GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat <p><strong>GANDRUNG:</strong> Merupakan Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang diterbitkan dengan periode dua kali setahun, yakni pada bulan Februari dan Juli. <strong>GANDRUNG</strong> <strong>"Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat"</strong> memuat kumpulan naskah hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam konteks bidang ilmu Pendidikan Olahraga, Kepelatihan Olahraga, Manajemen Olahraga, Sosialisasi Olahraga, Kesehatan Masyarakat serta bidang ilmu umum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</p> (Arya T Candra) (Danang Ari Santoso) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Efforts to Increase Digital Literacy in Class XII Students at Budi Agung Private Vocational School Medan <p>Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technology (ICT) effectively and critically. Digital literacy can involve the ability to find, evaluate, use and create information through various digital platforms. On this occasion, the focus was on increasing digital literacy for students in class XII of Budi Agung Private Vocational School, Medan. In this community service activity, face-to-face seminars and basic training are carried out for all students. Digital literacy can certainly provide benefits for students. The benefits that can be felt with digital literacy are that students can access various sources of information to support learning, help with assignments, teach students to evaluate the reliability and validity of online information sources which will also be useful as preparation for the world of work.</p> Nasib, Adi Harianto, Roni Juliansyah, Emma Novirsari, Tony Honkley, Martin, Ester Hervina Sihombing, Widy Hastuty HS, Ratih Amelia, Debora Tambunan Copyright (c) Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:46:56 +0000 Assistance on Laboratory Activities in Primary Schools Oriented to a Saintific Approach for Creative Primary Teachers Tempel Sukorejo Bojonegoro <p><em>The training program focuses on improving the quality of science teachers in elementary school members of the MGMP science teachers. The aim is to improve teachers' skills in designing inquiry laboratory activities in the form of Student Worksheets (LKS) for science subjects. Inquiry-based worksheets in elementary schools need to be developed because they support teachers and students in science laboratory activities. Increasing teachers' abilities in planning and implementing science laboratory activities is very important because teachers have a very important role in the success of laboratory activities. By utilizing the use of inquiry-based learning with worksheets among teachers, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on the quantity of science laboratory activities in elementary schools, foster a culture of teachers implementing an inquiry-based approach, and influence students to become skilled in science laboratory practice. This community service activity has been carried out in 3 stages, namely (1) Organizing inquiry modeling, (2) Designing inquiry laboratory activities and (3) Implementation of design results in simulation. The results obtained in real classes have a positive influence from students and teachers with the majority of students feeling guided and motivated by the existence of laboratory equipment that is tangible like the tools that are around </em></p> Agus Prasetya, Wuwuh Asri, Ani Anjarwati Copyright (c) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 07:26:26 +0000 Implementation of Healthy Lifestyle Through Rhythmic Gymnastics for Village Communities <p>The purpose of community service activities is to provide the village community with guidance on maintaining bodily health by adopting a healthy lifestyle through rhythmic gymnastics. Based on data from the Directorate General of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2022, the percentage of districts/cities promoting a healthy living movement in West Kalimantan province was 28.6%. This means that the figure has not yet reached the target of the community movement plan set at 40%. The methods provided include: (1) survey stages with partners, (2) coordination with the Village Chief and local tribal leaders, (3) implementation of healthy gymnastics socialization, (4) documentation and publication. The results of the community service (PKM) implementation are considered good and responsive, as conveyed by the PKM team that the enthusiasm of the villagers participating in the socialization of a healthy lifestyle through rhythmic gymnastics for the village community is high among both young and old age groups</p> Rio Wardhani, Iskandar, Stephani Yane, Awang Roni Effendi, Heri Rustanto, Idris Supriadi Copyright (c) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:18:58 +0000 Stepping Towards Economic Independence through Agricultural Tourism and Cultural Preservation in Pantai Labu District <p><em>Pantai Labu District in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, has high agricultural and cultural tourism potential. However, this potential has not been utilized optimally by the local community. This results in low levels of income and economic independence in the community. This community service activity aims to increase the economic independence of the community through the development of agricultural tourism and cultural preservation in Pantai Labu District. This activity is carried out using several methods, namely: (a) Socialization and training to the community regarding the development of agricultural tourism and cultural preservation. (b) Assistance in forming tourism awareness groups (pokdarwis). (c) Development of tourist infrastructure. (d) Promotion of tourism through various media.