People's Beliefs About Traditional Herbal Medicine In Lieu of Medicines
Indonesia is rich in rich traditions, both written traditions and traditions handed down orally. This indicates that since ancient times, Indonesian people have known science based on their daily experiences. Traditional herbal medicine is medicine that has been processed traditionally, passed down from generation to generation, based on recipes from ancestors, customs, beliefs or local habits, both magical and traditional knowledge. According to current research, traditional medicines are indeed beneficial for health and are currently being used quite intensively because they are more accessible to the public, both in terms of price and availability.
Consuming herbal medicine is very closely related to the local traditions of the Indonesian nation. There are some people who are very dependent on herbal medicine. The assumption is that without herbal medicine, the body will feel lethargic and achy so that herbal medicine is routinely consumed every day. Traditional herbal medicine is usually used for herbal medicine or the result of concocting ingredients that come from nature and have health benefits. Herbal medicine does not only function as medicine but also functions to maintain body fitness and prevent disease.