Dwi Journal Systems<p><strong>ISSN:2541-6804</strong><br>Lunar: Language and Art Journal, journal of Education and Literature study, published by English Educational Departement, Language and Art Faculty of PGRI University Banyuwangi since 2017. The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perpectives of English Education, English Education for young, English learning, literature analysis and all studies in the field of learning, education, curriculum and literature. As a scientific journal it’s served as a scholarly forum for the lecturers and education practitioners at the PGRI University of Banyuwangi. LUNAR, published twice a year in may and november, always places education and literature as the main focus of academic iquiry and invites any comprehensive observation of education and literatures practitioners to publish their paper for the shake of English educationa and literature development</p> ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODELS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING2025-01-08T05:51:30+00:00Arin Inayaharin.inayah90@gmail.comFariza Alvian Zulkarnainarin.inayah90@gmail.comNur<p>Problem-based learning is one of the innovative learning models that can provide active learning conditions. Problem Based Learning uses individual, group, and environmental intelligence to solve problems with the learning process. The purpose of this study was to analyze students' perceptions of problem-based learning model in English learning. This research used qualitative approach of survey type. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The data from questionnaire was analyzed by using Likert scale. Sampling technique using quota sample, selected 23 students from XII at MAU Nurul Iman. The data analysis determined based on 7 indicators, 1. Student perceptions in terms of student and teacher interaction are in the agree category with a percentage of 67%, 2. Student perceptions in terms of motivation / increasing student learning interest are in the strongly agree category with a percentage of 82%, 3. Student perceptions of competency in understanding course material are in the agree category with a percentage of 67%, 4. Student perceptions of critical, effective and efficient thinking competencies are in the agree category with a percentage of 65%, 5. Student perceptions of good time management competencies are in the strongly agree category with a percentage of 85%, 6. Student perceptions in terms of good student learning outcomes are in the strongly agree category with a percentage of 85%, 7. Student perceptions of the appropriateness of the application of learning models with subject characteristics are in a agree category with a percentage of 67%. All the percentage show that the categories of students’ perception in problem based learning models in english language learning is in “agree” categories.</p>2024-11-29T14:05:20+00:00Copyright (c) EFFECTIVENESS OF ENGLISH SINGSING YOUTUBE CHANNEL ON THE VOCABULARY MASTERY OF THE 2nd GRADE STUDENTS OF SDN KEPATIHAN BANYUWANGI2025-01-08T05:51:27+00:00Tri Mulyati Safranianing@gmail.comSutami Dwi<p>The use of Youtube app among young learners has become a phenomenon. Obviously, watching YouTube videos is not always a bad thing. If the teachers and the parents lead them on selective topic watched like on vocabulary topics, it will have a positive impact on kids’ vocabulary mastery. This research aims to investigate whether there is any effect of English Singsing YouTube channel on the vocabulary mastery of the 2nd grade students of SDN Kepatihan. The pre experimental research design was employed with 29 respondent of 2nd grade were involved. Multiple choice test is chosen for the data collecting method that consist 20 questions of concrete nouns for the test. For the data analysis is used t-test formula. The researcher found that there is enhancement on the post-test. The mean score was 61,72 in the pre-test and 87,06 in the post-test. The result of t-test is higher than t-table (12,87 > 1,70). The researcher concluded that there is significant effect of English Singsing YouTube Channel on the Vocabulary mastery of the 2nd grade students of SDN Kepatihan Banyuwangi.</p>2024-12-02T14:24:13+00:00Copyright (c) EFFECT OF BAMBOOZLE GAME ON VOCABULARY MASTERY OF THE FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SDN 3 KARANGEBENDO IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/20242025-01-08T05:51:24+00:00Abdul Halimhalimuci2021@gmail.comKhoirotun Nisahalim_sid@yahoo.comWiwin<p>English learning by games becomes a phenomenon. In this research game applied on teaching vocabulary mastery at SDN 3 Karangbendo. This research aims to investigate whether there is any effect of Bamboozle game for teaching vocabulary mastery in fifth grade students of SDN 3 Karangbendo. This research is quantitative research with the experimental research design. There are 14 respondents of fifth grade students in SDN 3 Karangbendo. Purposive sampling technique is used to choose the respondents. Multiple choice tests were chosen for the data collecting method that consist 20 questions of common nouns and verbs. For the data analysis used t-test formula. The researcher found that there is enhancement on the post-test. The mean score was 42.85 in the pre-test and 60.71 in the post-test. The result of t-test is higher than t-table (20.679 > 2.160). It can be concluded that there is significant effect of Bamboozle game for teaching vocabulary mastery in the fifth grade students of SDN 3 Karangbendo.