Badminton Sports Injury Management Training

  • Rio Wardhani IKIP PGRI Pontianak
  • Stephani Yane IKIP PGRI Pontianak
  • Iskandar IKIP PGRI Pontianak
  • Heri Rustanto IKIP PGRI Pontianak
Keywords: Badminton, Injury Management, PB Pelangi


The Issues in PB Pelangi Partners Occurrence of injuries in athletes, specifically in the ankle, knee, and calf, resulting in a decline in performance. The objective of this service is to provide an understanding of how to handle these injuries. The methods used include interviews and distributing pre-test injury management questionnaires, coaching clinics, and practical guidance on ankle, knee, and calf injury management. The interview results from 15 athletes and coaches from PB Pelangi revealed that 60% (9 individuals) had experienced injuries, while 40% (6 individuals) had not. The most common injuries among athletes were ankle injuries at 33% (5 individuals), knee injuries at 20% (3 individuals), and calf injuries at 47% (7 individuals). The pre-test results regarding understanding of ankle, knee, and calf injury management showed that 73% (11 individuals) had minimal understanding, while 27% (4 individuals) understood the management. The lack of understanding among athletes and coaches in handling injuries can have an impact on performance decline. To address this, a coaching clinic on ankle, knee, and calf injury management was conducted, attended by 15 participants consisting of athletes and coaches. After the activity, it was concluded that 80% (12 individuals) understood the injury management actions, while 20% (3 individuals) did not. The inclusion of post-test results showed that 80% (12 individuals) understood the management, while 20% (3 individuals) did not. This training is expected to improve the fitness and performance of the athletes


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How to Cite
Rio Wardhani, Yane, S., Iskandar, & Rustanto, H. (2023). Badminton Sports Injury Management Training. GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(2), 1122-1128.