This study aimed to investigate the correlation between English language teachers’ competence in technology-assisted teaching and the English learning motivation of senior high school students in Buleleng Regency, Indonesia. The English teachers' competence, especially in conducting technology-assisted teaching and learning activity is a crucial aspect for ensuring a successful English language instruction. The present study analyzed the level of the English teachers’ competence in technology-assisted teaching from the students’ perspectives. This study also explored whether or not the students would be motivated by technology-assisted learning. The data were collected through surveys, interviews, and observations. The findings revealed that both teachers’s competence and the students’ motivation were categorized as high. This study also confirmed a positive correlation between teacher competence in technology-assisted teaching and student motivation. However, this correlation was at a moderate level suggesting that other factors might influence the students’ motivation. The results emphasize the importance of teachers enhancing their technology-assisted teaching skills to improve students' motivation to learn English.
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