GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-02-21T06:47:02+00:00 Arya T Candra Open Journal Systems <p><strong>GANDRUNG:</strong> Merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diterbitkan dengan periode dua kali setahun, yakni pada bulan Februari dan Juli. <strong>GANDRUNG</strong> <strong>"Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat"</strong> memuat kumpulan naskah hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam konteks bidang ilmu Pendidikan Olahraga, Kepelatihan Olahraga, Manajemen Olahraga, Sosialisasi Olahraga, Kesehatan Masyarakat serta bidang ilmu umum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Optimization of Digitization-Based Ant Sugar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Cimarias Village 2024-01-23T06:37:29+00:00 Hendri Darma Putra Chandra Wijaya Ishak Abdul Rojak Muhammad Irfan Febrianto Siti Maspupah Rika Amalia <p><em>Angkeub Hamlet, located in Cimarias Village, Pamulihan Subdistrict, Sumedang Regency, has great UMKM &nbsp;potential in palm sugar production. However, Angkeub Hamlet has challenges in developing its economy, namely the lack of community understanding of digital business. This research aims to open the insights of training participants about product diversification from palm sugar. This activity was carried out with a qualitative method in the form of direct discussions with residents, namely palm sugar craftsmen. The results of this thematic KKN program are that the community gained a new understanding of palm sugar cultivation, bookkeeping, product legality, and the operation of platforms for digital marketing through social media and e-commerce, and became a fostered village of Universitas Islam Nusantara. The conclusion of this program has contributed to the livelihood of the community by providing them with new income opportunities. Increased added value of printed palm sugar products into ant sugar. After participating in this program, the craftsmen can technically know the process of making ant sugar and digital marketing, but assistance is still needed to escort them to the production scale and legality. Therefore, the prospect of long-term cooperation output is in the form of an Islamic Nusantara University Assisted Village.</em></p> 2024-01-13T18:19:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat De-escalation of Children's Vulnerability to Sexual Violence in the School Environment of Madrasah Aliyah 40 Persatuan Islam Pamulihan Village 2024-01-22T08:33:16+00:00 Happy Yulia Irpan Maulana Tyara Oktavianti Yusi Siti Pertiwi Ahmad Bahrudin Doni Boro <p><em>The incidence of sexual violence against teenagers in schools truly shakes the heart of every moral person. Thus, inclusive and informative sexual education should be an integral part of the school curriculum, which helps children understand their rights and gives them the tools to protect themselves. This service uses a socialization strategy by conducting counseling to students of Madrasah Aliyah 40 Persatuan Islam Sarongge. In this sexual violence counseling, the speaker presented the theme "Prevention of Sexual Violence against Children in the School Environment" where the target audience was 10th and 11th grade students of Madrasah Aliyah 40 Persatuan Islam Sarongge. The overall conclusion of this community service work program is that this program has succeeded in having a positive impact on the community in the Pamulihan Village area.</em></p> 2024-01-22T07:21:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Educational Literacy Movement Through The Establishment Of A Reading Corner At SMKS Nusantara Banyuwangi 2024-01-23T06:37:08+00:00 Nurul Yunda Nanik Purwanti Donny Setiawan Galih Farhanto Puji Setyaningsih Fahd Mukhtarsyaf <p><em>Reading corners are a way to bring books closer to students. The 6th Army Teaching Campus in collaboration with the students of SMKS Nusantara Banyuwangi created the Pojok Read program as a means to increase the reading interest of pupils. Research methods that use qualitative descriptive methods which use data collection methods such as observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the research showed that the Making of a Reading Claw at NUSANTARA BAN</em><em>Y</em><em>UWANGI SMKS contributed positively to the increased interest of students in reading. By providing a pleasant and comfortable space for reading so that it affects student learning achievements. With the presence of Reading Corner, it is possible to implement the School Literacy Movement that can develop student reading skills and absorb information from reading to improve student academic achievement in a variety of subjects</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-22T08:39:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Functional Food Processing Application as PMT (Providing Additional Food) for BADUTA in the Program to Support the Movement to Prevent Stunting in Medan Deli District 2024-01-24T06:39:06+00:00 Vivi Asfianti Denny Satria Ahmad Hafizullah Ritonga Ahmad Fadli Alfi Sapitri <p><em>Stunting is a form of growth failure due to the accumulation of inadequate nutrition that lasts for a long time starting from pregnancy until the age of 24 months, characterized by body length or height being below standard, based on the PB/U or TB/U index, the results of these measurements are at the threshold &lt; -2 SD, =-3 SD (short) and &lt;-3 SD (very short). Based on WHO data (2020), the prevalence of stunting in children under five in the world is 149.2 million or around 22%, the national prevalence of stunting in 2022 is 21.6%, the prevalence of stunting in North Sumatra (January 2023) reaches 21.1%, ranked 17th from 34 provinces with the highest number of stunted children in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting in Medan City (as of April 1 2023) is 298 children under five. Data obtained from the Medan Deli District Family Planning Coordinator, currently there are 28 stunted toddlers and 30 stunted toddlers, of the 28 stunted toddlers, 1 toddler has 'graduated' from stunting. The aim of this service is to apply functional food processing as PMT (Supplemental Food Provision) for BADUTA as an effort to support the Stunting Prevention Movement Program in accordance with PERPRES (2021) No. 72. In the outreach activities, pretest and posttest evaluation activities were carried out to determine the level of knowledge of participants regarding the provision of additional protein-rich functional food (PMT) in the form of cereal cookies to stunted toddlers and those at risk of stunting by providing simple choice questions that they had to answer. The results of the service obtained are functional stunting food products in the form of cookies containing porang flour and moringa</em></p> 2024-01-23T13:30:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Healthy Tourism Village Education based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kenagarian Singkarak Regency Solok 2024-01-24T06:38:45+00:00 Nugroho Susanto Windo Wiriadinata Nuridin Widya Pranoto <p>Village SDGs is a sustainable development role that is included in the priority program for using village funds in 2021. Koto One of the tourism potentials in Koto Specifically, the existing problems are (1) The health sector in the Koto (2) Seeing environmental conditions and the lack of awareness of the local community, the existing Lake Singkarak area receives less attention and is not well maintained, making it less attractive to visitors (3). Lack of human resources (HR) capable of managing tourism potential. (4) There are no SOPs and tourism health protocols in this area. The methods used are education and training, forming tourist village cadres, mentoring and helping to complete health facilities and infrastructure in tourist villages. The results of the activity are increased public knowledge and awareness about the importance of cleanliness and comfort at tourist sites, increased knowledge of food handlers regarding hygiene and sanitation, the provision of health infrastructure at tourist sites, and the establishment of university and village partnerships.