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF THE VOCABULARY MASTERY IN IDENTIFYING PREFIX AND SUFFIX OF THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMK TELEKOMUNIKASI GENTENG2025-01-08T05:51:19+00:00Nur Hasibinhasibinnur@gmail.comLela Putri Fihdiyaputrilela351@gmail.comWulan<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>This research is a descriptive research about study of the vocabulary mastery in identifying prefix and suffix of the second grade students of SMK Telekomunikasi Genteng in the 2021/2022 academic year. The purpose of this research was to find the student’ ability in identifying vocabulary mastery in prefix and suffix. Students at SMK Telekomunikasi Genteng are the population. The researcher chose the second grade students of Teknik Transmisi Jaringan Department as the sample in this research. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. The instrument used in this research was a multiple choice test. The results showed that the students’ ability in identifying students’ vocabulary mastery in prefix is “good“, categorized with a total of 65,8. The results of students’ ability in identifying students’ vocabulary mastery in suffix is “average” categorized with a total 58,3. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that students at SMK Telekomunikasi, especially the second grade of Teknik Transmisi Jaringan Department, have a “good” category in prefix, it means the students have already understood about some prefix vocabularies. The majority of correct prefix vocabularies place at multiple choice test number 1,9,17 such as: Exchange, input, interconnect. Furthemore, the result of suffix is “average” category, it means the students less of understanding about suffix. The majority of correct suffix vocabularies at multiple choice test number 2 such as: communication.</p>2024-12-04T06:25:02+00:00Copyright (c) EFFECT OF TWO STAY-TWO STRAY TECHNIQUE ON SPEAKING ABILITY OF THE TENTH GRADERS AT MAU AL ANWARI IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 2025-01-08T05:51:11+00:00Wageyonowageyono252@gmail.comAli Nur Dzikriwageyono252@gmail.comNur<p>This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Two Stay-Two Stray technique in improving the speaking skills of tenth-grade students at MAU Al Anwari the academic year 2023-2024. Data were collected through pre-tests and post-tests to measure changes in students' speaking abilities after the application of the technique. Analysis revealed that most students achieved post-test scores within the 41-60 range, with an average post-test score of 52.38. The T-test analysis showed that the T-test value (13.650) was higher than the T-table value (2.086), indicating that the difference between pre-test and post-test scores was statistically significant. These findings suggest that the Two Stay-Two Stray technique has a significant impact on enhancing students' speaking abilities. The technique not only improved students' speaking skills but also provided a more enjoyable learning experience, supporting student motivation and engagement in the classroom. This result aligns with Warsono and Hariyanto's (2012) view that cooperative learning methods, such as Two Stay-Two Stray, enhance student participation and create a positive learning environment. The technique proved effective in facilitating peer interaction, allowing self-assessment, creative expression, and the development of interpersonal relationships, making it a valuable method for improving speaking skills in English language teaching.</p>2024-12-10T07:11:20+00:00Copyright (c) LOCAL CULTURE-BASED FABLES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS 2025-01-08T05:51:05+00:00Tri Mulyati Khotimahmulyati29@gmail.comWiwin<p>One of the most important aspects in the teaching and learning process is the material use. Therefore, the teachers must prepare the materials in such away that those will be interesting and not monotonous for students. The aim of this research is to develop fable reading materials based on local Banyuwangi culture for young learners at MI Nurul Karim Bangsring. This research follows the research procedure proposed by Sugiyono. The development stages covered potential and problems, designing, small group trial, and revision. The results of the research and development show that the product reaches very feasible level based on English teacher validation and students’ validation. Therefore, it can be concluded that fable reading materials based on local Banyuwangi culture can be used in teaching and learning activities in English language learning in class V at MI Nurul Karim Bangsring.</p>2024-12-10T07:13:38+00:00Copyright (c)