Pelestarian Hutan Mangrove di Kawasan Teluk Pang-Pang Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Resiko Bencana Alam
The mangrove forest is an ecosystem that must be preserved. The sustainability of the mangrove forest will affect the quality of the biota that live in the vicinity. In addition, The Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest mangrove forest so that preserving mangrove forests is an important responsibility for the people of Indonesia. Not only the preservation of mangrove forests is not maintained, but also it will have the potential to cause natural disasters that can harm people living in coastal areas. According to existing research, the mangrove forests are able to reduce the damage caused by the tsunami. When a tsunami occurs, the mangrove forest can prevent and break the waves from the tsunami itself. As is known, the Indonesia has a large and dominating coastal area. This causes Indonesia to become a country with a very high potential for tsunami natural disasters. Therefore, conserving mangrove forests by maintaining and carrying out reforestation should be the main focus for the government and especially the local coastal communities.
Keyword: Preservasion of Mangrove, Pangpang Bay, Disaster
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