</p> 2024-01-23T13:37:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Improving Knowledge and Skills in Implementing Experimental Methods for Teachers 2024-01-24T06:38:25+00:00 Lalita Melasarianti Etin Pujihastuti Arfin Derilistiandi Didik Rilastiyobudi Rindha Widyaningsih Uki Haresyulianti Septi Mariasari Nur Indahsholikhati <p>The research results of Melasarianti &amp; Nurhayani (2020) revealed that high school secondary level teachers in the Banyumas Regency area still have low knowledge of experimental research methods. This is proven by the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, teachers are looking for learning innovations to solve problems in teaching and learning activities in the classroom, still using the classroom action research (PTK) method. The low level of teacher knowledge regarding these types of research methods is also experienced by the teachers of SMK N 1 Purwokerto. Evidently, from the results obtained by Melasarianti &amp; Nurhayani (2020) research respondents, as many as 30% came from SMK N 1 Purwokerto, revealing the importance of research methods, especially experimental research, to seek innovation in the learning process. Based on these problems, this activity aims to increase the knowledge and skills of SMK N 1 Purwokerto teachers regarding experimental research methods. The implementation of this activity uses seminar presentation methods, discussions, training and mentoring. Some of the results of this activity are: 1) increasing the knowledge and information of SMK N 1 Purwokerto teachers regarding experimental research methods, 2) increasing the abilities and skills of SMK N1 Purwokerto teachers in compiling titles and formulating problems in experimental research.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-23T17:03:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Self Care Education for Adolescent Women with Health Counseling and Disminore Exercise Training in an Effort to Optimize the Intensity of Disminore 2024-01-24T06:38:04+00:00 Dessi Novita Sari Dessi Sonya Nelson Arif Fadli Muchlis <p>The problems that teenagers experience regarding menstruation are minor. Dysminorrhea is the most common disease complaint among young adult and adolescent women. The problems faced by partners are: Not many female students know dysmenorrhea exercises to overcome menstrual pain which is very helpful in non-pharmacological treatment and there is still a lack of female students' knowledge regarding self-care/good self-care during menstruation. The method used is in the form of lectures, question and answer discussions and presentations. The results of this service activity are an increase in health status, physical fitness and increasing knowledge and optimizing the intensity of dysmenorrhea in young women</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-24T02:17:03+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Motoric Game-Based Learning Model to Grow Character Values “GOROMAN” (Cooperation and Independent) Elementary School 190, Gresik District 2024-01-24T04:09:58+00:00 Sunanto Pance Mariati Muchamad Samsul Huda Didik Purwanto <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Regarding the problem and the focus of assistance from the findingsobtained in the field and peer discussions with teachers still focus on physics in learning physical education at schoolbase. Physical education is not only a physical focus, but character values ​​are also given to students in the learning process. Physical education and sports are based on methodsgame motor skills to grow character The method used in this activity is a model of filling out questionnaires, materials, discussions, game simulations and evaluations. While the discussion of the results of the service includes peer discussions that are relevant to the findings of the mentoring results found to be includedcategory understand the importance of character education given to students in gamesmotor to foster the value of mutual cooperation and independence.</p> 2024-01-24T02:28:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Education on The Role of Financial Literacy and Development at PT. Pawnshop 2024-01-24T06:37:42+00:00 Herlin Munthe Bayu Wulandari Namira Ufrida Rahmi Thomas Firdaus Hutahaean Maya Sabirina Panggabean Dianty Putri Purba Jessi Charina Sembiring Ribka Sari Butar-Butar <p>Literasi keuangan dalah sebuah investasi jangka panjang yang sangat dibutuhkan dan bemanfaat pada masyarakat dalam mengelola dan menjaga keuangan agar dapat terjaga dan dapat dibutuhkan setiap saat yang memiliki kebutuhan yang mendesak. Adapun tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk mengetahui bahwa peranan literasi dalam perkembangan keuangan sangat diperlukan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan oleh dosen universitas prima Indonesia fakultas ekonomi sebagai tri darama perguruan tinggi.</p> <p>dilaksanakan di Kantor PT Pegadaian Gajah Mada Alamat: Jl. Gajah Mada, Sei Sikambing D, Kec. Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20114.&nbsp; Waktu pelasanaan 27 Oktober 2023. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi. Literasi keuangan juga dapat mendukung kekayaan financial dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan memahami literasi keuangan maka seseorang dapat menentukan produk investasi sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kebutuhn untuk jangka panjang.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-01-24T04:06:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Implementation of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) to Sport Coach at KONI Pariaman City 2024-01-26T15:27:20+00:00 Ridho Bahtra Aldo Naza Putra <p>Increasing national sporting achievements will run well if it starts from the lower levels, namely districts and cities. From Kota Pariaman's participation in Porprov, Kota Pariaman has never once reached the best position (rank 1) in terms of medals, and has never even entered the top 10. Based on the results of interviews and observations in the field, there were findings that coaches' understanding of athlete coaching patterns was still low, especially in long-term coaching. The coach's lack of knowledge about athlete development can ultimately lead to the coach's inability to create training programs for long-term coaching. The approach method used in solving partner problems is 1) Workshop in order to increase the knowledge and understanding of trainers in long-term coaching patterns by providing material on Long Term Athlete Development and 2) Follow-up discussions in the context of monitoring and evaluation. The result of this activity is an increase in trainers' knowledge and understanding in creating long-term coaching programs.