Word formation is the process to forming words by adding a few words, such as a prefix or a suffix or combining two different words and taking words from another language to get new word. This research discussed about types, meaning and most dominant word formation in script of Ford v Ferrari movie. This research based on George Yule (2020) theory of word formation which used 11 types, they are: borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, hypocorisms, backformation, conversion, coinage, acronyms, derivation and multiple process. This research was descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from scipt of Ford v Ferrari movie. The researcher found 203 words in script of Ford v Ferrari movie, in which they are categorized into 8 types of word formation. They are: 58 words of compounding, 39 words of derivation, 38 words of blending, 30 words of coinage, 21 word of acronyms, 8 words of borrowing, 8 words of clipping and 1 word of hypocorisms. From the 11 types according to George Yules theory, the researchers found 8 types out of them. Meanwhile, the 3 types are never found in the script. The most dominant word in the reserach is compounding.
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