(e) This activity produced several results, namely: (a) Increasing community knowledge and skills regarding the development of agricultural tourism and cultural preservation. (b) Formation of pokdarwis in several villages in Pantai Labu District. (c) Improved tourist infrastructure in several locations. (d) The increasing number of tourists visiting Labu Beach District. This community service activity shows that the development of agricultural tourism and cultural preservation can increase the economic independence of the community in Pantai Labu District.</em></p> Adelina Lubis, Effendi Ihsan Effendi , Retna Astuti Kuswardani , Muhammad Akbar Siregar Copyright (c) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:30:55 +0000 Introduction of Open Journal System in the Framework of Supporting Scientific Publications for Physical Education Teachers Kuburaya District, West Kalimantan <p><em>One way to improve teacher professionalism is by encouraging teachers to write. The next step, once the writing is completed, is to publish it. Publishing before 2019 was still mostly done manually using printed journal books. Starting from 2019 until now, journals have begun to switch to online publishing. With online publishing, teachers automatically have to understand the procedures that apply in the open journal system (OJS) when sending articles. To bridge this need, Community Service is carried out so that teachers understand OJS which is now starting to become grounded. At least material on how to adjust templates, do submets, go through the process of review, copy editing, publishing and fees as a writer. This series of activities was given to teachers with the result that all teachers 100% understood the processes that occurred in the OJS journal.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rahmat Putra Perdana, Y. Touvan Juni Samodra, Maharani Gandasari, Ghana Firsta Yosika, Isti Dwi Puspita Wati, Eka Supriatna, Uray Gustian, Rubiyatno, Putra Sastaman Copyright (c) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:21:30 +0000 Optimizing Water Rescue and Rescue Swimming for Elementary School Physical Education Teachers <p>Permasalahan (1) Terdapat kasus tenggelam siswa pada saat pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di Kota Semarang (2) 90% Guru pendidikan jasmani di Gunungpati belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan menghadapi kecelakaan di lingkungan kolam renang (3) Guru perlu mengupgrade pengetahuan terkait <em>water rescue</em> yang menjadi kewajiban guru agar tidak mengalami kecelakaan pada saat mengajar pendidikan jasmani (4) 90% mitra belum pernah belajar water rescue dan renang penyelamatan. Meskipun mitra ada yang pernah melakukan <em>water rescue</em> dan renang penyelamatan namun kegiatan tersebut dilakukan pada saat matakuliah di perguruan tinggi. (5) 90% guru kesulitan pada saat ada siswa yang panik dikolam. (6) 100% Guru menyetujui diadakannya pengabdian ini. (7) Dalam satu tahun frekuensi materi renang maksimal dilakukan 1 kali ada yang tidak melakukan sama sekali. Metode penyampaian meliputi pelatihan kelas, demonstrasi, <em>case method</em> dan praktik lapangan langsung kolam renang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan 2 sesi: sesi pertama paparan pengetahuan terkait materi dan sesi kedua adalah praktek lapangan. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru (2) meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalam pembelajaran renang (3) guru mampu mencegah resiko kecelakaan di kolam renang (4) guru bisa melakukan renang penyelamatan. Kegiatan ini berlangsung lancar dan peserta aktif. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di kolam renang Universitas Negeri Semarang. &nbsp;Kegiatan dilaksanakan dua sesi. Sesi teori dan sesi praktek. Kegiatan diikuti oleh guru pendidikan jasmani Se Kecamatan Gunungpati.</p> Cahyo Yuwono, Bhayu Billiandri, Ayutisa Risqanada, Adi S Copyright (c) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:25:06 +0000 Strengthening the Financial Literacy of Semarang City Sports Patriots Through Financial Technology Sportpreneurship: Financially Healthy Great Athletes <p>Permasalahan 1) Banyaknya kasus atlet kota semarang yang tidak bisa mengelola keuangan di hari tua. 2) 90% hasil observasi literasi keuangan buruk. 3) 60% atlet menganggur setelah menjadi atlet. 4) Jangka waktu menjadi atlet tidak seumur hidup. 