SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL <p>Jurnal sosioedukasi (e-ISSN: 2541-612X, Print ISSN 2086-6135) diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi, diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan mei dan november. fokus&nbsp;Scientific Journals of Education and Social</p> <p>Jurnal sosioedukasi mencakup semua bidang dan periode dalam Pendidikan dan sosial, yang membahas semua aspek pendidikan termasuk ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan politik dan hukum. Semua pendekatan bisa di terima. Jurnal ini menerima berbagai format termasuk artikel dari forum ilmiah, esai ulasan, dan masalah khusus. Editor juga menerima ulasan buku untuk diterbitkan di bagian khusus dari publikasi. Artikel-artikel tersebut dapat ditulis untuk disampaikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.</p> Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universaitas PGRI Banyuwangi en-US SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2086-6135 THE ROLE OF READING CORNER IN INCREASING CREATIVITY AND INDEPENDENCE OF CLASS VIII STUDENTS AT MTs FUTUHIYYAH BANGOREJO <p><em>This research was motivated by the problem of student’s lack of creativity and independence in the learning process in class. This in fluenced by student literacy wich tends to be low. The literacy movement program currently being promoted in schools is the reading sorner. This research aims to determine the role of reading corners in increasing students’ creativity and independence. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The subjects of this research are class VIII Students at MTs Futuhiyyah Bangorejo, the object of this research is the reading corner in clas VIII. Based on the research conducted, it was concluded that the reading corner had an influence on students’ creatifity and independence. Reading corner really help teachers to get students used to being active and developing their thinking abilities, knowing the direction and goals of their learning so they don’t depend on the teacher.</em></p> Yuli Kartika Efendi Siti Khusnaini Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 12 2 151 155 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3174 PORTRAIT OF POST PANDEMI HISTORY LEARNING AT SMAN 1 BANYUPUTIH IN THE 2021/2022 ACADEMIC YEAR <p><em>This research was carried out with the aim of knowing learning during the pandemic and post-pandemic, especially to find out what strategies were applied in learning methods, using learning media and using learning resources. This research method uses qualitative methods and the type of research is a case study. The data collection methods used were observation, interviews and document studies. The results of this study are that history teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Banyuputih have implemented innovative learning as a strategy for dealing with teaching and learning activities during a pandemic and post-pandemic. By using various models and learning methods. The learning methods used are the Discovery Learning and Problem Blased Learning methods. The learning media used are media images, photos, PowerPoint and short video films. The learning resources used include sources from other books, the internet and discussions that are appropriate to the learning material.</em></p> Putri Fiska Fiyanti I Kadek Yudiana Mahfud Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 12 2 156 165 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3007 THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIALIZATION, FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ON VOTER PARTICIPATION IN THE MAHAKAM ULU DISTRICT ELECTION, EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE <p>The motivation behind this study was to figure out 1) Socialization meaningfully affected massive impact on elector support in local head decisions in Mahakam Ulu Rule, 2) Facebook affected huge impact on citizen cooperation in territorial head races in Mahakam Ulu Regime, 3) Instagram affected tremendous impact on elector interest in provincial head races in Mahakam Ulu Rule, 4) Socialization, Facebook and Instagram together have an impact and are critical on elector investment in provincial head decisions in Kab. Mahakam Ulu. This examination strategy utilizes irregular inspecting technique with a sum of 100 respondents, the exploration investigation technique utilized is Numerous Direct Relapse Investigation. The consequences of the review expressed that socialization meaningfully affected citizen support, Facebook meaningfully affected elector investment, Instagram unimportantly affected elector cooperation, while at the same time the socialization factors, Facebook and Instagram significantly affected citizen interest.</p> Frederik Melawen Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 12 2 166 175 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3018 CRITICAL STUDY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVINCIAL ROAD LEVY COLLECTION POLICY BY THE TAMANSARI VILLAGE GOVERNMENT BASED ON GOVERNMENT REGULATION 97/2012 <p><strong>Background: </strong>The road to Ijen Geopark is one of the provincial roads that connects Banyuwangi Regency and Bondowoso Regency. The activity of collecting levies by the Tamansari Village Government on road users to Ijen Geopark which is intended to increase development in Tamansari Village has become a polemic in itself. The road to Ijen Geopark has 1 lane which has 2 lanes. Government Regulation 97/2012 explains that road fees are intended for roads that have 2 lanes, each of which has at least 2 lanes. <strong>Objective: </strong>To describe, analyze and interpret the