</p> 2024-01-24T07:59:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Development of the Tourism Industry Using Branding Strategies by Competitive Multimedia in the Digital Era Based on Community Empowerment 2024-01-25T06:42:58+00:00 Erwin Kartinawati Farid Fitriyadi Erna Indriastiningsih <p><em>In a dynamic and ever-evolving digital era, the tourism industry faces the challenge of adapting and innovating to maintain its appeal. In this context, an effective branding strategy becomes crucial. Using or utilising competitive multimedia is one of the keys to achieving this goal. This research investigates the potential for integration between branding strategies through competitive multimedia and community empowerment in developing the tourism industry. Results show that when applied appropriately, competitive multimedia can strengthen identity, increase visibility, and deepen visitors' emotional engagement with tourism destinations. However, some technical challenges must be overcome, especially regarding the quality of promotional content. To overcome the problem, the proposed solution involves local communities deeply understanding the region's cultural richness and uniqueness in content production. With adequate training and access to the appropriate tools, communities can create content that is not only high quality but also authentic and rich in local narratives. Thus, this approach improves branding quality and promotes inclusive and sustainable tourism development. The main conclusion from this research is that the combination of multimedia technology and community empowerment can be a cutting-edge strategy for branding and promoting the tourism industry in the current digital era.</em></p> 2024-01-24T08:07:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Strengthening Economic Literacy to Minimize Consumptive Online Shopping Behavior among Generation Z in West Lombok Regency 2024-01-25T06:42:34+00:00 Fathurrahman Muhammad Habibullah Aminy Baiq Santi Rengganis Slamet Mardiyanto Rahayu <p><em>The growth and development of technology in everyday life has the potential to improve people's welfare. The level of public understanding of economic literacy is very important because it plays a role in economic management. The knowledge level of economic literacy in generation Z still needs strengthening. Therefore, community service activities were carried out in the form of strengthening economic literacy to minimize consumptive online shopping behavior among generation Z in Kekait Village, Gunungsari District, West Lombok Regency. Based on the community service activities that have been carried out, it can be seen that partners have given positive responses, including: acquiring new knowledge regarding economic literacy and digital financial platforms; the community wants to immediately implement good economic planning and management and intend to have digital savings. Sustainability of this activity is needed as a form of monitoring and evaluation of assistance in an effort to provide solutions to problems faced by partners.</em></p> 2024-01-24T14:30:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Training of "Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM)" Through in House Training (IHT) For 21st Century Prospective Teacher Student Communities 2024-01-25T06:42:10+00:00 Ani Anjarwati Ribut Prastiwi Sriwijayanti Dzaky Isyuniandri Putri Fatimattus Az Zahra Uul Zahro Aulia <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>Curriculum is the heart of education. In its implementation it underwent various changes. As aprospective teacher, every change in the curriculum is necessary, so it is very important to deepen your</em><em>knowledge regarding the preparation of curriculum components as a preparation before entering the</em><em>elementary school environment. Wokrhsop Implementation of the Independent Curriculum (IKM) which</em><em>is carried out through In House Training (IHT) is a learning tool for prospective teachers to equipthemselves in understanding the components of the Independent Curriculum, namely Learning</em><em>Achievements (LA), Learning Objectives (LO) and Learning Objective Flow (LOF) . The IKM Workshop</em><em>was carried out in several stages, namely (1) observing the condition of the participants; (2) making </em><em>activity proposals, flyers and distribution; (3) inviting external sources; (4) pretest; (5) Implementation of IKM activities; (6) Completing the post-test. The results obtained after implementing the IKM workshop showed an increase of 91.1% of participants who were able to understand and develop the IndependentCurriculum components, namely Learning Achievements (CP), Learning Objectives (TP) and Learning</em><em>Objective Flow (ATP).</em></p> 2024-01-25T05:06:53+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Development of a Sustainable Professional Model for Sports Graduates Based on Future Problem Solving Skills to Support Individual Productivity 2024-01-27T06:48:26+00:00 Arief Darmawan Sapto Adi Moh. Fathur Rohman Tatok Sugiarto Zihan Novita Sari Cahyo Nugroho Sigit Ahadi Priyohutomo <p>Everyday life requires a lot of expenses. Of course, this must be balanced with maximum income. So productivity is very important to achieve goals. Human resource factors in an agency play an important role because they play a role in planning and implementing factors in realizing goals. Individual productivity is one of the factors that can influence success in an organization. This concerns individual development in terms of knowledge and skills in doing something, especially for sports graduates. The method in this service is in stage 1 analyzing the preparedness of the sports master's students' environment towards graduation, analysis of individual career development training needs, stage 2 model design training, validation of the model plan developed, revision of the initial model design which has been validated, stage 3 model testing which was developed, revised the model based on feedback and findings from implementation results, implementation model stage 4, training/dissemination stage 5. The results of the service implementation were carried out smoothly so that it could be implemented well. With this dedication, it is hoped that the audience will not only gain knowledge but also be able to design their own profession or career targets for the next few years</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Competency Enhancement of Alumni Teaching Profession With Training in The Development of PBL and PJBL Learning Devices Based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 2024-01-27T06:48:53+00:00 Tatok Sugiarto Arief Darmawan Eko Hariyanto Zihan Novita Sari Ahadi Priyohutomo Linggo Jiventino Yono Prayogo <p>Increasing competence is a necessity in the field of education, increasing competence possessed by a person will increase a certain amount of knowledge, therefore the importance of increasing competence for teachers is an effort to harmonize learning patterns and the education system as a whole. In the systematic planning of learning, the preparation of learning devices is an obligation that must be owned by a teacher before carrying out the process of teaching and learning activities, teachers who have good competence if they can make, develop, design and implement learning devices, therefore the preparation of learning devices should be adapted with the needs of students, PJBL and PBL. The methods in this service consist of the lecture method, mentoring, measurement of results. The results in this service are that the teacher has an understanding of the syntax of the learning model, and the differences in the PBL and PJBL work systems, broadens horizons in making teaching modules that suit student needs, can analyze and apply the PBL and PJBL methods in each learning activity, PJOK educators have better understanding of concepts, procedures, and evaluation in developing learning tools adapted to the implementation of the independent curriculum.