Economic Improvement Through Othek Music in Kemiren Village

  • Miskawi
  • Mafan Tias Rizki Amalia
Keywords: Musik Otethek, Peningkatan, Ekonomi, Musik


Othek music is one of the cultures of the Osing people which is still preserved today. Othek's music was created because it started in the free time of the people who work as farmers. they brought home their crops and ground them into rice. Besides that, it is also a medium of entertainment at the time of celebration. othek which produces the sound "thek...thek..thek.." makes this the name attached to this art. This study aims to explain the history, development, economic development and the role of women in playing othek music.

 The theory used in this study is the function theory proposed by R. M Soedarsono. The theory is divided into primary functions and secondary functions. As for the object in This research is Othek Traditional Music in Kemiren Village, Banyuwangi Regency. Data obtained in this study is through observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data goes through validation and data analysis.

The function of the performing arts is in accordance with the function of Othek Traditional Music, namely Othek Traditional Music as a means of entertainment, Othek Traditional Music as presentation aesthetically, Othek Traditional Music as a binder of community solidarity, Othek Traditional Music as a medium of communication.

How to Cite
Miskawi, & Mafan Tias Rizki Amalia. (2024). Economic Improvement Through Othek Music in Kemiren Village. Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education, 6(1), 46-56. Retrieved from

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