implementation of Tamansari Village Government policy in collecting provincial road levies from road users to Ijen Geopark based on Government Regulation 97/2012. <strong>Method: </strong>Using qualitative principles according to a constructive and participatory model. Primary data comes from interviews, and secondary data comes from literature reviews and various regulations relevant to the substance of the research. <strong>Result: </strong>The levy collection program can be justified if it does not violate existing provisions and is truly beneficial for development and society. <strong>Conclusion </strong>: The wrong levy collection policy causes public dissatisfaction, causes people to have no sympathy for the government, and reduces the use of infrastructure provided by the government</p> Royatul Firdaus Hary Priyanto Erna Agustina Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 12 2 176 182 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3199 OPTIMIZATION OF CLASS MANAGEMENT AS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM IN CLASS X TJKT 2 AT SMKN 1 BANYUWANGI <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tentang manajemen kelas pada sekolah yang menerapkan kurikulum Merdeka. Membahas tentang bagaimana implementasi manajemen kelas dalam meningkatkan efektifitas proses belajar mengajar, factor pendorong dan penghambat serta usaha-usaha yang dapat meningkatkan efektifitas manajemen kelas. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian di SMKN 1 Banyuwangi dengan kelas X TJKT 2. Subyek penelitian yaitu wali kelas dan murid. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi manajemen kelas di X TJKT 2 SMKN 1 Banyuwangi telah dilaksanakan dengan melalui berbagai macam tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengkondisian dan evaluasi. Sedangkan factor pendorong dan penghambat muncul dari latar belakang murid, fasilitas dan pemahaman wali kelas pada program yang dijalankan. Adapun usaha-usaha yang ditempuh dalam meningkatkan efektifitas manajemen kelas yaitu mempersiapkan hal-hal secara rinci dan administratif terlebih pada program kerja, penggunaan Bahasa yang mudah diterima murid, dan menggunakan pendekatan yang manusiawi dan demokratis.</p> BAYU INDRA PERMANA Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-02 2023-11-02 12 2 183 188 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3153 EMPOWERMENT OF FISH PROCESSING AND MARKETING GROUPS IN THE CITY OF TOMOHON THROUGH ASSISTANCE WITH PRODUCT PACKAGING USING ENGLISH AND OTHER FOREIGN LANGUAGES <p>The community service activity aims to enhance the fish processing and marketing groups (Poklahsar) in the city of Tomohon, North Sulawesi. Tomohon is known for its cool and beautiful natural conditions and has traditional markets that serve as local shopping centers. This facilitates fish cultivators to sell their products locally, including through digital platforms like WhatsApp Business and Instagram. Despite local success, the marketing is still limited to the local scale, evident in packaging using local and Indonesian languages. To overcome this, the community service involves providing training, particularly in English, Japanese, and German, to the fish processing groups. English, being an international language, will be introduced for product descriptions on packaging and digital media. The goal is to enable Poklahsar in Tomohon to increase sales quantity and expand their market internationally.</p> Maya Pinkan Warouw Jultje Rattu Vivi Tumuju Vany Kamu Elvie Piri Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI : JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-07 2023-11-07 12 2 189 195 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3137 DEVELOPMENT OF CHARACTER VALUES FORWARD (Independent, Active, Honest and Tenacious) AT TARUNA DEVELOPMENT INTENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL, SURABAYA <p>Students at the Senior High School (SMA) level are generally faced with conditions that still require assistance from teachers in terms of character education in order to be able to determine appropriate attitudes and behavior according to norms. On this basis, it is inevitable that character education will continue to be strengthened in educational units. The aim of the research is to develop the character of MAJU (Independent, Active, Honest and Tenacious) in the Intensive Cadet Development High School (ITP) Surabaya. The type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. There are five stages of the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation, which are used to develop the MAJU character. The research subjects were 10 subject teachers at ITP High School, and the research location was ITP High School Surabaya. The research instrument uses observation sheets, data collection techniques using observation and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of the research show that the MAJU character (Independent, Active, Honest and Tenacious) can be practiced and implemented by Subject Teachers at SMA ITP Surabaya, with the results of direct observation assessment of subject teachers with an average score of 85 which is interpreted as development the MAJU character is feasible and can be applied at SMA ITP Surabaya. The conclusion from the research results is that MAJU character development at SMA ITP Surabaya can be applied in strengthening the character of students at SMA ITP Surabaya.