Pengaruh Variasi Kekasaran Lubang Nozzle Dengan Campuran Bahan Bakar Pertalite dan Spiritus Terhadap Karakteristik Nyala Api

  • Muhammad Firmansyah Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
  • Ikhwanul Qiram Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
  • Gatut Rubiono Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi


The nozzle is a fluid flow spraying device to increase the velocity of the outflow. Differences in the
nozzle holes can affect the flow of fluid that comes out. The purpose of the study was to determine the
effect of variations in nozzle hole roughness with a mixture of pertalite and spiritus fuels on the
characteristics of the flame. In this research, experimentally using Nozzle Cutting Tip LPG M.02 with a
given treatment of threading roughness in the nozzle hole with a thread spacing of 0.5mm, 1mm, and
without treatment (Standard) while the fuel used is a mixture of Pertalite and Pertalite fuels. spirit with
a mixture of (75ml:75ml), (100ml:50ml), and (125ml:25ml), data collection includes the rate of fuel
consumption for 3 minutes, the temperature of the fire includes (bottom, middle, top fire) with a
distance of each measurement 20cm, height fire, cross-sectional area of fire and area based on the
color of the fire which is then to determine the characteristics of the fire produced in each variation
used. The results showed that the treatment of roughness of threading at the nozzle hole and the mixing
of fuel between Pertalite and Spiritus had an effect on the characteristics of the flame, where the
highest change in fire characteristics was in the variation of the 1mm threaded nozzle hole with the
percentage of the fuel mixture 125ml:25ml with an air flow pressure of 0.5 LPM. . It has a fuel
consumption rate of 9 ml/minute, fire temperature (below 776
C, middle 717
C, above 617
C), flame
height is 73.21cm, and blue flame area is 31.22cm2.
Keywords: Nozzle, Pertalite, Spiritus, Fire Characteristics

How to Cite
Firmansyah, M., Qiram , I., & Rubiono, G. (2021). Pengaruh Variasi Kekasaran Lubang Nozzle Dengan Campuran Bahan Bakar Pertalite dan Spiritus Terhadap Karakteristik Nyala Api. V-MAC (Virtual of Mechanical Engineering Article), 6(2), 57-60.