Humanities: Teacher Training and Education2025-01-11T16:58:39+00:00Agus Mursidiprosidingseminarfkipuniba@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Proseding ini membahas tentang hasil penelitain dalam bidang pendidikan, sejarah, kerwarganegaraan, bimbingan dan konseling, dan ilmu terkait dibidang pendidikan dan humaniora.</p> “Implementasi Teori Behavior Respon Stres Pada Mahasiswa Baru Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling A 2022”2024-12-30T18:41:15+00:00Riva Setyo Watirivasetyowati08@gmail.comWazirotus Sakinahkikisakinah555@gmail.comFiryal Rifka Syahira rivasetyowati08@gmail.comAgus<p>Perbedaan proses pembelajaran antara sekolah menengah dengan perguruan tinggi menuntut mahasiswa baru untuk beradaptasi. Mahasiswa baru yang gagal dalam beradaptasi terhadap tuntutan di perkuliahan dapat mengalami stres. Stres merupakan suatu respon negatif yang disebabkan oleh tekanan yang dialami. Tujuan dari analisis artikel ini adalah untuk mengkaji perubahan perilaku Mahasiswa di Unviersitas PGRI Banyuwangi Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling 2022, dimana stres dapat menyebabkan rasa cemas pada mahasiswa baru. Analisis ini menggunakan meotde penelitian analitik kualitatif. Data analisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Jadi adanya layanan bimbingan dan konseling tentang respon stres pada mahasiswa baru yang mengarah pada hasil baru, diharapakan terjadinya perubahan yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui dapat diterapkan selama masa belajar atau bekerja dimana berbagai perubahan lingkungan sudah diketahui.</p>2024-12-30T18:41:15+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education KELAKUAN PENYIMPANGAN “KEHIDUPAN ANAK JALANAN DI BANYUWANGI” DARI TEORI BELAJAR SOSIAL ALBERT BANDURA2024-12-30T18:48:58+00:00Puji Astuticicipujiastuti09@gmail.comSyeha Haurah bawazierhaurah@gmail.comMelia avica putri melia.banyuwangi@gmail.comMike Wahyu Dita Aljannatinmikewahyudita17@gmail.comIstikomahistikomah7727@gmail.comAgus<p>Penelitian digunakan untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi penyebab remaja menjadi anak jalanan dan lebih memutuskan untuk berhenti bersekolah demi bekerja di jalanan. Penelitian ini, menggunakan metode kuantitatif kajian analisis literatur. Perilaku menyimpang remaja bisa terjadi akibat dari kurangnya pengawasan orangtua terhadap anaknya. Perilaku menyimpang banyak terjadi pada anak jalanan misalnya, mengikuti temannya yang menjadi pengamen dan memilih untuk berhenti dari sekolah. Terkadang, orangtua menjadi faktor penyebab seorang anak harus menjadi anak jalanan, contohnya untuk mencukupi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarganya. Hasil kajian dari beberapa artikel yang kami baca menunjukkan keberadaan anak jalanan disebabkan oleh kemiskinan, penyimpangan kepribadian, pengaruh lingkungan, dan pola asuh orang tua yang salah. Pada penelitian ini, menggunakan teori belajar sosial dari Albert Bandura untuk mengetahui permasalahan anak jalanan.</p>2024-12-30T18:48:58+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education PERILAKU LGBT DI BANYUWANGI DENGAN PENDEKATAN HUMANISTIK2024-12-30T19:07:24+00:00Hurum Hurum Maksurohhmaksuroh@gmail.comDwi Siti Yuliana hmaksuroh@gmail.comJasmineta Dinda Renata hmaksuroh@gmail.comPutri Intan N hmaksuroh@gmail.comYulia Hesti hmaksuroh@gmail.comAgus Mursidi,<p style="margin: 0px 0px 11px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 36pt;"><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; font-size: 12pt;">Hubungan manusia satu dengan manusia lainnya merupakan kegiatan penting dalam kehidupan karena manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang tidak bisa hidup sendiri, hubungan ini menyebakan terjadinya interaksi sosial yang saling berkaitan antara satu manusia dengan manusia lainnya. Interaksi sosial itu sendiri merupakan suatu pondasi dari hubungan yang berupa tindakan yang berdasarkan norma dan nilai sosial yang berlaku dan diterapkan di dalam masyarakat.. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk meresapi dan menganalisa baik yang verbal maupun non-verbal dari berbagai informan yang dibutuhkan. Sehingga, analisa data dapat lebih mendalam dan ditambahkan dengan triangulasi data dari para ahli. Dari hasil interview dengan berbagai informan maka dapat disimpulkanPerilaku LGBT jika kita bawa ke masyarakat manapun terlihat bahwa hal tersebut sangat bertentangan dengan normanorma yang ada di tengah tengah masyarakat kota Pekanbaru. Dengan kata lain LGBT tidak dapat diterima karena sangat merusak struktur sosial masyarakat. Terdapat kekeliruan dalam memahami Undang-Undang tentang HAM, hanya sekelopok kecil yang menyuarakan hak sabagai manusia namun mereka tidak melihat hak hidup sebagian besar yang menolak dan mersa terganggu dengan marakanya perilku LGBT tersebut. Ahli jiwa pun telah menyatakan secara keilmuan bahwa perilu LGBT adalah sebuah prilaku yang menyimpang dari kelumrahan atau naluri kemanusiaan. Adanya hubungan sejenis tentu sangat merendahkan peradaban manusia dibandingkan hewan. Jika kita ingin melihat dampak dari prilaku LGBT bagi peradaban masyarakat, tentu ini sangat merusak tatanan struktur sosial. Fitra kasih sayang seorang ibu dan anak akan musnah. Kemudian dapat dipastikan kelopok LGBT tidak akan bisa menambah keturunan melainkan hanya dengan penularan. Kata kunci : Prilaku, LGBT, Sosial</span><span lang="IN" style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; font-size: 12pt;">.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0px 0px 11px; text-align: justify;"><span style="margin: 0px; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; font-size: 12pt;"> </span></p>2024-12-30T19:07:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education PENDEKATAN PCT TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI TIKTOK OLEH ANAK USIA DINI (STUDI KASUS DUSUN NGANJUKAN-KARANGSARI)2024-12-30T19:19:21+00:00Erlita Aulia Alkhisasunartohadi08439@gmail.comSaskia Juniatuz Zuhroerlitaauliaalkhisa@gmail.comAriska Dwi Aprilianaerlitaauliaalkhisa@gmail.comHandariatul Masruroherlitaauliaalkhisa@gmail.comAgus<p>Tik Tok pada masa kini banyak diminati oleh anak usia dini, aplikasi ini menyuguhkan vidio yang berdurasi pendek. Perilaku <em>addiction</em> (kecanduan) adalah keadaan individu yang menggunakan gadget. Dengan demkian peneliti meyakini behwa kuisioner yang diberikan kepada responden dapat diisi sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada di Dusun Nganjukan-Karangsari serta penelitian yang dilakukan dapat benar-benar representatif. Penelitian ini ditujukan kepada orangtua yang memiliki anak usia dini (usia 2-4 tahun) di Dusun Nganjukan-Karangsari sebagai subjek penelitian. Dari hasil penelitian dengan kuisioner yang telah di sebarkan menunjukkan data sebagai berikut. Dari data tersebut dapat di ketahui bahwa jumlah anak usia dini di Dusun Nganjukan-Karangsari terdapat kurang lebih 20% anak yang kecanduan aplikasi tiktok dengan indikasi parah, 50% anak terindikasi sedang, dan 30% anak tidak sama sekali menggunakan aplikasi tiktok. Dengan adanya hasil penyebaran kuisioner yang telah didapatkan maka anak yang terindikasi aplikasi tiktok dapat di kendalikan menggunakan pendekatan PCT yaitu dengan cara mengalihkan perhatian anak usia dini tersebut dari aplikasi tiktok, seperti bermain lato-lato, menonton TV dengan animasi kartun, bermain masak-masakan, dan lain-lain..Dari pendekatan tersebut dihasilkan data sebagai berikut.Dari data tersebut diketahui jumlah anak yang berhasil dengan pedekatan PCT adalah 67% atau kurang lebih 4 anak, dan 33% anak tetap mengalami kecanduan aplikasi tiktok. Maka dapat diketahui bahwa dengan pendekatan PCT dapat menanggulangi anak usia dini yang mengalami kecanduan aplikasi tiktok di Dusun Nganjukan-Karangsari.</p>2024-12-30T19:19:20+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Behavior untuk Memberikan Pemahaman Keselamatan Kerja Masyarakat Pencari Kerang di Pulau Santen Karangrejo2024-12-30T19:33:29+00:00Ni kadek Ayu Padmasariayupadmasari12@gmail.comDwi Lintang Kurniawatiayupadmasari12@gmail.comLuluk Rifqiyah Wardhotul Umamiayupadmasari12@gmail.comTiara Fitri Handrianitiarafh0412@gmail.comNuril Istiqomahayupadmasari12@gmail.comSintia Eka Putri Maulidyaayupadmasari12@gmail.comDhyanita Octavianidhynitaoctviani@gmail.comAgus<p>Masyarakat di daerah pesisir memiliki sebuah mata pencaharian atau pekerjaan yang biasa mereka lakukan salah satunya adalah mencari kerang. Saat mereka merendam diri di air payau selama mencari kerang dengan hanya sepatu boots, hal itu menyebabkan timbulnya beberapa penyakit pada kulit pekerja salah satunya adalah penyakit kutu air. Walau hal tersebut merupakan pekerjaan yang cukup beresiko tinggi terhadap kesehatan, tetapi mereka tetap bersikeras untuk melakukan hal itu sebagai mata pencaharian. Selain itu problem sampah juga menjadi hal yang membuat pemandangan eksotis wisata ini ternodai, sebagai perkampungan yang terletak di muara sungai dan ditepi laut membawa sampah dengan sendirinya ke pulau ini. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomologi, data diperoleh melalui metode observasii partispasi dengan teknik rekam dan catat</p>2024-12-30T19:33:29+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Origin And Development Of Pecel Pitik Traditional Food In The Period 1990-20202024-12-30T19:41:01+00:00Dhalia SoetopoAdindapermatahati08@gmail.comAdinda<p>Banyuwangi Regency, Six years ago was just a small regency in a corner of East Java. The image that was attached used to be an area to find shamans, in addition to the place of crossing to Bali. Now the bad image has faded and the name Banyuwangi is increasingly famous for its stunning tourist and cultural destinations, for example, Ijen Crater and Red Island Beach which are the prima donnas of natural tourism, not only its natural potential but also its cultural potential as well as the Osing tribe which has a variety of customs and cultures. According to A. Yoeti in his book "Introduction to the Science of Tourism" in 1985 stated that tourist attraction or "tourist attraction", a term that is more often used, namely everything that is an attraction for people to visit a certain area.3 The population of Banyuwangi is quite diverse. The majority are Osing Tribes, but there are Madurese tribes (Muncar, Wongsorejo, Kalipuro, Glenmore and Kalibaru districts) and Javanese tribes which are quite significant, and there are minorities of Balinese tribes, Mandar tribes, and Bugis tribes. ( Moh. Syaiful, Ampri Bayu S. 2015)<br>The Osing tribe is a native population in Banyuwangi regency and is considered a sub-tribe of the Javanese tribe. They use Osing which is known as one of the oldest varieties of Javanese. Osing Many people inhabit in Glagah, Licin, Songgon, Kabat, Rogojampi, Giri, Kalipuro, Kota districts as well as a small part in other districts. Most of the Osing people in Banyuwangi today live in 9 sub-districts out of 24 sub-districts in Banyuwangi.</p>2024-12-30T19:41:01+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Improvement Through Othek Music in Kemiren Village2024-12-30T19:47:21+00:00Miskawimafantyasrizkia25@gmail.comMafan Tias Rizki<p><em>Othek music is one of the cultures of the Osing people which is still preserved today. Othek's music was created because it started in the free time of the people who work as farmers. they brought home their crops and ground them into rice. Besides that, it is also a medium of entertainment at the time of celebration. othek which produces the sound "thek...thek..thek.." makes this the name attached to this art. This study aims to explain the history, development, economic development and the role of women in playing othek music.</em></p> <p><em> The theory used in this study is the function theory proposed by R. M Soedarsono. The theory is divided into primary functions and secondary functions. As for the object in This research is Othek Traditional Music in Kemiren Village, Banyuwangi Regency. Data obtained in this study is through observation, interviews and documentation. Then the data goes through validation and data analysis.</em></p> <p><em>The function of the performing arts is in accordance with the function of Othek Traditional Music, namely Othek Traditional Music as a means of entertainment, Othek Traditional Music as presentation aesthetically, Othek Traditional Music as a binder of community solidarity, Othek Traditional Music as a medium of communication.</em></p>2024-12-30T19:47:21+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Existence of Pesantren Salaf and Contribution in Shaping the Character of Santri (2011-2022)2025-01-11T15:44:31+00:00Hervina Nurullita kholil.sobri99@gmail.comMohammad<p><em>Pondok Pesantren is an Islamic education system equipped with dormitory facilities as a place for students to live. Pondok Pesantren is also one of the traditional educational institutions that studies Islamic religious sciences as its main study and applies it as a daily charity. In accordance with its understanding, Pesantren aims to grow personality and shape the character of students to be better, have a charitable character, and be supported by various kinds of knowledge. Armed with this explanation, students who graduate from Islamic boarding schools are ready to adapt to scientific developments and are ready to face social life side by side with the community</em></p>2025-01-11T15:44:30+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Of Traditional Medicine Sangkal Puthung In Era 4.0 In