</p> 2024-01-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Socialization of The Importance of Knowing The Benefits of Investments and Financial Securities in Budisatriya Medan Vocational School 2024-01-27T06:48:01+00:00 Amin Hou Ester Hervina Sihombing Sabaruddin Chaniago Ahmad Rivai Nasib Martin Ratih Amelia Manda Dwipayani Bhastary Widy Hastuty HS Ahmad Fadli <p><em>There are various types of investment to choose from. Starting from real investments in physical form such as land, houses and gold as well as non-real investments in the financial sector. An example of non-real investment is investment in the financial sector such as in the capital market. Many students still don't understand the benefits of investing</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;For this reason, education in the form of training given to students about the benefits of financial investment and the capital market will certainly be a door to change in character for students to be braver in making various investment choices in the future. The solution offered for community service carried out at SMK S Budisatrya Medan is in the form of presenting material about the benefits of investment and various ways of making financial investments in the current money market or capital market</em><strong>.</strong></p> 2024-01-25T15:46:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Introduction of Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) in Elementary School 2024-02-05T03:13:54+00:00 Desy Tya Maya Ningrum Hafizah Hafizah Decenni Amelia Yafi Velyan Mahyudi Eldin Maulana Rizqia Rizqia <p>Students' basic movements begins to develop in the elementary school phase, which must be developed to support the learning of physical education. This dedication discusses several approaches that teachers can use to teach basic movement skills to their students, as well as long-term benefits. Action research methods can be done in a community of sports teachers who will form collaboration with other teachers to find problems and find solutions. Thus, through such methods, participants can receive and implement learning management in support of the identification of sustainable student talents. The results of dedication are: 1) The range of activities carried out, 2) Continuous support, 3) Evaluation and Feedback, 4) Use of Help Tools, 5) Programme Action to Solve Problems. Identifying challenges in the accompaniment process, the leader and the dedication team will identify problems or obstacles encountered by participants in learning basic movement skills. Once the identification is obtained the problem will be formulated in the form of learning reflection for the next meeting. The community service activities, in the implementation of the activities, use playing learning methods and use the learning media that have been modified to have a positive effect on physical, cognitive, and social development. Games and media modified can motivate and attract the interest of children to be willing to train their activity and muscle development, reduce saturation, and improve the child's skills in a fun way.</p> 2024-01-26T17:41:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Efforts to Increase Awareness of Saving Culture among Students at Budisatrya High School in Medan 2024-01-28T06:45:31+00:00 Nasib Debora Tambunan Roni Juliansyah Emma Novirsari Nidya Banuari Steven Gea Dewi Rafiah Pakpahan Deby Siska Oktavia Pasaribu Tony Honkley Hamjah Arahman <p>To increase the involvement of lecturers in society and ensure that universities function as agents of positive change, the government encourages lecturers to be actively involved in community service activities through the Tri Dharma program of higher education. In the community service program, lecturers are expected to provide their knowledge and expertise to the broader community and ensure that the knowledge produced is valuable and relevant for the benefit of human life. Lecturers and teams from Mahkota Tricom Unggul University carried out community service activities by providing material exposure related to fostering a culture of saving for students who are in high school. Fostering a culture of saving has many essential benefits both for individual development and society as a whole. By providing exposure to this culture of saving, the participants began to understand and understand the benefits gained from activities in getting used to saving. This activity is inseparable from the role and support of parents and teachers at school.</p> 2024-01-27T16:17:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Korfball Coach Training in Klaten Regency, Central Java 2024-01-28T06:45:02+00:00 Bhekti Lestari Muhammad Kharis Fajar Eva Ferdita Yuhantini Resti Nurpratiwi Afif Rusdiawan Rizky Muhammad Sidik Oce Wiriawan Budi Ariyanto <p><em>The community service activity for training korfball coaches in Klaten Regency, Central Java aims to provide an understanding of training methods and an understanding of preparing training programs so that coaches can form and produce korfball athletes who excel in regional, national and even international championships. The method applied used a socialization approach with a training program followed by 50 participants consisting of teachers and football coaches in Central Java. The activity was held at KONI Klaten Regency for two days. The materials used in this activity are power points, teaching materials and videos as well as using laptops, projectors, mics and sound, stationery, documentation tools, korf and koftball balls. The first socialization material explains basic techniques, methods of training koftball and rules for playing koftball games. The second material discusses guidelines for preparing a simple exercise program. The third material discusses the importance of physiotherapy in the sport of korfball. Then the fourth material concerns physical training methods, techniques and tactics in korfball. The final material is about sports management in improving performance. After delivering all the material, it was continued with a korfball game simulation. The output of this activity is improving the quality of human resources for korfball coaches in Central Java.