The Dynamics of Reopening Elementary Schools in Bekasi during Pandemic Covid-19

  • Kurniawati Hasjanah School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia
  • Melissa Balqis School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia
  • Nana Nurwaesari School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia


This paper discusses how the negotiation process between schools, the Bekasi City Government and The Central Government in responding to reopening school in pandemic Covid-19. The Bekasi City Government allow 110 schools to reopening and face to face learning based on their negotiation. Data collection methods are through primary and secondary data collection in the form of interview, news analysis, books and related journals. Some efforts were taken by the Bekasi City Government to reopening schools since August 2020, but unfortunately at that time, reopening schools policy not allowed yet. In the process, The Bekasi City Government used more direct lobbying and negotiation process, which in turn led to The Bekasi City Government's beneficial results to reopening schools on March 2021.

Author Biographies

Kurniawati Hasjanah, School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia

Kurniawati Hasjanah is a Postgraduated Student of School of Government and Public Policy. She's working at Kompas Gramedia. She graduated from Universitas Prof. dr. Moestopo (Beragama) with a major in International Relations.

Melissa Balqis, School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia

Melissa Balqis is a Postgraduated Student of School of Government and Public Policy. She's working at Save the Children - Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik. She graduated from Universitas Prof. dr. Moestopo (Beragama) with a major in International Relations.

Nana Nurwaesari, School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia

Nana Nurwaesari is a Postgraduate Student of School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia. Currently, she is working for Jakarta Smart City and contributes as the Executive Secretary of Warga Muda Association. She graduated from the International Islamic University Malaysia with a major in Political Science. Furthermore, she is also pursuing a Masters in Political Science at the Universitas Nasional with a focus on Political Economy.

How to Cite
Hasjanah, K., Balqis, M., & Nurwaesari, N. (2021). The Dynamics of Reopening Elementary Schools in Bekasi during Pandemic Covid-19. SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL, 10(2), 239-249.