Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education <p>Proseding ini membahas tentang hasil penelitain dalam bidang pendidikan, sejarah, kerwarganegaraan, bimbingan dan konseling, dan ilmu terkait dibidang pendidikan dan humaniora.</p> Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan en-US Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education 2721-9836 PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH MATERI PERANG DUNIA KEDUA MELALUI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ALTERNATIF VIDEO GAME SERI MEDAL OF HONOR: EUROPEAN ASSAULT <p><em>Learning media is an important element in learning. No exception in learning history. Instructional media can not only assist teachers in conveying subject matter but can also assist students in understanding the material provided. One of the learning media that can be used in learning history is video game learning media. Video games themselves can be categorized as alternative learning media. The learning media that is the focus of this research is the Medal of Honor: European Assault video game series. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a library research approach or liberal research. Video game series Medal of Honor: European Assault can be used as an alternative history learning media on the material of the Second World War. Through the video game series Medal of Honor: European Assault, students can learn and experience various things directly, as well as experience the Second World War which is the background and setting of the video game played by game characters.</em></p> <p><em>Keyword: learning media, Second World War, video game learning media, Medal of Honor</em></p> Yusuf Budi Prasetya Santosa Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education 2023-02-07 2023-02-07 4 1 1 13 ADVOCATE THAT CONDUCT AS A PERMANENT LECTURER (CASE STUDY NO. 47/Pdt.SUS-PHI/2016/PN.Pdg) <p>In the phenomenon of multiple professions carried out by the legal profession bearers, there are also practitioners carrying the legal profession who carry out the profession as advocates, in fact they do concurrent professions as lecturers or teaching staff in a tertiary institution, either in the law faculty, notary master program or program other postgraduates. The holding of multiple positions or professions can also apply the other way around, meaning that the Lecturer also has concurrent professions as an Advocate. The holding of multiple positions or professions as an Advocate and also as a lecturer or teaching staff sometimes raises doubts about whether or not it is permissible to hold multiple positions as a lecturer or teaching staff and vice versa whether or not a lecturer may also double as an Advocate. This doubt has the potential to lead to a debate which sometimes leads to conditions of legal uncertainty. In this study, the authors used normative research or the library research method (library research). Legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data, can be called normative legal research or library research, in this case referring to Court decisions that have permanent legal force, namely Decision No: 47/Pdt.SUS-PHI/2016/ PN Pdg. By conducting this research, it is hoped that it can further straighten out views or opinions that the dual profession of a lecturer and an advocate is permissible or not certain based on the applicable positive law. From the results of the study it was concluded that lecturers who are also professional as advocates do not violate the provisions of the law and cannot be justified in laying off double-professional lecturers.</p> Arie Ramadhani Wageyono Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education 2023-02-07 2023-02-07 4 1 14 21 EDUCATION AS A FORM OF RESISTANCE KI HADJAR DEWANTARA TOWARDS OCCUPATION <p>Sekitar tahun 1596 ketika Cornelis de Houtman (Belanda) melabuhkan kapalnya di Banten, ketika itu pula dimulainya babak baru bagi sejarah Indonesia. Revolusi Industri yang terjadi di Eropa, jatuhnya kota Konstantinopel, serta semakin mahalnya rempah-rempah memaksa bangsa-bangsa Eropa berlayar ke tempat-tempat baru dimana terdapat banyak sumber daya alam. Gold, glory, gospel menjadi alasan logis bangsa Eropa untuk melakukan kolonialisme maupun Imperialisme. Dan Indonesia menjadi “wanita cantik” yang diperebutkan oleh negara-negara Eropa seperti Portugis, Spanyol, Perancis, Inggris, dan tak terkecuali Belanda.</p> <p>Dalam penelitian ini, proses heuristik diperoleh dari sumber-sumber primer maupun sekunder, artikel-artikel jurnal, dan buku. Sedangkan untuk tahap verifikasi dilakukan tiga tahap, yakni kesesuaian sumber, keaslian sumber, dan integritas sumber. Selanjutnya adalah tahap interpretasi, peneliti melakukan penguraian data fakta sejarah dan menyatukan fakta-fakta yang diperoleh. Setelah itu peneliti melakukan langkah yang terakhir, yakni penyajian dalam bentuk tulisan.</p> Bayu Ananto Wibowo Copyright (c) 2023 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education 4 1 22 28