• Muhammad Saman Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
  • Abdul Shomad Sejarah Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
  • DWI ANGGRAINI RAHMA bimbingan dan konseling Universiatas PGRI Banyuwangi


Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic boarding school is an Islamic boarding school that has carried out management reforms from the salaf (traditional) method which is only focused on cottage activities to the khalaf (modern) method. refers to the formulation of the problem, among others. 1) Is there a dominance of kyai in education in Islamic boarding schools? 2) What are the forms of domination by kyai in the development of education in Islamic boarding schools. 3) To what extent are the supporting capacities and barriers to the domination of the kyai in the culture of the Islamic boarding school? This study aims to: 1) To find out how the dominance of kyai in education in Islamic boarding schools. 2) To identify the form of domination by kyai in the development of Islamic boarding school education. 3) To find out how far the carrying capacity and obstacles to the domination of kyai in enforcing culture in Islamic boarding schools. The research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through interviews, field observations, document studies. This data is then described in the form of descriptive narratives and field notes. The research paradigm is that the Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic Boarding School has a kyai (central management) who is strong in its dominance over all educational institutions under the auspices of the Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic Boarding School. The results of the research can be large and strong, this is based on the position of the kyai himself as a caregiver, which of course becomes a respected, respected, charismatic figure. 2) that the domination of the kyai in the development of education at the Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic boarding school is more focused on the concept, mindset, managerial and governance as well as an integrated education system which is then applied in the learning curriculum that is in the boarding school educational institution (among others formal education and non-formal education), such as Boarding School, Life Skills and Character. 3) that so far the carrying capacity of the kyai's domination in developing and improving the quality of education and culture in the Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic boarding school in particular is very large, be it from family, government, and society, but there are also obstacles in the domination of kyai in the course of education, the development of education, improving the quality of education and the culture of the pesantren in this Ihya'ulumiddin Islamic boarding school institution, both internally and externally.


Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, IHYA'ULUMIDDIN Islamic Boarding School, Padang Singojuruh Village.

How to Cite
Muhammad Saman, Abdul Shomad, & DWI ANGGRAINI RAHMA. (2021). KYAI DOMINATION IN EDUCATION AT IHYA’ULUMIDDIN Islamic Boarding School, PADANG VILLAGE, SINGOJUURUH DISTRICT, BANYUWANGI REGENCY. Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education, 3(1). Retrieved from