Trend Subordinate Kebaya Year 1990-2022

  • Tina Yesika Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
  • Dhalia Soetopo Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
Keywords: Trend, kebaya, tahun 1990-an


Discussing  clothing  and women  is like  exposing a   relationship  rich in  meaning.

Clothes  exist  because  the body  needs.  The body  will  be  meaningless  without  clothes  attached to  it.  The body   in  this  case  is  the female body.  Underwear  in  this  case  is  the   clothes needed  by women.  Clothing  and body  are  a  unit  as  quoted  from  Wilson in  Hollows (2010), " disembodied clothing     is not  clothing".  The body   needs  clothing  as  a protective  equipment  from  all  weather  while the   clothes  are worn by   the body  to  communicate  itself  and its relationship  with  society.   According to  Eicher (2000), clothing  becomes an  effective  communication system    in  representing  personal and   social  and cultural identities, also analyzed  as  the  largest part of   the  configuration of human   behavior   in   a specific  time   and place  so that  culture  and   cultural diversity      contribute  anthropologically  in  analyzing  the meaning of dress.    What clothes     we   decide  to  wear  and not  wear, appropriate  or  not, are  the result of    learning  from  the culture  we  receive  in  the society  in which  we  live.  Discussing  clothing and women is   related to   an identity   that represents the   culture of  a  country and nation, then  the context   is in   an  ideological  discourse  that is  in       identity politics    by  elevating  women  dressed in  national  attire.  To quote  Desmond Morris in  Barnard (2009), clothing  is a    cultural  display that communicates the  cultural  affiliation of  the wearer.  In  other words, clothing  can  show  a person's  national  and cultural  identity. 

How to Cite
Tina Yesika, & Dhalia Soetopo. (2025). Trend Subordinate Kebaya Year 1990-2022. Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education, 6(1), 90-98. Retrieved from