Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment <p style="text-align: justify;">JEEE is a Scientific Journal of the Departement of Engineering that accepts scientific articles from experts and researchers from both industry and academia. JEEE is a research journal that accepts scientific articles from experts and researchers from both industry and academia.&nbsp; Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment is a periodical journal published twice a year in <strong> May and December</strong> which contains various articles in the form of research, systematic reviews, and case studies with a focus on industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering, and engineering education as well as related topics.</p> en-US (Ratna Mustika Yasi) (Adi Mulyadi) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Identification of Coconut Fiber Length on REM Pad Characteristics <p>The need for automotive material products will increase with the increasing variety of types, brands and needs for the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia. The more uncertain the economic conditions in Indonesia, the higher the drive to produce automotive material products that are economical, of good quality and acceptable to the market, one of which is from coco fiber. This study aims to obtain the effect of the type and ratio of a mixture of coconut coir and aluminum powder on the characteristics of the brake pads. Prior to data collection, the brake pads are affixed to the stamp pad. Data collection was carried out by swiping the test object (brake pads) on sandpaper number 40, 150, and 320. Where the brake pads were loaded with 1 kg. as a result of testing provides that use coconut coir fiber which has more composition results in longer and wider strokes</p> Mochamad Rofiqi, Anas Mukhtar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mechanical Strength Analysis of Composite Boards Made from Sengon Buto (Enterolobium Cyclorobium) <p>The amount of sawdust in sengon is abundant, so it is necessary to reduce the proportion of sawdust in sengon. This research aims to utilize sawdust and bark of buto sengon. The research was carried out experimentally, where variations in particle size were mixed with adhesive and given a pressure of 1 ton. Mechanical test is carried out by giving a loading of 50; 100; and 150 grams. The test results show that the use of sengon bark powder provides a better load-bearing ability than sengon stems.</p> Anas Mukhtar, Gatut Rubiono Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Fri, 31 May 2024 08:45:13 +0000 Analysis of Water Discharge and Draining Time for Pump Types in Ship Leakage Draining Systems <p class="JSATAbstract"><span lang="IN">Ship accidents due to cracks and leaks in the ship's hull are closely related to the flow of water entering the ship's hull. A ship's pump system plays an important role in removing water from a ship, but pump failure can result in the accumulated water not being able to be drained immediately which can result in increased water pressure and the potential sinking of the ship. This research used a trial method with a fiberglass ship prototype that was provided with a 3mm leak hole, using four different types of pumps and testing was carried out in a water-filled tub. Based on the results of the research carried out, it can be concluded that the water discharge of pumps 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively is 0.0000261, 0.0000251,: 0.0000326, and 0.0000566 liters/second. The power of pump 4 is more effective in draining water volume resulting in less draining time compared to the other three pumps .</span></p> Viky Ananta, Ratna Mustika Yasi, Charis Fathul Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Thu, 06 Jun 2024 08:13:54 +0000 Fruit Sorting System for Oranges Based on Size and Color Using Fuzzy Logic <p><em>Along with advances in technology, the use of human labor in managing agricultural products is decreasing because it has been replaced by robots. Robots perform better than human workers who have emotions and need time to rest. This can cause errors when sorting fruit due to lack of concentration caused by fatigue. The large harvest of oranges takes a long time to sort them, starting from color, size, weight, and price, before they are marketed. To make it easier for farmers to sort their harvest from orange fruit, this research was created titled "Citrus Fruit Sorting System Based on Size and Color Based on Fuzzy Logic." The sorting system based on color and size that will be made has the advantage that the fruit being sorted is more varied because it is equipped with fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic allows membership values between 0 and 1, levels of gray as well as black and white, and in linguistic form, uncertain concepts such as "a little," "fairly," and "very." Apart from that, the system is made more human-friendly because the rule base is created by humans. The sorting tool that was made to be controlled using an Arduino UNO board with the help of Arduino IDE software managed to obtain a success rate of 62.5% for the low and medium-quality classes and a success rate of 87.5% for the high-quality class with an overall average success rate of 70.8 %.</em></p> Ali Rizal Chaidir, Panji Eka Prasetya, Arizal Mujibtamala Nanda Imron, Immawan Wicaksono, Guido Dias Kalandro, Gramandha Wega Intyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:18:49 +0000 Genshin Impact Game Character Selection Using Weighted Product <p><em>The recurring problem among Genshin Impact players in choosing characters, especially for new players, is a common issue. Therefore, this study aims to develop a decision support system to assist players in selecting characters using the weighted product method. The study was conducted by collecting data on the available characters in Genshin Impact and evaluating relevant criteria such as character rarity, role, weapon, and element. There are 52 characters or alternatives used in this study. The weighted product method was used to determine the relative weights of each criterion and then used to calculate the value of each character. In conclusion, the implementation of the weighted product method has been successfully carried out based on the three main steps, which are determining the weight of criteria, normalizing alternatives, and determining the preference of each alternative</em>. <em>From the results of the system testing that has been conducted by 25 users, a percentage of 84% was obtained based on user satisfaction with the decision support system for character selection in the Genshin Impact game. 9 respondents chose the option "strongly agree" and the remaining 16 chose the option "agree", indicating that the system is satisfactory for what the users want.</em></p> Sulton Mubarok, Zilvanhisna Emka Fitri, Arizal Mujibtamala Nanda Imron Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Sat, 15 Jun 2024 02:49:27 +0000 Application of Computer Vision for Digital Encyclopedia of Chili Varieties (Capsicum spp.) <p><em>Chili is a vegetable commodity that has high economic value so that its production always increases every year. Several types of chilies are cultivated in Indonesia, namely cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens), curly red chili (Capsicum annuum L. var. longum), large red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) and paprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum). Indonesia is a country that continues to develop innovation to produce many superior varieties, especially chilli plants. The problem arises that variations of other superior chili varieties can only be accessed through the official website of the ministry of agriculture, however, the data that can be accessed is limited (in the form of descriptions of chili varieties without physical appearance such as photos) so that it is quite difficult for the community and farmers to cultivate or utilize these varieties. This made researchers develop a digital encyclopedia of chili types using computer vision. This study uses a combination of digital image processing and intelligent systems. The image processing used is preprocessing such as cropping and splitting of RGB components, image segmentation and shape feature extraction. The features used are area, perimeter, major axis length, minor axis length and eccentricity. This feature is the input of the Naïve Bayes method which produces a system accuracy rate of 92%.</em></p> Muhammad Viqih Zamzami, Zilvanhisna Emka Fitri, Abdul Madjid, Arizal Mujibtamana Nanda Imron Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Engineering and Environment Wed, 19 Jun 2024 02:59:55 +0000