</em></p> 2024-01-28T05:19:19+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Technical Guidance for Student Creativity and Achievement Program 2024-01-29T06:43:13+00:00 Hamdani Dona Fitriawan Halini Agung Hartoyo Zubaidah R Revi Lestari Pasaribu Dian Ahmad BS Ade Mirza Edy Yusmin Asep Nursangaji <p><em>The purpose of the student creativity program in general is to prepare future-oriented student resources and forged with higher education transformation so that they become superior, competitive, adaptive, flexible, productive, competitive graduates with Pancasila character, and guide students to become individuals who know and obey the rules, creative and innovative, as well as objective and cooperative in building intellectual diversity. While the objectives of the Student Achievement Program are: 1) giving awards to students who have achieved high achievements; 2) motivating students to carry out curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities as a vehicle for synergizing student hard skills and soft skills; 3) encouraging universities to develop a campus life climate that can facilitate students to achieve proud achievements on an ongoing basis; 4) Student entrepreneurship; and 5) MBKM activities in higher education. The method of delivering the material in the zoom meeting and offline, accompanied directly by selected expert presenters who are able to provide motivation and strategies and often participate in the intended achievement event in the FKIP Hall, Classroom, and other rooms that are useful in implementing activities that are planned to be carried out continuously or sustainably between April and December 2023. The activities are in the form of continuous technical guidance periodically until students are proficient in uploading activity websites, making implementation proposals, and creating achievement and entrepreneurial ideas. The data collection technique is observation, interview, and documentation. With data collection tools in the form of observation sheets, interviews, and documentation sheets. The target audience is students and lecturers, especially the mathematics education study program at FKIP Tanjungpura University. With the results obtained are: 1) many students are ready to make a team of service implementers starting from the preparation of proposals to the hope that the product will be accepted by the ministry and other institutions that oversee it; 2) students play an active role in participating in competitions or student achievement activities and compete starting from the institutional, regional, national, and international levels. The product of the service activity is in the form of a Student Creativity Program (PKM) proposal and empirical evidence of students participating in outstanding student activities then articles made and then published in the National Journal of Community Service.</em></p> 2024-01-28T07:05:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Gymnastic Sports Management Training for Physical Education Teachers in East Jakarta City 2024-01-29T06:43:36+00:00 Herman Chaniago Wahyuningtyas Puspitorini Yafi Velyan Mahyudi <p>In the gymnastics sports event (O2SN), students will have greater opportunities to take part in the event. For this reason, the competence of physical education teachers must be improved through training and knowledge about teaching basic gymnastic movements. However, physical education teachers in East Jakarta lack gymnastics management training, but do not understand sports coaching techniques and management. The service methods used in this activity are training, seminars and workshops. This service was carried out for approximately 2 months with the following stages: 1) conducting training, 2) monitoring, 3) evaluating and achieving. Participants involved in the service program are 35 physical education teachers in the East Jakarta region. Program implementation involves the implementation of a previously designed sports curriculum. This includes organizing the lesson schedule, selecting teaching methods appropriate to the type of sport, as well as managing groups of participants. Factors such as safety, health, and ethics must also be considered in implementing physical education programs. Supervision and monitoring are carried out to ensure that the sports program runs according to plan. Community service with the topic "Gymnastics Development Management" is an important initiative to increase the knowledge and skills of physical education teachers in the field of gymnastics. However, the implementation of this program can be faced with several inhibiting factors which include limited resources, lack of knowledge and skills, low motivation, safety, and differences in ability levels.</p> 2024-01-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Physical Fitness Assistance and Economic Strengthening Using Light Emitting Diode Technology for Youth Forum RT 04/02 (Format) Marga Mulya Subdistrict Bekasi City 2024-01-29T06:42:49+00:00 Truly Wangsalegawa Juli Candra Suharjudin Desy Tya Maya Ningrum Muhammad Ziddan Ali <p><em>Community Service Activities were carried out in Marga Mulya Village, North Bekasi District, Bekasi City, in collaboration with the RT 04/02 Youth Forum, abbreviated as FORMAT. Community Service activities are carried out for 5 months by providing physical fitness assistance and economic strengthening to the younger generation in the form of training activities in developing physical abilities so that they can improve physical fitness abilities so that it is hoped that a strong generation can be born and able to avoid all the social diseases that can occur. destroying the future, as well as providing training in exploring the potential of the RT 04/02 Youth Forum (Format) to develop economic development capabilities, exploring the entrepreneurial potential that exists in the younger generation so as to create skilled young entrepreneurs and providing marketing strategies, analyzing market share and marketing management so as to produce quality products and be able to compete in society. Through community service activities, it is hoped that youth who are members of FORMAT will be able to become a better generation and be self-sufficient with the human resources they have and be able to respond well to change so that a physically strong generation is born. and strong economically.</em></p> 2024-01-28T10:13:01+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Improving Literacy Skills Through The Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) In Class V Students At SD Negeri Triwung Kidul II Probolinggo City 2024-01-29T06:42:27+00:00 Adella Pramesti Azizah Tun Nafsiyah Firda Oktaviaji Lely Nur Fitria Ribut Prastiwi Sriwijayanti Vita Rahmatun Nazilah. <p><em>This research was motivated by observation data which showed that the literacy skills of grade 5 students were quite low. The implementation of this activity aims to give students better thinking skills for various problems that arise in questions through AKM classes which are held in 2 sessions, namely AKM pre-test and Post-test. This research was carried out in class 5, attended by 18 students. This research is qualitative research which uses observation and interview methods. The research results show a significant increase in the implementation of class AKM. The increase in AKM scores for this class was supported by the successful implementation of the student work program. Skills have increased at the individual level and it is hoped that all students can achieve this, namely at a skilled or advanced competency level. From the pre-test to post-test AKM test activities there has been a good improvement as well as a fairly high increase in literacy skills among students. Researchers apply appropriate methods and implement work programs well. So it was successful in making students' post-test results improve from the previous test.