</p> Dwi Retnani Srinarwati Muhammad Muhyi Mimas Ardhianti Tri Ari Prabowo I Ketut Samodra Joko Sutrisno Ach. Syaifur Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-20 2023-11-20 12 2 196 202 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3108 REGIONAL GOVERNMENT'S STRATEGY TO HANDLE THE IMPACT OF FREE ASSOCIATION IN THE EX-GEMPOL PORONG LOCALIZATION <p><em>The objective of this study is to describe the strategy of Kaliploso village government in dealing with the impact of promiscuity in Gempol Porong localization area, Cluring District, Banyuwangi Regency. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were conducted by interview, observation and documentation methods. The data analysis used is Miles and Huberman method. The analysis unit in this study is village government and youth. The results showed that Kaliploso village government's strategy by innovating through the village work program which held various activities to mobilize the&nbsp; youth to participate actively and productively in positive activities went quite well and significantly. The Kaliploso village government has also collaborated with several related parties as an effort to monitor and anticipate the activities carried out by teenagers. The village work programs implemented are 1) KHC (Kaliploso Horty Carnival), 2) Kaliploso Rijig, 3) The&nbsp; workshops of the drugs dangerous , 4) livestock assistance, and 5) Al-Qur'an Garden Agrotourism. In dealing with the impact of promiscuity in Gempol Porong localization area, this village program is also expected to change the image of the village become better.</em></p> Yuli Kartika Efendi Adiliya Putri Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 12 2 203 206 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3182 IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT BY ACTIVATING GROUP WORKS IN SECONDARY SCHOOL <p>The aim of writing this paper is to find out the importance of learning English at school. Writing the paper uses the literature review method (library research). From the discussion it can be concluded that learning English at school is very important. The learning method that is very often used is CLT because it is effectively used as a method in the English language teaching and learning process. This is based on the communication skills obtained by students, not just mere knowledge, students will be motivated and feel that something they have learned can be useful and used in language.</p> Mochamad Ardi Setyawan St. Shabibatul Rohmah Mahfud Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 12 2 207 212 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3212 LITERATURE REVIEW OF BULLYING ASSESSMENT : A CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE INVENTORY OF BULLYING SCALE IN SCHOOLS <p>Bullying is still a serious problem in Indonesia. The impact of bullying on its victims is very real. Meanwhile, on average, educators, especially guidance counselors, education staff, and parents only become aware of bullying after it has happened. If early detection efforts are made, the case can be anticipated earlier. This is because there are no measurement instruments that can assist the counseling teacher in detecting cases of bullying that occur easily and on a large scale. So it is necessary to digitize the bullying scale instrument. Instruments in the form of self-reports are the most commonly used method in collecting data to assess bullying phenomena. This method has several advantages. The Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ) is one of the most widely used instruments to measure the prevalence of bullying worldwide. This questionnaire provides students with a clear definition of bullying that includes three important characteristics: (1) intent to harm others; (2) repetitive behavior; and (3) the power imbalance between victims and perpetrators. The OBVQ can be adapted into a bullying scale inventory that is appropriate to the conditions and culture in Indonesia so that it can be used to detect bullying phenomena that occur in Indonesian youth, especially at school.</p> Ratna Wulandari Desi Yunita Putri Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-21 2023-11-21 12 2 213 219 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3044 EFFECTIVENESS OF APPLICATION OF ECONOMICS FLIPBOOK E-MODULE LEARNING MEDIA WITH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) LEARNING MODEL IN IMPROVING LEARNING OUTCOMES OF CLASS X STUDENTS OF SMAN 3 MOJOKERTO CITY <p>Based on initial observations, researchers found that the majority of students had difficulty learning Economics material because there was a lot of material to study, so they became passive in participating in learning activities. Many of them are less interested and are busy with other activities such as playing on their cellphones, feeling sleepy, or chatting alone with friends. This has an impact on student learning outcomes. To overcome this problem and create technology-based 21st century learning and increase students' understanding in aspects of knowledge, research was conducted with the aim of testing the effectiveness of implementing the economic flipbook e-module learning media using the PBL learning model in improving the learning outcomes of class X students at SMAN 3 Mojokerto City. The sample for this research consisted of students in classes X4 &amp; X5, totaling 36 students. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative approach with experimental research using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. This research model consists of two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. Students from both groups were given pretest and post-test questions. The results of the N-Gain score test show that the average score of the control group did not show a significant increase and was less effective in improving student learning outcomes. The average N-Gain Score value in the control group was 0.41 or an N-Gain Score (%) of 41.09%, so it was categorized as moderate and interpreted as less effective. Meanwhile, the experimental group showed different results. Their N-Gain Score value is 0.85 or N-Gain Core (%) of 85.42%, so the use of economic flipbook e-modules with the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is categorized as high and interpreted as effective.