Figurative language is a linguistic device that involves using words, phrases, or expressions beyond their literal or dictionary meanings. Figurative language is commonly used in song lyrics to enhance the depth, emotion, and impact of the song. The research aims to identify the use of hyperbole in the album "One Thing At A Time" by Morgan Wallen and to analyze the meaning of the hyperbole found in the songs. The data collection involves several steps, including listening to the songs, reading scripts, and categorizing hyperbolic expressions within the lyrics. The collected data was then analyzed descriptively using a qualitative method. The theory by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) was applied to identify the hyperbole in the song lyrics, and the theory by Leech (1981) was used to interpret the meaning. The results showed that there were ten data of hyperbole found in five songs by Morgan Wallen. The study highlighted the importance of the singer's use of hyperbole in the song, emphasizing how he can create powerful feelings and provide multiple levels of meaning that the listeners can relate to.
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