• Mohammad Zahri STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya
  • Subakir
Keywords: Teacher ability, Teaching Module, School Mover


This study's aim is to describe teachers' ability in developing teaching modules for implementing Kurikulum Merdeka. Teacher members of the learning committee at the 2nd batch of Elementary Schools in Bangkalan are the research subjects. Documentation in teaching modules form, observation, and in-depth interviews are used for data collection. As a result, it indicates teachers have carried out diagnostic assessments before compiling modules, covering reading ability, learning style, and academic level; as well as arranging learning activities that are differentiated in terms of processes, materials, and products based on students' characteristics and learning needs. The assessment type in tests and non-tests form, and language used meets the rules in well and correct language, in order to easily comprehend. In short, teachers have been able to compile teaching modules with complete elements, good criteria of modules, systematic presentation, acceptable language, and differentiated learning models and assessments with various detail for each teacher.For higher quality results, it is necessary to conduct research with a wider range of subjects and school levels.


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How to Cite
ZahriM., FuadH., & Subakir. (2023). KEMAMPUAN MENYUSUN MODUL AJAR GURU SD PADA SEKOLAH PENGGERAK DI KABUPATEN BANGKALAN. Transformasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Dan Matematika, 7(1), 93-106.