. The fish used to add cracker dough is usually fish that has a strong aroma and taste, such as tuna. Tuna (Euthynnus affinis) is one type of fish that is widely processed into food products, but its application in processing crackers is still very limited. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the effect of adding tuna puree on the </em><em>moisture </em><em>content and also the organoleptic quality (taste, texture, color and aroma) of the crackers produced. The research was carried out using a completely randomized design with one factor, namely variations in the concentration of tuna puree, including tuna puree 0% (P0), 20% (P1), 30% (P2), 40% (P3), and 50% (P4). . The research data was subjected to statistical analysis using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and further testing was carried out using DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) if there were significant differences between test treatments. The research results showed that the addition of tuna puree had a real influence on the organoleptic quality, including the parameters of the crackers produced. The addition of 40% tuna puree was considered to have the best taste, color and aroma, while the addition of 50% puree (P4) was considered to have the best texture, while the addition of tuna puree was able to increase the water content. the resulting crackers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Alvin Aditya Rinaldi Rosiana Ulfa Bagus Setyawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-24 2023-10-24 5 2 19 25 PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA DAN LAMA WAKTU TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK FISIKOKIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK LELE DUMBO https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/article/view/3957 <p><em>Catfish is a type of freshwater fish that is most widely cultivated by people because it has a high nutritional content and is also easy to cultivate. Catfish easily experience a decline in quality caused by lipid oxidation, protein degradation, and also microbial contamination. One effort that can be made to maintain the shelf life of catfish is by smoking. Smooking is often carried out using various types of smoking media, including wood, coconut shells, coconut husks, and rice husks. However, it is not yet known how long the smoking time is appropriate to produce smoked catfish with good organoleptic and chemical qualities. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the appropriate length of time for smoking catfish regarding organoleptic quality, water, and protein content. The research was conducted using a 2 Factor Completely Randomized Design, where the first factor was the type of media including wood (P1), coconut shell (P2), coconut husks (P3), and rice husks (P4), and the second factor was the length of time smoked. includes a smoking time of 2 hours (L2) and a smoking time of 3.5 hours (L3). The results showed that different smoking media treatments and smoking duration had a significant influence on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of smoked African catfish at a fairly large level (p &lt; 0.05). The best treatment is smoking using coconut shell media for 2 hours duration (P2L2) which has the highest protein content of 23.30% and has the best organoleptic quality of color, aroma, taste, and texture. Meanwhile, the water content of smoked catfish is 49.70-56.46%, where the water content obtained in this study does not exceed the threshold set by BSN, namely a maximum of 60%.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ahmad Mahda Vikia Rosiana Ulfa Arfiati Ulfa Utami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-24 2023-10-24 5 2 26 36 PENGARUH LAMA WAKTU PENYANGRAIAN TERHADAP STANDAR MUTU BIO-OIL KACANG TANAH (Arachis hypogea L) DENGAN METODE MANUAL PRESSING https://ejournal.unibabwi.ac.id/index.php/jipang/article/view/3959 <p><em>Cooking oil is an important food ingredient for Indonesians, but in recent years, oil shortages have caused significant price increases. Therefore, this research tries to utilize peanuts to produce oil that can be used in daily activities, especially in the kitchen, as well as testing its characteristics in accordance with bio-oil quality standards. The research method used was experimental by testing the effect of roasting time on various characteristics of peanut oil, including water content, viscosity and free fatty acid content. The results showed that roasting time had a significant effect on all parameters tested. A roasting time of 25 minutes produces peanut oil with a low moisture content (3.3%) and a lower viscosity (44.5 cP). Although the quality of peanut oil in terms of moisture content and viscosity is classified as good, the free fatty acid content test shows that P3 with a duration of 45 minutes has a free fatty acid content of 11.7% which exceeds the threshold according to the SNI standard for cooking oil, namely 2 %.</em></p> Ellis Marisa Bagus Setyawan Arfiati Ulfa Utami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-24 2023-10-24 5 2 37 44