Development of Trigona SP (Stingless Bee) Honey Bee Cultivation as an Alternative Economy in Urban Community (Urban Bee) at Kelurahan Kampung Baru Kecamatan Medan Maimun

  • Rafida Khairani Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Rahmat Alamsyah Harahap Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Kristi Endah Ndolisa Ginting Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Afriza Amir Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Khana Saputri Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Jarunjung Hutagaol Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Bee, Trigona SP, Alternative Economy


Increasing public awareness about the great benefits contained in honey has created new business fields for new producers and even old producers. Unstable economic conditions of course make everyone must have skills that can make additional sources of income a source of basic income if at any time laid off from work. This Community Service teaches the importance of honey and how to manage it so that it can be managed by the community in the yard so that it can become a source of income. people can receive information well so that it becomes knowledge and increases their skills.


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How to Cite
Khairani, R., Alamsyah Harahap, R., Endah Ndolisa Ginting, K., Amir, A., Saputri, K., & Hutagaol, J. (2023). Development of Trigona SP (Stingless Bee) Honey Bee Cultivation as an Alternative Economy in Urban Community (Urban Bee) at Kelurahan Kampung Baru Kecamatan Medan Maimun. GANDRUNG: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(1), 721-728.