The Effect of Word Mapping Strategy on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is one of the foremost important components in learning language. Word mapping strategy is depiciting of changing relationship between and among words to encourage students studying English. The researcher used experimental method. The research was conducted at SMK PGRI Banyuputih from 10stAugust until 15thAugust 2018, in the academic year 2018/2019. The population of the research was tenth grade students at SMK PGRI Banyuputih. The samples were class X AK as the experimental class and class X TKJ as the control class. Both of them were consisted of 15 students. This research used quantitative approach with experiment design. The technique of collecting data used was a test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. Based on the result of the data analysis of T-test formula, it can be known the result of t-test was higher than the t table. That was 2,89 > 2,048. it show that there is an effect of word mapping strategy on the vocabulary mastery of the tenth grade students at SMK PGRI Banyuputih in academic year 2018/2019.
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