Patoman Village, Blimbingsari District As A Form Of Local Wisdom2025-01-11T15:55:18+00:00Nuril Miftah Maulidyanurilmmaulidya09@gmail.comMiskawi,<p>Patoman Village is one of the villages located in Banyuwangi Regency , East Java. In this village, the residents of the surrounding community still maintain local wisdom in their daily lives. One example of efforts to preserve this local wisdom in the medical world as an alternative medicine. <br> One of the alternative treatments that will be discussed in this study is the treatment of Sangkal Putung fractures. Sangkal Putung is an alternative medicine that seeks the restoration of abnormal movement function due to fractures or the like. In Patoman Village itself, Sangkal Putung is managed by a family that has been passed down for a long time. <br>Sangkal Putung as one of the local wisdom in the field of medicine which until now is still maintained and in demand by the surrounding community. Sangkal Putung is still considered effective in handling fractures and scalding of the joints due to minor accidents. Patoman Village makes Sangkal Putung as a livelihood and on the other hand as preserving the cultural heritage of previous ancestors. <br>In the modern era 4.0 in today's era , there are some people who do not trust alternative medicine such as Sangkal Putung. This is because until now the medical world and science continue to do their best to treat fracture conditions. And also Sangkal Putung is considered as an ancient way that is not necessarily his success in efforts to treat fractures in the treatment.</p>2025-01-11T15:55:18+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Existence Of Traditional Medicine For Baby Massage Shamans In Banyuwangi Regency In 2006-20222025-01-11T16:04:48+00:00Teguh Ilham Pribaditeguhwijaya138@gmail.comHervina Nurullita<p>Banyuwangi is a regency in East Java Province, located at the eastern tip of Java Island. Banyuwangi Regency is bordered by Situbondo Regency in the north, Bali Strait in the east, Indian Ocean in the south and Jember Regency and Bondowoso Regency in the west. Ketapang Port connects Java Island with Gilimanuk Port in Bali. Banyuwangi is the largest district in East Java. Its area is 5,782.50 km. Its territory is quite diverse, from lowlands to mountains. The Banyuwangi area is bordered by Bondowoso Regency, there is a series of Ijen Plateau with peaks of Mount Raung (3,282 m) and Mount Merapi (2,800 m), both of which are active volcanoes. The southern part has plantations, relics from the time of the Dutch East Indies. On the border with the southern Jember Regency, it is a conservation area that is now protected in a nature reserve, namely Meru Betiri National Park. Sukamade Beach is a turtle development area. The Blambangan Peninsula also has a nature reserve, namely Alas Purwo National Park (Central Statistics Agency Kabupaten Banyuwangi, 2013). Banyuwangi Regency besides being famous for its culture, tourism, and natural beauty, it turns out that this regency also still has traditions that are still maintained from the past until now. According to the KBBI (2000:1208), tradition is a custom of descending from ancestors that is still carried out by the community. According to Shils (in Sztompka (2008: 70), tradition means everything that is channeled from the past to the present.</p>2025-01-11T16:04:48+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Subordinate Kebaya Year 1990-20222025-01-11T16:18:34+00:00Tina YesikaTinayesika123@gmail.comDhalia<p>Discussing clothing and women is like exposing a relationship rich in meaning.</p> <p>Clothes exist because the body needs. The body will be meaningless without clothes attached to it. The body in this case is the female body. Underwear in this case is the clothes needed by women. Clothing and body are a unit as quoted from Wilson in Hollows (2010), " disembodied clothing is not clothing". The body needs clothing as a protective equipment from all weather while the clothes are worn by the body to communicate itself and its relationship with society. According to Eicher (2000), clothing becomes an effective communication system in representing personal and social and cultural identities, also analyzed as the largest part of the configuration of human behavior in a specific time and place so that culture and cultural diversity contribute anthropologically in analyzing the meaning of dress. What clothes we decide to wear and not wear, appropriate or not, are the result of learning from the