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-29T05:21:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Counseling On Sport Massage and Use of Kinesiotaping For Athletes and Gymnastic Coaches 2024-01-29T06:42:05+00:00 Idah Tresnowatii Gilang Nuari Panggraita Mega Widya Putri Lukman Alfaris Nurul Aqil Nahari <p><em>Sport Massage is a method of recovery using massage specifically for athletes. Sports injuries that occur in performance sports athletes, apart from disrupting their health, can also reduce the athlete's opportunity to achieve optimally. Massage is a form of manipulation that has the characteristics of the causes of sports injuries, types of injuries and how to treat sports injuries. The ultimate goal of treating sports injuries is to maximize the injury recovery process and to minimize the risk of re-injury. Sports injuries are injuries to the integumentary, muscular and skeletal systems caused by sports activities. One of the branches of sport that aims to achieve achievement is gymnastics. Gymnastics is divided into 3: Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Aerobic Gymnastics. Training aimed at achieving maximum performance certainly has risks. The risk of sports activities is injury, ranging from minor injuries to serious injuries which are very likely to occur in athletes who do regular exercise.</em></p> 2024-01-29T06:09:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Optimization of Processed Fish Management in Prigi Tourism Area Through Packaging Strategies and Product Diversification 2024-01-29T06:41:41+00:00 Angga Rizka Lidiawan Sudjiono Alma Hariyati Risma Gesang Ayu Cahyani <p><em>Fish contains high nutrients that can be consumed by most humans. Fish also has nutritional content in animal and vegetable proteins that are low in cholesterol so it is safe for consumption. The availability of abundant fish but not balanced with good management makes public consumption interest in fish less able to maximize the availability of abundant raw materials, there is no diversification of processed products, packaging used by partners to wrap products is less attractive, and less able to maximize the development of technology and information is the main focus of problems in this service. The method in this service is Focus Group Discussion with several stages. As a result of this dedication, partners can diversify products and do online marketing.</em></p> 2024-01-29T06:19:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Physical Monitoring in Swimming Athletes: Leveraging Dominant Physique as a Benchmark 2024-02-01T06:46:28+00:00 M. Akbar Husein Allsabah Rendhitya Prima Putra Weda Sugito Puspodari Slamet Junaidi <p><em>In swimming, there are several components of physical condition that need to be mastered, while partners do not have data on the physical condition of their athletes as a consideration for providing daily training programs. The purpose of this parameter test is to equip swimming coaches in Kediri City and Regency to be able to find out the physical condition of their athletes at this time so that it becomes the basis for providing training programs that can be right on target. The method used in community service activities is a physical condition test of swimming athletes, the test instrument used there are 10 components of test items, data is analyzed using averages and percentages. The results of community service activities in the dominant results of the analysis of the physical condition of male athletes in cities and districts showed that 60% of male athletes in Kediri city had medium abilities, 45% of male athletes in Kediri district had less abilities. In the women's results, 50% of female athletes in Kediri have medium abilities, 40% of female athletes in Kediri have less abilities. Thus, it can be concluded that the physical condition of male and female athletes in Kediri city has moderate physical condition abilities, while male and female athletes of Kediri regency have less physical condition abilities.</em></p> 2024-01-30T16:08:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Education About Correct Exercise and the Effectiveness of Measuring Pulse Rate Before, During and After Exercise 2024-02-03T06:41:52+00:00 Gilang Nuari Panggraita Mega Widya Putri Idah Tresnowati Lukman Alfaris <p><em>Exercise is highly essential to maintain good health, especially in the current era heavily reliant on technology. Moreover, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has led to changes in the education system, shifting from in-person to online learning, the use of gadgets has surged while physical activities like sports have declined. The increased use of gadgets underscores the need for awareness and education regarding the importance of exercise and how to do it correctly. This outreach program aims to enhance understanding of the significance of exercise and proper exercise techniques, as well as improve knowledge and skills in setting exercise goals and measuring heart rate before, during, and after physical activity.This program was attended by 60 participants who were 11th-grade students from SMA N 1 Pekalongan. The activity took place on Saturdays, starting from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The outreach team consisted of four lecturers and two students from the Physical Education Program at Muhammadiyah University Pekajangan Pekalongan. Based on the pre-test and post-test results, there was an improvement in participants' understanding of proper exercise techniques and the effectiveness of heart rate measurement before, during, and after exercise. In conclusion, students' understanding of the importance of proper exercise and its relation to heart rate measurement needs to be enhanced, and one effective way is through educational activities, training, and guidance. These activities aim to empower students to engage in independent physical activity and reduce the use of gadgets that contribute to sedentary behavior in today's generation. Additionally, some recommendations for schools as part of the follow-up plan include increasing the quantity of physical activities within the school environment, optimizing the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle among students, and teachers serving as role models for students in maintaining health and fitness through proper exercise.</em></p> 2024-02-03T06:03:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Handling Sports Injuries using the PEACE Method and Nutritional Management of Athletes After Sports Injuries 2024-02-05T06:40:11+00:00 Mega Widya Putri Gilang Nuari Panggraita Lukman Alfaris <p><em>This community service implementation aims to provide understanding to athletes and coaches in Pekalongan Regency regarding how to treat sports injuries using the PEACE method and nutritional management of athletes after sports injuries. In this way, it is hoped that coaches and trainers can handle the problems of middle-aged athletes when training and taking part in competitions so that athletes' achievements, especially in Pekalongan Regency, can be maximized. A coach must of course know how to organize nutrition for his athletes during pre-competition, competition and after competition, especially after it is discovered that the athlete has suffered an injury. This is done to maintain the athlete's performance while taking part in the event. The problem in Pekalongan Regency is that there are still many athletes and coaches who do not know how to treat sports injuries using the PEACE method and nutritional management after sports injuries. The reason is that so far there is only one trainer in Pekalongan Regency, who doubles as a technical, mental trainer and nutritionist. Seeing this