Penilaian Tingkat Kerentanan Air Tanah terhadap Pencemaran dengan Menggunakan Metode DRASTIC di Kecamatan Jogoroto Kabupaten Jombang
There are more than 70 small tofu factories in the Jogoroto District, which generate a large amount of liquid waste
from tofu processing that has not been treated optimally. This certainly creates a potential for the waste to contaminate
groundwater in the Jogoroto District. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination can be conducted using
the DRASTIC method, which involves 7 parameters.In this study, there are 24 dug well points spread across the entire Jogoroto
District, which were monitored periodically over a 5-month period, from July 2023 to November 2023. Based on the resulting
groundwater vulnerability distribution map, laboratory tests on groundwater quality were carried out, using parameters from
the Minister of Health Regulation No. 2 of 2023 concerning clean water and the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 5 of
2014 on effluent quality standards.The study found that the DRASTIC index value during the research period ranged from 140
to 212, with three levels of vulnerability: moderate, high, and very high. The high vulnerability level dominated the study area.
However, based on the validation results, it was found that the groundwater quality in the Jogoroto District, Jombang Regency,
is not contaminated.
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