culture we receive in the society in which we live. Discussing clothing and women is related to an identity that represents the culture of a country and nation, then the context is in an ideological discourse that is in identity politics by elevating women dressed in national attire. To quote Desmond Morris in Barnard (2009), clothing is a cultural display that communicates the cultural affiliation of the wearer. In other words, clothing can show a person's national and cultural identity. </p>2025-01-11T16:18:34+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education Film "Grave of the Fireflies" (1988) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Dengan tema Sejarah Perang Dunia II2025-01-11T16:38:09+00:00Tofan Priananda Adinataumam.meliodas@gmail.comMiskawiumam.meliodas@gmail.comFaizul<p>The objectives of this research are (1) To analyze the students' views before and after showing the film Grave of the Fireflies in learning the history of World War II. (2) To find out the benefits of using the film Grave of the Fireflies in learning history. There are several reasons why films can be used as a source for learning history, 1) because films are general and everyone knows them 2) films are easier to understand 3) the stories tend to emphasize life more daily. Films can also help students grasp lessons more quickly compared to just reading books, therefore the film Grave of the Fireflies is a film that contains a lot of values can be used learning material, not only learning history but also other learning such as characters, morals and so on. There are many films that contain messages in them, both past and present films that can be benefited from and various kinds of learning, including the anime Grave of the Fireflies which will be studied.</p>2025-01-11T16:38:08+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education's Kebaya Fashion 90s Until Now2025-01-11T16:46:24+00:00Atim Hariyadiekaselvi58@gmail.comSelvi Eka<p>Kebaya is a type of upper garment traditionally worn by Southeast Asian women. In Indonesia, the use of kebaya has been worn by women for a long time. The existence of kebaya as a trend of sanitary napkins for the appearance of Indonesian women is something that is indisputable. That reality can be seen from the track record of never-ending past searches. More interestingly, the existence of the kebaya trend is influenced by many external factors, such as politics which is able to provide a breath of fresh air of change from the times. As during the political upheaval of the 1998 reform period, it has been able to bring about the impact of change. After the 1998 Reformation that hit the democratic system in Indonesia, it has been able to bring about major changes on Indonesian society and the culture it produces. Kebaya as one of the cultural products of Indonesian women's clothing has experienced a significant development in form, function, and meaning.</p>2025-01-11T16:46:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education's Beliefs About Traditional Herbal Medicine In Lieu of Medicines2025-01-11T16:58:39+00:00Abdul Shomadrismapermataa@gmail.comRisma Intan Permatasarishomadabdul26@gmail.comAgus<p>Indonesia is rich in rich traditions, both written traditions and traditions handed down orally. This indicates that since ancient times, Indonesian people have known science based on their daily experiences. Traditional herbal medicine is medicine that has been processed traditionally, passed down from generation to generation, based on recipes from ancestors, customs, beliefs or local habits, both magical and traditional knowledge. According to current research, traditional medicines are indeed beneficial for health and are currently being used quite intensively because they are more accessible to the public, both in terms of price and availability.</p> <p> Consuming herbal medicine is very closely related to the local traditions of the Indonesian nation. There are some people who are very dependent on herbal medicine. The assumption is that without herbal medicine, the body will feel lethargic and achy so that herbal medicine is routinely consumed every day. Traditional herbal medicine is usually used for herbal medicine or the result of concocting ingredients that come from nature and have health benefits. Herbal medicine does not only function as medicine but also functions to maintain body fitness and prevent disease.</p>2025-01-11T16:58:39+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education