</p> Ainur Rochmawati Dhiah Fitrayati Titin Uswati Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 12 2 220 228 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3259 Cranky Games through Peaceful Values on Improving Early Adolescent Mental Health in Banyuwangi Regency <p><em>This article aims to describe the development of peace cranks towards improving early adolescent mental health in Banyuwangi Regency.</em> <em>The research design uses a literature review through descriptive analysis which is described regularly.</em> <em>To develop further research, researchers used this type of R&amp;D research which was carried out in 5 stages.</em> <em>Research and development procedures are carried out starting from the stages of problem identification, data collection, product design, product validation, and finally, product revision.</em> <em>Product evaluation is carried out by material experts, media experts and practitioner experts.</em> <em>Meanwhile, product trials were carried out on students in groups of 8-12 students in their early teens.</em> <em>The types of data obtained and used are qualitative and quantitative data.</em> <em>Data collection uses a mental health scale, material expert scale, media expert scale and practitioner expert scale.</em> <em>Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative analysis.</em> <em>The whole discussion is described in this article</em></p> Fajar Wahyu Prasetyo - Agus Mursidi Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 12 2 229 233 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3258 INVESTIGATING LEARNERS’ PERCEPTION OF ENGLISH ONLINE LEARNING IN BANYUWANGI SECONDARY SCHOOL <p>This research aims to discover and describe some of the learners' perceptions of English online learning. This research’s&nbsp; approach or design is qualitative, carried out in two stages. All the eleventh grade high school participants were given an online questionnaire in the first stage. Then in the second stage, several participants were interviewed to clarify the research result. Based on the research result, students had several perceptions about English online learning. The first perception, students stated that the learning environment between English online learning and face to face learning is so different. They also added that the interaction in English online learning did not go well. The third perception, students said that the assignments given during English online learning were so many that they were less than optimal in doing assignments. Lastly, students revealed that when English online learning, they prefer to deliver material using videos and tend not to read the material. In brief, this research discover several students’ perception during their online learning, they are the differentiation of the learning environment, the interaction in English online learning didn’t go well, too many assignments given in online learning makes students less optimal, and students prefer to deliver material using videos.</p> St. Shabibatul Rohmah Umi Resita Kusmawati Totok Hari Prasetiyo Mochamad Ardi Setyawan Mahfud Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 12 2 234 245 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.3290 ANALYSIS OF CARBONMONICIDE (CO) AIR QUALITY IN DKI JAKARTA DUE TO LARGE-SCALE SOCIAL RESTRICTIONS (PSBB) POLICIES FIRST VOLUME USING CLOUD- BASED COMPUTING ON GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE <p><em>VThe corona virus first appeared in Wuhan, China and spread to Indonesia in 2020, causing the Indonesian government to implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in several cities, one of which is DKI Jakarta. The government is implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which aims to stop the spread of the corona virus. During the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period, all community activities were mostly carried out at home, many public facilities were closed. With the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy which limits community activities in DKI Jakarta, it turns out it also has an impact on the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) gas emissions in the air . This research uses a statistical analysis method for CO gas emissions from Sentinel-5P imagery which is extracted using cloud-based computing on Google Earth Engine. V isualization of the spatial distribution of CO gas emission content was carried out by interpolating CO data extracted using the kriging interpolation method. The results of the research show that in the first volume of the PSBB on April 10 - June 4 2020 , an unstable CO concentration pattern was seen and the average CO was obtained, namely, 0.03187 mol/m <sup>2 </sup>. In the period a year after the first volume of PSBB 10 A April-4 June 2021, there was an increase in CO concentration by 10% to 0.0352 mol/m <sup>2 </sup>, so this shows that the implementation of the first volume of PSBB in DKI Jakarta affected the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) in the air</em></p> Joseph Damian Cekarus Daffa Haidar Nasik Yosafat Donni Haryanto Copyright (c) 2023 SOSIOEDUKASI JURNAL ILMIAH ILMU PENDIDIKAN DAN SOSIAL 2023-11-28 2023-11-28 12 2 246 252 10.36526/sosioedukasi.v12i2.2452