5) Atlet dihadapkan dengan ketidakpastian. Tujuan utama kegiatan ini (1) meningkatkan <em>financial literacy </em>patriot olaharaga kota semarang (2) meningkatkan kemampuan patriot olahraga dalam menyusun <em>financial planning </em>(3) membiasakan patriot olahraga dalam <em>Financial Technology Sportpreneurship</em> (5) menstimulus peserta untuk mengembangkan s<em>portpreneurship</em> sesuai cabang olahraga (6) membuat branding patriot olahraga melalui media sosial. Mitra adalah atlet dari KONI Kota Semarang yang telah mendapatkan prestasi dan bonus. Atlet dan pelatih ini mendapatkan edukasi dengan intensif selama 16 jam tatapmuka dan dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan selama 60 jam. 97% peserta mempunyai ide bisnis dan berwirausaha sesuai dengan kecabangan olahraga. 100% peserta mengungkapkan kebermanfaatan kegiatan ini. Tingkat pemahaman meningkat dari 48 menjadi 94, minat berinvestasi dari 55 meningkat menjadi 91, literasi keuangan meningkat dari 57 menjadi 96. Peserta senang dan mendapat pengetahuan baru setelah mengikuti pengabdian Masyarakat. Setelah kegiatan peserta mulai terstimulus untuk membuat bidang usaha dengan memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai promosi.</p> Tommy Soenyoto, Adi S, Amelia Choya Tia Rosalia, Agus Darmawan Copyright (c) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 15:29:56 +0000 The Training on Making Game-Based Learning Media with Quizizz Application for Teachers at SDN Banjaragung 1 Mojokerto <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The problem faced by teachers in teaching is still using less interesting learning media, such as sending documents, photos or videos containing learning material. This learning media makes students quickly bored. Moreover, students who are still at elementary school level are more interested in things that are game-based or that require students to participate in the process of understanding the material. One solution is to learn while playing or providing material using methods that are very popular with students at the elementary level. According to the results of observations about the problems that occurred at SD Negeri Banjaragung 1 Mojokerto, the researcher took an idea to conduct training in making game-based learning media. The Quizizz Application Helps All Teachers at Banjaragung 1 Mojokerto Elementary School. This is provided to provide guidance and training to teachers at SD Negeri Banjaragung 1 Mojokerto on how to create interesting and game-based learning media with the help of the Quiziiz application which can be operated via laptop or mobile phone. The result of this training activity is that teachers can create fun learning media through the Quizziz application well. Of the 13 participants who took part in this activity, all of them were able to apply the material presented by the service team in using the quizizz application.</p> Muhammad Saibani Wiyanto, Kahan Tony Hendrawan Copyright (c) Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:28:17 +0000 Basic Level Swimming Coach Training to Increase Knowledge of Coaching Beginner Swimmers <p><em>The presence of a coach in a swimming club or association is very important in the success of a swimming athlete. For this reason, coaches must be equipped with knowledge about the basics of training beginner swimmers, a coach must also have a clear voice, a good attitude and an authoritative appearance. The reality in the field is often different, even though trainers already have the criteria above, it turns out that when training they often experience several problems, including not giving the material correctly, looking pale, having an unclear voice, and/or shaking hands. Basic level swimming trainer training to increase participants' knowledge and skills in swimming training at district or city level. This activity is a form of community service. It is hoped that after swimming coach training, participants will not only have knowledge and practice, but also have legal skills in leading and training novice swimmers.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Zakaria Wahyu Hidayat, Aditya Harja Nenggar, Faisol Hamid Copyright (c) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 04:46:58 +0000 Improving the Arabic Language Competence of Madin Teachers in Purwojati District Using the Ta'riji Method <p><em>The Arabic competence of students in Indonesia is in the low category. The low proficiency in Arabic is due to various reasons, especially because the process of learning Arabic in Indonesia only focuses on certain competencies, not comprehensively. The Ta'riji method seeks to introduce a more comprehensive Arabic learning method and improve all aspects of Arabic language skills. Various discussions used in this method can be practically applied in everyday life. This method was introduced and taught to Madrasah Diniyah teachers in Purwojati District, Banyumas Regency. As a result, there was an increase in the Arabic language skills of students taught by madrasah diniyah teachers who had attended intensive Ta'riji Method training.