problem, it is necessary to provide understanding to athletes and coaches regarding injury management and nutritional management for athletes. In carrying out this service, reflection, lecture, practice and discussion methods are used. This service activity went smoothly, respondents were enthusiastic about taking part in this activity. After respondents were given an explanation and understanding regarding handling sports injuries and nutritional management, they carried out a PEACE method practicum and created a nutrition program for athletes after sports injuries. </em></p> 2024-02-05T02:06:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Increases the Competence of Sports Science-Based Karate Trainers in Facing the Demands of Competition Activities for FORKI Trainers in Padang Pariaman Regency 2024-02-05T06:39:50+00:00 Septri Anggun Permata Sari Hadi Pery Fajri Sonya Nelson <p><em>The partner in this service is FORKI Padang Pariaman, targeting trainers and assistant trainers in Padang Pariaman Regency. Mitra's problems are: 1) the low level of understanding of karate trainers regarding the basics of coaching science. Most karate trainers rely on their previous experience as athletes in training, so the training methods used are still classical and traditional. Apart from that, the karate trainers in Padang Pariaman Regency are still dominated by trainers who do not have an educational background in sports. The lack of human resources for trainers who have sports scientific competence will certainly affect the development of sports science and technology (IPTEK)-based coaching. 2) The performance of Karate athletes in Padang Pariaman Regency is not yet optimal and it is still very difficult to compete with other regions both at the internal and multi-event levels. The implementation method for this service is Training of Trainers (TOT) by providing material through lectures, then followed by direct practice. The result of mentoring is an increase in the trainer's competency regarding the basics of coaching science and training program planning. </em></p> 2024-02-05T02:13:59+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Improving Financial Management and Taxation Systems in Azzahra Bee Farm MSMEs 2024-02-06T06:42:11+00:00 Agus Tina Khana Saputri Ninta Katharina Wirda Lilia Jessy Safitri Sitorus <p><em>Honey bee cultivation is a technique for caring for honey bee colonies that live in hives. Apart from producing honey, bee cultivation can also produce other products such as propolis, pollen and royal jelly. The honey produced by honey bees has been proven to be efficacious in maintaining body health and can treat several types of diseases. Honey bee cultivation is a very attractive alternative for the community so it can be used as a very promising business field to increase income. For this reason, knowledge of financial management and a good taxation system is needed to support the development of the honey bee cultivation business. UMKM Azzahra Bee Farm is an UMKM engaged in cultivating honey bees located on Jl. Melati Raya - I No.6 Sempakata Village, Medan Selayang District. A survey conducted by the PKM team found problems related to financial management and the tax system that were still poorly understood. So far, financial management has not been properly recorded and understanding of the tax system is still very minimal. The PKM team intends to carry out PKM activities using an approach method through counseling and workshops regarding financial management and the taxation system for MSMEs. Through this PKM activity, it is hoped that it will be beneficial for Azzahra Bee Farm MSMEs in the form of increasing knowledge and skills related to financial management and the taxation system for MSMEs</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-02-05T07:24:52+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Training on Using the Canva Digital Application for Teacher Creativity at SD Negeri 4 Jatijajar as a Teaching Aspiration 2024-02-06T06:41:48+00:00 Ervian Arif Muhafid Dewi Fatmawati Farah Nendi Nur Hilal Hermas Novel Larasati Sulistia Valentin Sasih Meysin Puspa Ayu Wulandari <p><em>In this era whereas technology continues to develop rapidly like today, teachers must develop digital skills, especially in creating learning media because of teacher creativity in teaching aspirations. Training on using Canva was held to improve teachers' technology and digital literacy skills at SD Negeri 4 Jatijajar. By increasing teachers' technological skills and digital literacy, there is potential for continued innovation in the development of learning media. Developing interesting learning media can help students understand the material being taught because this service implementation uses lecture methods, questions and answers, and direct practice using the Canva application. The activity steps carried out in this community service activity include, 1) design stage, 2) training stage, 3) evaluation stage. Implementing this community service will ultimately provide additional insight to teachers in creating learning media using Canva creatively and innovatively.</em></p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Technical Guidance for Making Teaching Modules for Primary School Teachers in the Toho District 2024-02-07T06:41:01+00:00 Neni Mariyani Hery Kresnadi Dyoty Auliya Vilda Ghasya Siti Halidjah Kartono Asmayani Salimi Rio Pranata Agung Hartoyo <p><em>Education is an important factor in the development of the country, and the quality of education needs to be improved. One of the efforts to improve the quality of education is the development of teaching modules that are by the Merdeka Curriculum. However, the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in elementary schools in The Toho District is still experiencing obstacles. The lack of teachers' understanding and skills in making teaching modules is the main factor that hinders them. Therefore, this study conducted technical guidance on making teaching modules for the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school teachers in Toho District. In this technical guidance, a Direct Instruction approach is used with four stages: socialization, discussion, practice making teaching modules in groups, and evaluation. The results show an increase in teachers' understanding of the Merdeka Curriculum, their confidence in implementing teaching modules, and the development of high-quality teaching modules. Despite the success, the evaluation identified some challenges, including the perception that some learning objectives should be taught in a single meeting.</em></p> 2024-02-06T13:04:21+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Socialization is Important to Grow Social Sense and Empathy for People in Berkat Bintang Sejati Orphanages 2024-02-08T06:46:09+00:00 Feby Yoana Siregar Merry Rusida S Devi Alvionita Alindra Wenny Ivana Kiki Goslim Herlin Munthe <p><em>Community Service Activities are carried out on Jl Sei Sihalian, Sei Sikambing D, Kec. Medan Petisah, Medan City, North Sumatra 20114. Time for implementation activities January 28 2024. Service activities carried out in the form of discussions and direct practice with children at the Berkat Bintang Sejati Orphanage. In helping children overcome their problems and find alternatives to fulfill their living needs and have the skills to provide them with life. In this program children are expected to be able to live independently and develop every potential they have so that the child's welfare can be fulfilled and the child's normal development can be fulfilled and it is hoped that the child will be able to develop the abilities he has, because in a child's development it is hoped that all the child's needs can be met, so that development children become optimal.