Implementation Of Traditional Medicine Sangkal Puthung In Era 4.0 In Patoman Village, Blimbingsari District As A Form Of Local Wisdom

  • Nuril Miftah Maulidya
  • Miskawi, M.Pd
Keywords: sangkal putung, pengobatan tradisional, era 40-an, terapi tradisional


Patoman Village  is one of  the  villages located in  Banyuwangi Regency  , East Java. In  this village, the  residents of the surrounding community still maintain local wisdom in their daily lives. One  example of efforts to preserve this local wisdom in the  medical world  as an alternative medicine.            
 One of the  alternative treatments that will be discussed in this study is the  treatment of  Sangkal Putung fractures.    Sangkal Putung is an alternative medicine that seeks the  restoration of abnormal  movement function due to fractures  or the like.  In  Patoman Village itself, Sangkal Putung is managed by  a family that has been passed down for a long time.          
Sangkal Putung as one of the  local wisdom in the field of  medicine which until now  is  still maintained and in demand by  the  surrounding community.    Sangkal Putung is still  considered effective in handling fractures and scalding of  the joints due to minor accidents.    Patoman Village makes Sangkal Putung as  a livelihood and on the  other   hand as preserving the  cultural heritage  of previous ancestors. 
In the modern era 4.0 in today's era  , there are some people who do not trust alternative medicine such as Sangkal Putung. This is because until now  the medical world and science continue to  do their best  to treat fracture  conditions. And also Sangkal Putung is considered as an  ancient way that is not necessarily his success  in  efforts to treat fractures  in  the treatment.

How to Cite
Nuril Miftah Maulidya, & Miskawi, M.Pd. (2025). Implementation Of Traditional Medicine Sangkal Puthung In Era 4.0 In Patoman Village, Blimbingsari District As A Form Of Local Wisdom. Proceeding Humanities: Teacher Training and Education, 6(1), 71-75. Retrieved from