</em></p> Sudiro, Laily Liddini Copyright (c) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 13:59:21 +0000 Ecoprint Training for MGMP High School Biology Teachers to Enrich P5 Activity Planning Skills in Merdeka Curriculum <p><em>The Merdeka Curriculum starts in the 2021/2022 school year, and in November 2022, 98% of schools in Banyuwangi Regency have implemented the Merdeka Curriculum. One of the components of the independent curriculum is a program called Program Profil Penguatan Pelajar Pancasila (P5). The P5 project requires teacher skills in filling out materials that refer to P5 competencies, so teachers need to upgrade themselves with various skills. This ecoprint training aims to enable high school biology teachers who are members of MGMP to develop and incorporate ecoprints into their learning process, especially for the P5 Project. Ecoprint training held in the multimedia laboratory and room B5, University of 17 August 1945 Banyuwangi. The training participants were 34 biology teachers who were members of MGMP Biology in Banyuwangi. The training participants enthusiastically participated in a series of activities, and actively practiced. The evaluation results of this training activity show that participants have gained additional experience and knowledge regarding the ecoprint technique. The training participants are committed to practicing it independently and transmitting this experience to students at the participants' home schools through the biology learning process and P5 independent curriculum activities.</em></p> Susintowati, Ifa Muhimmatin, Triana Kartika Santi, Iis Niā€™matul Jannah, Totok Hari Prasetiyo Copyright (c) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:08:30 +0000 Training the Leadership Style of Swimming Coaches in Improving Athlete Achievement <p>This devotion aims to improve the coach's ability to choose a leadership style to apply during the training process during his time as a coach. The method used is mentoring, the result of dedication to improve the coach's ability to choose a leadership style given by researchers by providing training on coach leadership styles to improve athlete achievement which aims to find out participants' responses about the importance of swimming coach leadership styles in improving athlete achievement. Therefore, from the results of this service, 87 % of participants' responses to training through the leadership style of swimming coaches in improving athletes' achievements are categorized as Good.&nbsp;</p> Rahayu Prasetiyo, Novita Nur Synthiawati, Arsika Yunarta, Achmed Zoki Copyright (c) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 07:31:56 +0000 Training on Using the Adobe Animate Application in Designing Learning Media for Junior High School Teacher <p>The use of technology such as Adobe Animate has brought a lot of variety to education, increasing the way of delivering material that is more interactive and interesting for students. This provides significant benefits for many people in enhancing their learning experience. This service activity aims to provide training to teachers and simulations to students regarding Adobe Animate. The method of implementing this service involves lectures, practice and direct interaction with teachers and class VIII students at one of the State Middle Schools in West Bandung Regency. The training was carried out through demos, question and answer sessions, and simulations involving 5 class VIII students. The results of this service show that the teachers succeeded in understanding the concepts and techniques of using Adobe Animate in learning. Through the training and simulations carried out, they show progress in implementing this technology in daily learning activities. On the other hand, the simulation results also show positive changes in students, where they begin to show increased skills and confidence in following the learning process with Adobe Animate. This application not only provides benefits for teachers in delivering material interactively, but also provides a more interesting and effective learning experience for students.</p> Astri Wahyuni, Zafrullah Zafrullah Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:46:38 +0000 Empowering SMKS Nusantara Banyuwangi Students through Canva Training to Improve Graphic Design Skills <p><em>Currently, the development of design technology is increasing. Graphic design is a crucial skill in today's digital era. The rapid growth of definitive design technology greatly influences community activities, especially among vocational school students. Canva is a graphic design application that is popular and easy to use. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of Canva training in improving the graphic design skills of SMKS Nusantara Banyuwangi students and to increase student's knowledge and experience regarding the use of the Canva application for SMKS Nusantara Banyuwangi students. This training uses a workshop method with a participatory approach and individual communication. This Canva training is specifically for students, where in this training, students create a motivational slogan and a poetry poster. Canva training shows high enthusiasm from students. This can be seen from the number of students who want to immediately apply the training results by making posters. Apart from that, this Canva graphic design training produces sound output for participants..