</em></p> 2024-02-07T07:43:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Madrasah Quality Improvement Management 2024-02-09T06:57:26+00:00 Sita Ratnaningsih Maftuhah Taufiqurrahman <p><em>One factor that greatly influences the success of a school is educational resources, excellent educational resources are produced by good quality management. Quality is very important in an educational institution, schools are said to be superior and able to compete if management is good. The purpose of this research is to provide understanding and insight regarding education quality management and educational assistance at MTs Darut Tafsir Al-Husaini. The result of this service activity is to improve the quality of madrasas to be even better so that madrasas have the potential to become superior and competitive madrasas.</em></p> 2024-02-09T06:55:39+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Strengthening Case and Project Methods for Improvement Competencies of Vocational Students 2024-02-13T06:44:15+00:00 Gatot Yuliana Aunnurahman Henny Herawati Sulistyarini Sri Maryuni Rusdiyono Bistari Asriah Nurdini Y. Touvan Juni Samodra Tiara <p><em>Improving the quality of education is a challenging task. Schools serve as a pathway to prepare students to become responsible members of society. On the other hand, vocational schools focus on providing practical skills that can be useful in real life situations. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the education process for students. In order to make students proficient in their respective fields of study, teachers carry out advocacy programs in classrooms. Community service activities are aimed at helping vocational school teachers enhance the quality of education by using project and problem-based learning. The implementation of these services is achieved through interactions and guidance on learning models for vocational school teachers. The results of this PKM activity have been overwhelmingly positive. Participants found the activity to be 100% useful, which helped them strengthen their competencies. The material presented was highly appropriate and of great quality.</em></p> 2024-02-13T04:01:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Empowering Elderly Through Productive Elderly Exercise Program and Creative Industry Training Based Oon Local Wisdom in Kenagarian Sariak, Sungai Pua District, Agam Regency 2024-02-18T12:51:00+00:00 Sonya Nelson Arif Fadli Muchlis Dessi Novita Sari <p><em>The area targeted by PKM is Nagari Sariak, Sungai Pua District, Agam Regency, which has a fairly large elderly population. As for the partner's problems: (1) The activities at the elderly posyandu are classified as monotonous so there is a lack of interest in participants coming, the posyandu activities are only reflected in the process of checking the health of the elderly, for example in weighing, checking blood pressure, sometimes also checking cholesterol and uric acid. There is still a lack of activities aimed at improving physical fitness and exercise for the elderly, which until now is rarely done. This is also due to the lack of competent infrastructure to provide counseling and training in order to create a physically and spiritually healthy society. Activities at Posyandu are less varied and there is no special emphasis for elderly participants in carrying out exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to provide counseling and training about physical fitness, especially exercise for the elderly. The target to be achieved is an understanding of 1) sports, especially exercise for the elderly, as well as the proper and correct implementation of exercise for the elderly. Meanwhile, the second problem (2), concerns employment, especially for the elderly without potential, most of whom are elderly who are no longer working even though they still want to work. Some elderly people are still less productive, which has the consequence of reduced income which can lead to elderly poverty. activities through Training of Trainers (TOT) by providing material through lectures, then continued with direct practice. The results achieved are an increase in the level of health, physical fitness and increased knowledge and skills of elderly people in the field of crafts</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-15T04:21:47+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Educational Interactive Video Content as a Media Contemporary Learning for Physical Education Teachers 2024-02-19T06:47:07+00:00 Adi S Tommy Soenyoto Agus Darmawan Hermawan Pamot Raharjo Wahyu Arbanisa Immanuel Berli Septian Melinda Nur Aini Ngatinah <p><em>Teachers still need to gain an understanding of audio-visual-based learning media. How to make learning media, especially interactive videos. Teachers need to develop skills in creating and developing interactive learning videos that support learning activities. This training combines expository methods, demonstrations, and independent practice. This community service activity is carried out to provide training and experience through socialization and a direct approach to elementary school Physical Education teachers. This activity is carried out to increase teachers' knowledge and skills regarding learning media, in this case, interactive learning videos. Besides feeling the benefits of the action, the teachers hope there will be similar follow-up activities, such as training in making learning evaluations with google forms, training in making learning videos and optimizing the making of broadcast materials for learning materials.</em></p> 2024-02-19T04:05:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Basic Diving Training for Community Based Tourism (Pokdarwis) in Pandeglang District 2024-02-21T06:47:02+00:00 Arief Nuryadin Ayu Rahayu Yogi Andria <p><em>Pokdarwis is one of the spearheads of tourism which plays an important role in promoting tourist destinations and providing education related to these tourist destinations in the local area. The lack of knowledge and diving skills of Pokdarwis members, as well as the limited facilities and infrastructure that can be used to improve their diving skills is one of the reasons for the implementation of community service activities entitled Basic diving training for Community Based Tourism (Pokdarwis) in Pandeglang Regency. This activity uses the method of observation, interviews, training, and mentoring. This training activity was attended by 20 participants from the Pokdarwis of Pandeglang Regency. The results of this activity indicate that there are differences in the mean pretest and posttest scores, where the posttest score is greater than the pretest score. As many as 80% of the participants successfully carried out the SCUBA equipment installation procedure properly. 90% of participants were able to do the Giant Step Entry procedure well and 75% of the participants were able to do the Back Roll Entry procedure well. And finally, as many as 60% of the participants could do mask clearing well. </em></p> 2024-02-21T03:37:13+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat