This research investigated the students’ perspectives on using TikTok as a medium for learning English. This research article employed a qualitative research method with an inductive approach to explore the phenomenon of using the TikTok video as a tool for learning English. The respondents were 47 students of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Banyuwangi who are taking English subjects in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year from 4 study programs, namely D3 Nursing, D4 of Medical Laboratory Technology, Bachelor of Nursing, and Bachelor of Midwifery. The data collection used an observation sheet, a questionnaire, and an in-depth interview. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants to gather detailed insights into their motivations, experiences, and strategies for using TikTok videos for English acquisition. Thematic analysis techniques were used to identify patterns, themes, and categories that emerged regarding using TikTok videos. The results showed that students used TikTok for various language learning purposes, including improving listening, speaking, reading, writing, and pronunciation skills. Additionally, most students admit that TikTok helps them expand their vocabulary and understand grammatical structures in context. Despite challenges such as distraction from non-educational content and variations in the quality of educational content, many students recommend using TikTok for learning English. The research findings provide valuable insights into the specific language skills and components students focus on while using TiKTok for English learning.
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