</em></p> Defi Nurdiana Aprilia, Donny Setiawan, Galih Farhanto Copyright (c) Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:43:40 +0000 Introduction To Traditional Sports Among Generation Z <p>Traditional sports are one of Indonesia's treasures that were born from community games and have been preserved to this day. The aim of this community service is to introduce and provide descriptions of traditional sports, especially traditional sports of East Nusa Tenggara among generation Z. The method of service is practice and mentoring. Community service activities were carried out at Pasir Panjang Beach, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara. The implementation of service activities with the title introduction of traditional sports among generation Z was attended by 48 generation Z people with different educational backgrounds, knowledge, ages and playing abilities. Details 1). 39 people from high school and 8 from middle school. The service results show that knowledge about traditional sports is very low. This is based on the service results of 48 students, only 3 of whom knew quite well while 45 people did not know at all during the pretest. Then we carried out an introduction followed by a posttest which proved that there were significant changes, only 2 people still experienced problems playing. In this way, the service concludes that traditional sports must be carried out continuously and in stages to maintain the existence of traditional sports among generation Z. Generation Z really hopes that these activities will be carried out in the field of education, especially sports carrying out activities related to traditional sports</p> Carles Nyoman Wali, David R. E. Selan, Uly J. Riwu Kaho, Petrisia Anas Waluwandja, Gregorius G. Jado, Aplonia Atto Copyright (c) Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:13:10 +0000 The Optimization of Ecobrick Plastic Waste Into Chairs and Tables at Hamu Pangia Orphanage, East Sumba <p><em>The increase in plastic waste every year requires proactive action to address this problem. The right strategy to implement is reducing waste, reusing and recycling waste. A concrete step for this problem is the production of ecobrick products. The aim of this service is to increase public awareness, especially for the children of the Hamu Pangia Orphanage, towards ecobrick products. This is deemed necessary as a call to protect or care about the environment in order to create a clean and healthy environment. Ecobricks have a positive impact on orphanage children by optimizing plastic waste and making it an alternative source of income. This PkM is carried out through counseling in the form of lectures and direct practice in making chairs and tables with orphanage children. Ecobrick products made in the form of chairs and tables are very useful for orphanage children. In conclusion, the orphanage children understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment by sorting waste properly.</em></p> Aprito Kapenga Tanahomba, Putri Kalaway, Adriana Dillu, Yandri Ngongo Ghudi, Agustina Uru Bunggih, Yohana Ndjoeroemana, Vidriana Oktoviana Bano Copyright (c) Fri, 12 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Socialization of Sports Massage for Visitors of Pakui Park in Makassar City <p class="GanAbstractContent"><span lang="IN">This study investigates the impact of sport massage socialization on the knowledge and interest of visitors to Pakui Park in engaging in physical activity. A total of 100 visitors, comprising 50 men and 50 women, participated in this study. The results reveal that sport massage socialization significantly enhances the knowledge and interest of visitors to Pakui Park in participating in physical activity. Furthermore, the socialization of sport massage improves visitors' understanding of the benefits of sport massage in preventing injuries and enhancing physical performance. The findings suggest that sport massage socialization is an effective strategy for promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among visitors to Pakui Park. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on the role of sport massage in promoting physical activity and provides insights for policymakers, health professionals, and park administrators to develop targeted interventions aimed at encouraging visitors to engage in regular physical activity and adopt a healthy lifestyle.</span></p> M. Said Zainuddin, Arifuddin Usman, Awaluddin, Benny Badaru, M. Imran Hasanuddin Copyright (c) Mon, 15 Jul 2024 06:21:49 +0000 Training on Basic Dribbling Techniques for Basketball Players at the JBC Club <p>The aim of this service research is to provide an understanding of the basic techniques of basketball dribbling at the JBC basketball club in Jombang Regency. lack of understanding of the basic basketball dribbling techniques that underlie the implementation of community service research. The basic technique of dribbling is very important because the basic capital of the game of basketball is dribbling. Correct understanding of basic dribbling techniques will make the activity more effective and make players more quickly practice basketball dribbling movements, whereas incorrect understanding makes activities less effective and there are many mistakes in practicing basic dribbling techniques. The target of this program is the JBC basketball club players totaling 50 players. Meanwhile, this activity program provides basketball dribbling training, the methods used are: 1. Discussion with the players and showing videos of basic basketball dribbling techniques, 2. Dribbling practice on the field divided into several groups. From the results of the service implementation, many players were able to practice movements and various basic dribbling techniques well and correctly, providing good understanding and motivation made the enthusiasm of the players increase so that the service implementation could run smoothly according to the targets to be achieved.</p> Nurdian Ahmad, Yully Wahyu Sulistyo Copyright (c) Tue, 16 Jul 2024 03:07:19 +0000 Socialization and Creation of Entrepreneurial Products for Class XII Tritech Informatics Accounting Vocational School Medan <p>In the current era of globalization and information technology, entrepreneurship is an important key in developing one's potential and helping drive the economy at various levels of society. The Medan Tritech Informatics Vocational High School (SMK) Accounting as one of the vocational secondary education institutions plays a role in equipping its students with entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating, managing and developing a new venture or business, with the aim of generating profits. It involves various activities such as identifying business opportunities, developing product or service ideas, designing a business plan, gathering necessary resources (such as capital and labor), and managing day-to-day business operations.</p> Adi Harianto, Kuandi Chandra, M. Fakhrul Hirzi, Hamjah Arahman, Ahmad Rivai, Indra Budiman, Elyzabeth Wijaya, Agus Susanto, Mhd. Restu Razaq, Nasib Copyright (c) Wed, 17 Jul 2024 08:30:35 +0000 Socialization of Anti-Hoax Strategy for the Success of the 2024 Election in Desa Kesiman Petilan <p><em>General elections have become a worldwide phenomenon, where elections are the best way to ensure a peaceful transition of power </em><em>because elections are a big national party that includes all people who have been registered as permanent voters, during the preparation period there are often hoax news about campaigns. This is because people still cannot distinguish what is true and what is not. The purpose of this community service is to try to invite all generations to help provide Anti-Hoax Strategy Socialization in the success of the 2024 Kesiman Petilan Village Election.</em><em> The method used is an active participation method, especially socialization, socialization is a communication process carried out with active participation from two parties. This socialization provides an understanding to the people of Kesiman Petilan Village about the importance of conducting elections and reminds people to be more careful in using social media so as not to easily believe in hoax news. The results and conclusions of this socialization have made the public more aware of news spread on social media whose truth is not yet known, and the public has also become more participating in the 2024 election activities</em><em>.</em></p> Sri Indrawati, I Made Chandra Mandira Copyright (c) Tue, 23 Jul 2024 12:30:24 +0000 Developing the Physical Condition of Athletes Through the Prevention and Treatment of Sports Injuries <p><em>The prevention and treatment of injuries is a fundamental thing that every sports player must have, especially in developing physical condition, but what has happened to date is that prevention and </em><em>initial treatment of sports injuries has not been carried out properly and correctly. Good physical </em><em>condition can be achieved when an athlete has no complaints or injuries. Injuries can be treated by preventing and first treating sports injuries. Therefore, there is a need for dissemination regarding </em><em>prevention, one of which is through socialization and mentoring. The results of the service in the form of </em><em>socialization on the Development of Athletes' Physical Conditions Through the Prevention and </em><em>Management of Sports Injuries got good results where 100% of the participants consisting of 1 coach </em><em>and 27 athletes were very satisfied regarding the material presented, delivery of the material, </em><em>discussions</em><em> through question and answer sessions and mentoring at while practicing</em>. <em>The</em><em> participants felt they had gained additional insight and skills in preventing and first treating sports injuries.</em></p> Agung Dwi Darmawan, Titin Kuntum Mandalawati, Puri Ratna Kartini, Vevi Maritha, Arya T Candra Copyright (c) Wed, 31 Jul 2024 17:14:09 +0000 Financial Literacy Skills as an Effort to form Smart Character in Managing Finances in Karya Utama High School Students <p><em>Financial Literacy is knowledge, skills and beliefs that influence attitudes and behavior to improve the quality of decision making and financial management to achieve community welfare. Implementing financial education in order to increase public financial literacy is very necessary because based on a survey conducted by the OJK in 2022, the financial literacy index of the Indonesian population is 49.68 percent, an increase compared to 2013, 2016 and 2019 which were only 21.84 percent each. , 29.70 percent, and 38.03 percent. Service activities were carried out at Karya Utama Private High School Jl. Education No. 23 Marindal Satu, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra was held on May 20 2024. This activity is a form of socialization and special training for students of Karya Utama Private High School Jl. Education No. 23 Marindal Satu, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra so that they can have financial literacy skills as an effort to build intelligent character in managing finances in Karya Utama High School students.</em></p> Khana Saputri, Agustina, Ninta Katharina, Afriza Amir, Muhammad Agung Anggoro, Andre Fitriano Copyright (c) Wed, 07 Aug 2024 17:26:16 +0000 Creative and Innovative Digital Economy Training to Increase Income of SMA Karya Utama Students <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><em>The creative and innovative digital economy, fuelled by digital technology and the internet, offers numerous opportunities for individuals to increase their income. Shopee, a widely recognised e-commerce platform, effectively taps into this potential with its user-friendly services. SMA Karya Utama, a 22-student senior high school located at Jalan Pendidikan No. 23 Marindal Village, Patumbak District, has yet to fully comprehend the potential of e-commerce for entrepreneurship, as evidenced by the PKM team's survey. To bridge this gap, the PKM team aims to educate SMA Karya Utama students on the opportunities presented by the digital economy and how to utilise the Shopee app for sales. The PKM activity employed a variety of socialisation, demonstration, and practical methods to expose students to creative digital economy concepts and train them in the operational aspects of Shopee. The results of this activity included increased knowledge of the digital economy and practical skills in account creation, product uploading, store management, and marketing on Shopee. The training aimed to empower SMA Karya Utama students to increase their income, foster independence, and equip them to effectively face future economic challenges.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong><em> Digital Economy, Shopee, SMA Karya Utama, Student Income</em></p> Esther Praja Anggriany Panggabean, Winda Sri Astuti Doloksaribu, Maisara Batubara, Lidya Natalia Pasaribu, Mas Intan Purba, Kristi Endah Ndilosa Ginting, Fariza Fitria Copyright (c) Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:28:29 +0000 Training on Making Local Microorganisms (MOL) based on Mimosa Roots to Farmers Group in Jubung Village <p><em>Jubung Village is the largest soybean producer in Sukorambi District. Partners in this service are farmer groups in Jubung with the name of the Farmer Group "Tani Mulyo". This partner has the problem of soybean production that cannot increase and the high price of fertilizer. The solution offered to solve the problem is the use of local Microorganisms (MOLs). MOL is useful for increasing plant production and bio activators and fermentation of animal feed. Mimosa has the potential as an antimicrobial food pathogen. Mimosa root can speed up the process of absorption of nutrients and water, as well as remodel organic matter in the soil. The purpose of the service activity is to introduce the technology of making root MOL to supporting organic farming. The solutions provided will be divided into several activities, including socialization, counseling about the role of PGPR and MOL, soybean cultivation according to GAP, practices for making Root MOL, monitoring and evaluation. The results of the activity showed that the participants participated in the activity enthusiastically, as evidenced by the discussion that went well. The indicators of the success of making MOL are indicated by the characteristics of cloudy color and have a fermentation smell</em></p> Restiani Sih Harsanti, Indri Fariroh, Usmadi, Denna Eriani Munandar, Sundahri, Tioma Stephani Pakpahan, Firman Aritonang Copyright (c) Tue, 13 Aug 2024 03:38:51 +0000 Entrepreneurship Training and Mentoring for Sportswear Production at the Branch Leadership of LPM SMA Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Sambi Boyolali <p><em>The entrepreneurship training and mentoring initiative at PR IPM SMA Muhammadiyah PK Sambi Boyolali focuses on equipping members with essential skills in sportswear production and micro-business management. This program encompasses training in production techniques, business operations, and marketing strategies. The process is carefully structured, beginning with a thorough needs assessment, followed by a well-planned two-month program, and culminating in the development of educational materials aligned with a specialized Sports Entrepreneurship curriculum. Participants successfully produced themed sports jerseys and casual t-shirts, and also established a promising business unit within PR IPM SMA Muh. PK Sambi Boyolali. With its emphasis on sustainability, this initiative is poised to serve as a robust model for entrepreneurship development among students and other Muhammadiyah youth groups. Ongoing evaluations and adaptive program strategies are integral to ensuring the continued success and longevity of this endeavor.</em></p> Muhad Fatoni, Agus Susilo, Anugrah Nur W, Eko Sudarmanto, Vera Septi Sistiasih, Hanif Nugroho, Annisa Asy Syahidah, Muhammad Elka Fikri, Bangun Prihantara Utama, Fathimah Yaghfir Alifah, Wanda Safitri Copyright (c) Wed, 28 Aug 2024 05:10:07 +0000